Project partners Twycros s School http://www.geocapabilities.or http://www.geocapabilities.or GeoCapabiliti es course summary

Geocapabilties: a course summary

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Page 1: Geocapabilties: a course summary

Project partners

Twycross School


GeoCapabilitiescourse summary

Page 2: Geocapabilties: a course summary

Project partners

Twycross School


The aims of GeoCapabilitiesGeoCapabilities aims to improve the quality of education and training in Geography by providing support for dealing with complex issues in geography. GeoCapabilities encourages us to think and reflect on EDUCATIONAL GOALS and the value of geographical knowledge for attaining human potential and well-being

Page 3: Geocapabilties: a course summary

Project partners

Twycross School


Four FoundationsCapabilities Powerful Disciplinary KnowledgeCurriculum Making Leadership

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Project partners

Twycross School


Capabilities Approach• acquiring and developing a range of human

‘functionings’ that contribute to autonomy and potential – in thought and action.

• GeoCapabilities suggests that without the opportunity to acquire geographical knowledge and develop the capacity to think geographically our capability is deprived or diminished

Page 5: Geocapabilties: a course summary

Project partners

Twycross School


GeoCapabilities questions what sort of geography: • develops knowledge that empowers

individuals to identify, select and make informed, defensible choices about how to live (for the best) based on citizenship and sustainability?

Page 6: Geocapabilties: a course summary

Project partners

Twycross School


GeoCapabilities questions what sort of geography: • promotes individual autonomy, the

ability to think and reason? • contributes to understanding self-

potential as a creative and productive citizen in the context of the global economy and culture?

Page 7: Geocapabilties: a course summary

Project partners

Twycross School


GeoCapabilities helps you consider: “What are your educational goals

for students?”

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Project partners

Twycross School


One idea that underpins GeoCapabilities is the need to understand and value geographical knowledge as ‘powerful knowledge’ - or powerful disciplinary knowledge (PDK) (Lambert, Solem and Tani, 2015).

Powerful Disciplinary Knowledge

Lambert, D., Solem, M. and Tani, S., 2015. Achieving human potential through geography education: a capabilities approach to curriculum making in schools. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105(4), pp.723-735.

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Project partners

Twycross School


The absence of geographical knowledge in formal education deprives young people of some vital perspectives, ultimately undermining their capabilities as global citizens

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Project partners

Twycross School


Powerful Disciplinary Knowledge• more than the acquisition of ‘facts’• you develop the means to understand and

interpret the world in ways that are distinctive (eg scientifically, artistically, historically and in the case of GeoCapabilities, geographically).

• studies should support the development of students to think geographically

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Project partners

Twycross School



What is ‘Geo’ in Capabilities?

• a deep, descriptive ‘world knowledge’

• a theoretically-informed relational understanding of people and places

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Project partners

Twycross School



What is ‘Geo’ in Capabilities?

• a propensity and disposition to think about alternative social, economic and environmental futures

• a framework for thinking about the value of geography

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Project partners

Twycross School


Curriculum Making • the significance of ‘curriculum’ • its conceptual distinctiveness compared to

‘pedagogy’• teachers are tasked to produce interesting,

engaging and challenging educational encounters for students

• need well chosen ‘curriculum artefacts’

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Project partners

Twycross School


Curriculum Artefacts• a launchpad to a sequence of thought to

facilitate geographical thinking (Lambert 2012)• a core artefact identifies an issue, stimulates

curiosity• supplementary resources, bridge ‘a need to

know’ and ‘making sense through description, explanation, analysis and interpretation’

Lambert, D. (2012) Thinking Geographically. Geography Association, Sheffield.

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Project partners

Twycross School


What sort of curriculum?

Young M and Lambert D (2014) Knowledge and the Future School, Bloomsbury

Future 1: knowledge that is ‘given’, static, canonical

Future 2: knowledge that is arbitrary, relative, personalised; gives way to generic skills and competences

“Knowledge … that allows those with access to it to question it and the authority on which it is based and gain the sense of freedom and excitement that it can offer”

Future 3 Curriculum = powerful pedagogies

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Project partners

Twycross School


GeoCapabilities Course

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Project partners

Twycross School


GeoCapabilities Course Aims• Enable critical reflection on the teaching of

geography at the level of goals and purposes. • Develop ideas of disciplinary rigour and link this

effectively with enquiry pedagogies • Empower in teachers the significance of their role in

‘enacting’ curriculum • Inspire teachers to take responsibility for ‘curriculum

making’, learn from each other • Provide examples of curriculum leadership

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Project partners

Twycross School


Visions of Geography

GeoCapabilities implies 1. we have a vision of our subject and 2. the pathway to achieve this vision can

be articulated and presented