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Gordon Emmerson - Mentor in Hypnosis

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Mentors in Hypnosis brings together the best hypnotists in the world! Through these interviews the Mentors share with you their knowledge, wisdom and experience. Together they bring you Centuries of hypnosis.

In this Interview we learn from Mentor Gordon Emmerson.


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Mentor Gordon Emmerson’s ability to understand the workings of the mind and of the soul has enabled him to act and help clients with laser precision! In this interview he shares with us his experience and knowledge of hypnosis.Resource Personality Theory and Therapy Founder, Professor Gordon Emmerson is an Honorary Fellow in the School of Psychology at Victoria University, Melbourne.

He studied psychology and his PhD is on Hypnosis and currently is a Registered Psychologist, member of the Australian Psychological Society, and the author of the several books on Ego State and Resource Therapy books.

Dr Gordon Emmerson“>Gordon Emmerson developed specific Resource Therapy techniques for working with many psychological conditions, and developed the concepts of Surface and Underlying States, Vaded States, and Retro State Behavior. Dr Emmerson also provides Foundation Training as an introduction and overview of his personality theory and therapy as well as Clinical (practitioner) Qualification training for therapists wanting to practice as Clinical Resource Therapists.

He is mentor to many professionals in the world of hypnosis and therapy.

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Eugen Popa: So, from your experience, so far, what would you say are the ingredients of a good hypnotist?

Gordon Emmerson: Well, that’s an interesting question; a good hypnotist can be a good... He doesn’t have to be a good therapist.

Eugen Popa: Well, I’m thinking it together, not like a good hypnotist as in a good induction or hypnotist, but as a whole.

Gordon Emmerson: Ok, then, I think that, as a whole, a person has to be able to focus in on the client’s world, and work with the client from the client’s world, and when the therapist is able to really intently enter the client’s world and have a client talk about their world, especially sensorially, that’s very hypnotic. And if an induction happens and the person is in a light state of hypnosis, if the therapist really talks to the client in terms of being in their world and specifically hearing exactly what the client is saying and continue to draw that state out of the person that the therapist is talking with, then the person goes into a deeper state of hypnosis.

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Eugen Popa: So, focus in on the issue, is, from your perspective, the most important ingredient.

Gordon Emmerson: That’s right. To me, hypnosis is focus. If you are thinking about where you parked the car, you are not hypnotized. And there’s a lot of spontaneous hypnosis, a professional weightlifter or a competing weightlifter will never lift a weight without being hypnotized. They do their breathing, and they focus and they lift their weight, they are not thinking about “I probably should do some laundry when I get home tonight.”

So, focus.

Eugen Popa: Ok, so, you know, you kind of stepped into my next question. In your own words, what is hypnosis?

Gordon Emmerson: Ok, I believe hypnosis is a level of focus where the person who’s hypnotized is able to concentrate pretty much on one thing, and let the clutter go, stop thinking about multiple things at once. And the person can be alert, they can be playing a sport, they can be lifting weights, they can be talking to a therapist.

I think it’s a myth that a hypnotized person is talking in a low, sleepy tone. The person can be calm, or agitated, but the common feature is a very intent level of focus; if a person is really crying a lot and into a sad moment, to me, they are hypnotized.

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Eugen Popa: What is the recipe for a good hypnosis session?

Gordon Emmerson: Well, because hypnosis is focus, narrowing in more and more to a single focus, like where the person was, what they’re experiencing. You can ease a part of the body as a focus to hypnosis, you can use a pain, “Would you like to talk about a sensation, and tell me everything around that sensation, and how far is it gonna trail out, is there a color to it, does it have any electricity to it”?, and have the person go into great detail.

Anytime a person, especially hypnotized, will go into a single part of their personality, and I work with parts, and to recognize that the hypnotized person is in a single part, and that could be a very different part that the one that needs to be worked with, it’s very important.

So, to me, the two biggest elements of a good hypnotic therapeutic session is to make sure there is high focus and that the part you need to work with is the one that you’re focusing with. And that’s that.

Hypnosis itself ..., it’s nothing magical about hypnosis itself, it’s how it’s used. And so, it’s really important to have the right part out, while the client it’s hypnotized, otherwise …

I like to think of it as, the parts inside a person like a classroom. And if I’m talking with somebody in the front row, and there’s somebody back in the back of the room that’s upset, or angry, or frightened, and not getting what the issue is… So, I want to make sure that the person gets focused, I get access to the person that has the issue, that part of the personality with the issue, so that I can help the person change.

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Eugen Popa: As someone who’s working with hypnosis, or who’s just starting up in the business, what would you say is the best attitude to have, in this field?

Gordon Emmerson: To me, respect to the client is a good attitude and I t think there are some people who are hypnotists that think that they are doing things to someone, and I think it’s a much better attitude to see it as doing something with someone, to be facilitating the person to find they own power, rather than trying to tell them what to do.

I don’t like direct suggestions, “You’ll be doing this.” I’ll much rather have the client feel that they’ve had found focus and techniques inside of themselves, with the help of the hypnotherapist, that they’ll continue to be able to tap into and use. And if a suggestion works, it often works temporarily, and then, it’s not something the person can use for the next time they need something. Finding in resources and empowerment I think it’s a much better technique.

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Eugen Popa: Is there such a thing as a difficult client? And if so, how do you deal with one?

Gordon Emmerson: Well, as I said before, to me, the most difficult client is one that doesn’t want to be there. I’ve had…

More normally it’s a male whose wife has sent him in.And he comes in, he sits down and I say: “What is it that

you’re ready to change today?” and he says:“Well, my wife thinks I should change this.”

Eugen Popa: So the first words are to what to they need to change are: my wife!

Gordon Emmerson: And when he says that, all I can do is say: “I’m not interested in what she wants, I’m interested in whether is that or anything else that you are ready to change.” And unless I get him to commit to that, he is the most difficult client. You know, sometimes…

I had a client earlier in the year, who came to me to quit smoking. And she said her doctor told her she had to quit smoking.

And I said: “What do you want to do”?And she said: “Well, I want to smoke, but he says I’ve got

to quit”And so, she really wanted to continue smoking and that’s a

difficult client, unless the person can commit to wanting change.

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