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hindi font installation

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कंप्यूटर पर हिंदी टाइपिंग (टंकण) कैसे करें ,कंप्यूटर पे हिंदी फॉण्ट का इंस्टालेशन कैसे करें ,हिंदी की और कौन सी टूल्स है जिससे हिंदी टाइपिंग कर सकते है ,हिंदी सपोर्ट के लिए वेब साईट कौन कौन सी है .

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2. Unicode Encoding System , 3. ( FONTs) ? (UNICODE) ? UNICODE ENCODING Google input tools for windows 4. ( FONTs) ? ,,, Bitmap( ) , Outline( ) ,Stroke( , ) : Devlys, Kruti dev, Mangal, Devnagari , 5. (UNICODE) ? ( ) - 32 4294967296 6. (UNICODE) (ENCODING) ( ) : -7 -8 / - , 7. Windows 2000 (UNICODE) (ENCODING) 2.4 .. ... o o o -7 2 ( ) - - 8. Windows XP 1 .start control panel 2.Regional and language option 3.Languages Install filesfor Complex script and right-to-left languages(includingThai) ok 4. ok 9. 5 . 1 3 AddKeyboard/Input Method Editor Details 6 . add 7. 10. 7. "Keyboard layout/IME" ok Hindi Traditional orDevnagri in script keyboard ok 8. Apply "OK" 9. ALT SHIFT ( "Language Bar" 11. / -7 1.start control panel 2.Regional and language option 3.Regional and Language Options Keyboardsand Languages 4. Change Keyboards 12. 5. add 6. () - "OK" 13. 7. "Apply" OK 8. ALT SHIFT ( "Language Bar" ) 14. Windows 1. 2. :http://www.google.co.in/inputtools/windows/index.html 3. Choose your Languages Hindi I agree to the google Term of Service and PrivacyPolicy download 4. Input Toolsetup download 15. 5. Input Toolsetup administrator 6. () (Installed) Input Toolsetup (Installed) 7. Microsoft office word google indic tool 8. google indic tool , right toolbars 16. 9. () toolbars menu control panel Windows XP 1 .start control panel 2.Regional and language option 3.Languages Install files forComplex script and right-to-left languages (including Thai) ok 17. 4. ok 5 . 1 3 Add Keyboard/Input Method Editor Details 6 . add 18. 7. 7. "Keyboard layout/IME" ok Hindi advance textservices add 19. 8. ALT SHIFT ( "Language Bar" / -7 1.start control panel 2.Regional and language option 3.Regional and Language Options Keyboardsand Languages 20. 4. Change Keyboards 5. Text services and input languages 21. 6. the Add Input language "OK" 7. "Apply" OK 8. ALT SHIFT ( "Language Bar" ) 22. 10. office word google tool 11. google tool , . 1.WWW.BHASHAINDIA.COM 23. 2. http://rajbhasha.gov.in ( ) 3. http:// www.ildc.in (Indian Language Data Centre (ILDC)) 4. Word 2007 Home > Word 2007 Help and How-to > Working in a different language 24.