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Roy Hunter - Mentor in Hypnosis

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Mentors in Hypnosis brings together the best hypnotists in the world! Through these interviews the Mentors share with you their knowledge, wisdom and experience. Together they bring you Centuries of hypnosis.

In this Interview we learn from Mentor Roy Hunter.



Mentor Roy Hunter is famous world wide for his teachings in Parts Therapy and Hypnotic Regression. He has been practicing and teaching for more than 30 years.

Mentor Roy Hunter, DIMDHA, FAPHP, practices hypnotherapy near Seattle, in the Pacific Northwest region of the USA.

His experience includes providing hypnotherapy part time for terminal patients of the Franciscan Hospice from 2001 thru 2008.

Roy Hunter has 24 years of teaching a 9-month professional hypnotherapy training course based on the teachings of Charles Tebbetts.

He is the recipient of numerous awards, including awards from three different organizations for lifetime achievement in the hypnosis profession and is mentor to hundreds of hypnotists around the world through his experience shared both in live teachings as well as through his books.

In 2013 Roy Hunter became a Life Diplomate in the IMDHA and his workshops are in demand worldwide.


Eugen Popa: So, first of all, one question that just pops into my head is, when I was talking to you now, is there such a thing to start too early in hypnosis or too late in hypnosis?

Roy Hunter: The best answer I can give you to that question is: I don’t know. The reason I say that is because, years ago, when I first started teaching professional hypnosis for the Comic Community College, they required that anyone who enrolled be an adult. That being said, in my world travels, I have met more than one hypnosis instructor whose teenage child was already skilled at hypnotizing people, and wanted to follow in mom or dad’s footsteps in the hypnotherapy career. And according to what I have been told, a couple of them where very accomplished, even though they were not yet adults.

As far for somebody being too old, I had a gentleman take my course years ago, who was almost 70, and I believe, if a person has a sound mind and has a genuine desire to help people, I don’t care if that person is in his or hers 70s, or 80s, for that matter, because Charlie was 86 when he passed away and he was still doing hypnotherapy and teaching it.


Eugen Popa: This project that we’re doing is aimed towards people who are starting in hypnosis, so it’s like a mentorship call that we’re doing, but I’m sure that there will be hundreds or maybe even thousands of people out there who are already practicing hypnosis, and they could really use what we are doing right now. So what I would like to ask is: “Which induction do you recommend for beginners”?

Roy Hunter: I recommend that beginners learn several different inductions, practice them, and then for most of the clients, most of the time, use the one you like best, because your enthusiasm, your confidence and your competence with a particular induction that you like will come across both consciously and unconsciously, with most of your clients, most of the time, but it’s very wise to have some other inductions in your repertoire, because everyone will respond to your favorite induction.

I know people who believe that you should always use a rapid induction for everybody, and I know others who believe you should always use a slow gentle induction, because what if your client was abused?


Well, this used to be a very common debate back in the early 80s, when I first learned hypnosis, and my experience has pretty much demonstrated that if you have a good rapport with a client, he or she will usually respond to whatever induction you choose to use, whether it is a slow progressive relaxation, a rapid induction or an eye fixation, etc.

Now, let me give you some additional background information with that answer, because I have practiced for over three decades, in an area where I had a lot of Boeing engineers, and Microsoft, in essence a lot of analytical resisters, so if you have a client who is an analytical resister, they can frequently resist if you you’re using a slow induction, especially if they don’t visualize very well, and the hypnotherapist is using a visual induction, filled with visual imagery, so it’s very wise to master a mental confusion induction, that’s what I’m trying, that’s works the best on me.

When I studied hypnosis, I was an analytical resister, but the gift in that for me, even though it was frustrating, studying under Charles Tebbetts in 1983 is that I’m very good with analytical resisters, because I understand their mindset.

That being said, I’ve also discovered that when I attempted to use mental confusion inductions almost exclusively for several months, clients who had a short attention span often times got very frustrated, with the mental confusion induction, so you need a fairly quick induction for someone with short attention span.


Eugen Popa: All right, awesome, so would this be your induction

of choice when you have people who are, let’s call them, “resistant”?

Roy Hunter: Well, when I have a resistant client I will use a mental

confusion induction. There are two that I have mastered and used over the years.

