Fort Snelling

Fort snelling - A Summary for Kids

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Fort Snelling

This is a map of the United States after the Revolutionary War

(about 200 years ago)

Future Fort Snelling

The Louisiana Purchase(the USA bought this land from France)

The US government set up forts in theNorthwest frontier to help control the

Indians and the white settlers

Fort Snelling was completed in 1825 and was named after Colonial Josiah Snellingwho was in charge of the fort. The fort was built at the connection of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers. The officers and soldiers who lived there made roads, built sawmills, and planted vegetables, wheat, and corn. They also cut hay for their livestock. They helped enforced the laws of the young United States.

1825-1855Dakota and OjibweIndians gathered at the fort to trade, argue about government policy, and perform dances and sports. Traders stopped at the fort while their goods were inspected. Fur companies were built nearby.

1858 – Minnesota became a state

Plans were made to make Fort Snelling into a city. The Civil War started and the plans were abandoned. Instead, Fort Snelling became a training center for volunteers who joined the union Army.

1898Officers from Fort Snellingserved in the Spanish-American War.

World War IIFort Snelling was used to process and train soldiers. After World War II ended Fort Snelling was closed and turned over to the Veteran’s Administration.

1960Fort Snelling became Minnesota’s first National Historic Landmark.

The fort was rebuilt.

Guides are dressed up in costumes to show the way of life during the pioneer days.

1. Round Tower2. North Battery3. Half Moon Battery4. South Battery5. Shops6. Gatehouse7. Guardhouse8. Powder Magazine9. Well10. Sutler Store11. Stone Barracks12. Wood Barracks13. Commanding Officers’ Qtrs14. Officers’ Quarters15. Commissary16. Hospital17. Schoolhouse18. Gun Shed

Lay-out of Fort Snelling

Round Tower

North Battery, also known as the Pentagonal Tower

South Battery

Half-Moon Battery

Gatehouse - Main port of Fort Snelling

This well is excavatedthrough 20 feet of limestone

The Powder Magazine held 1000 lbs of gunpowder


Officers Quarters

Commissary - Food and equipment warehouse

Shed - field artillery and wheeled vehicles were housed here

Sutler Store

Soldiers sleeping quarters

Enjoy your trip back in timeas you visit Fort Snelling!