One is where the client counts backwards from 100, one number per breath,

and anytime you forget a number or skip a number or repeat a number,

or breathe twice between them, you either double the hypnosis or triple

a trance, so I’m weaving in a lot of ericksonian double binds and it’s easy

to forget to remember or remember to forget the next number or the one

hat followed or the one that came next.Another one is where the client opens eyes on odd numbers,

staring at an object, closing eyes on even numbers, and after a while you can forget to remember when the eyes should be open or closed, or vice versa or versa vice, and, as I’m counting down, once i get into the upper 80’s, I’ll skip a number, and with most of the clients, most of the time, if the eyes were closed, they’ll be open at the next number, even if it isn’t an even number, and it’s quite interesting, and I pay close attention, because the first times their eyes are open when they should be closed or vice versa, I’ll lean on that, inserting the suggestions accordingly. The subconscious knows if your eyes are open when they should have been closed, or vice versa and you can count on it to either gradually or suddenly go deeper into hypnosis or let go into “profooooooound” hypnosis.

I had a lot of good results using both of these inductions with analytical people over the years.


That being said, the induction I use with most of the clients, most of the time, is the least favorite for many hypnotherapists, and that’s just the old progressive relaxation, which was my original hypnosis instructor’s least favorite induction. He called it all slow, boring the client into hypnosis. But, if I have a good rapport with somebody, it works on his or hers first trance trip, if it doesn’t, then I’ll switch to a rapid induction, with some other clients, some other time.

And when I do hypnosis with a hypnotherapist, which I do a lot, because I have became “the hypnotherapist of hypnotherapists”, I let the hypnotherapist choose the induction. I just say, when the pre-talk is finished and I ask: “Are you ready to be hypnotized?” and they say: “Yes”, and I say: “What induction would you like best”?

It will be a good opportunity to realize the value for learning all of those different inductions over the years.


Eugen Popa: (...) What should a newbie, a new hypnotist do when he gets stuck?

Roy Hunter: This is where intuition is valuable, along with the genuine desire to help the client. I’ve had had a few acquaintances in the profession through the years, who, when they got stuck, that come from ego, and they were not willing to refer when they ended up getting over their heads.

I’ll give you a specific example: This lady saw me for weight loss, and this was during the 5 years period when I was surveying my clients, following up over a period of 6 months, 12 months and 18 months, so I would know my long term success rate.

She didn’t respond to the normal benefits approach, that I start out with, which having the client list the benefits for achieving the desired goal, and on her third session, I used parts therapy (which I know you’re familiar with, since you took my Parts therapy workshop). During parts therapy, when I called out that part of her that was causing her to overeat, and asked the W questions (what job do you do, why is it necessary to cause Martha to overeat?) in order to help her be who she wants to be, the response was (this is almost an exact quote), she said: ”I will not get rid of this weight, as long as that male chauvinist pig I’m married to has his bias against fat women”.


Eugen Popa: All right, now that’s pretty interesting!

Roy Hunter: She was 25 pounds overweight, and that part of her said that it was unrealistic for her spouse to want her to be at her college weight, and it was very obvious that she wasn’t interested in becoming... at her ideal weight for her sake, she was only doing it to please her husband, who was not exactly being respectful.

So I realized this woman could benefit better from a marriage counselor, so I brought her out of the hypnosis and I said: “Your subconscious made it very clear that your inability to get rid of the 25 pounds you said you wanted to release is because you’re doing it for your husband instead of yourself.” And I said: “Have you considered marriage counseling”? She said: “That will never work!” and I said: “Why not?” and she said: “Because my husband is a marriage counselor and he thinks he has all the answers!”


Seven months pass, and she called me up and said: “I thought you were going to call me in six months, following up, to see how things are going!” and then, after half I minute, I realized who it was, and I said: “Ok, what’s going on in your life?” She said: “Well, I just want you to know that I decided that I like who I am, I’m voluptuous, and if my husband would prefer that I’d be slim, than he can either trade me in for another wife, or let me for who I am, rather than how I looked like 30 years ago.” And she said: “I wish I had seen you five years ago and 5.000 $ ago!”. And she said: “So, I hope you put me in the success category for your survey!” So, I changed her indicator that I had in my survey results from failure to success, because she was successful realizing that she already liked the way she was at, and she wasn’t trying to change because she wanted to.

So what she taught me was the importance in the intake, of making sure the client is choosing to change. Otherwise, because hypnosis is really guided self-hypnosis, you’re wasting your client’s time and money if you try to make somebody quit smoking who doesn’t really want to quit; or helping somebody loose weight who doesn’t really want to lose weight. They have to choose to change, before I will accept their money.


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