JOURNAL CLUB in medicine preparation and presentation Dr.T.V.Rao MD 27/04/2022 Dr.T.V.Rao MD 1

JOURNAL CLUBin medicinepreparation and presentation

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01/05/2023 Dr.T.V.Rao MD 1

JOURNAL CLUBin medicine

preparation and presentation Dr.T.V.Rao MD

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Definition •A journal club is a group of individuals who meet regularly to critically evaluate recent articles in the academic literature, generally of some branch of science as Medicine or philosophy. Journal clubs are usually organized around a defined subject in basic or applied research.

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Topics should preferably of evidence based Medicine

•For example, the application of evidence-based medicine to some area of medical practice can be facilitated by a journal club (Wikipedia )

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Purpose and Goal of Journal Club

•The goal of Journal Club is to introduce medical Students, resident doctors, or even senior faculty to the principles of clinical topics, scientific topics in relation to health care required to critically appraise published clinical research literature.

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Journal Clubs are old phenomena to empower the Profession

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Valuable part of Journal Club • The value of a journal club is that

it can promote a better understanding of the research process and an improved ability to critically appraise research. Reading and critiquing research is most beneficial for critical care doctors and nurses, as it facilitates the evaluation of research for use in clinical practice.

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Purpose of the presentation •The general purpose of a journal club is to facilitate the review of a specific research study and to discuss implications of the study for clinical practice.

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Updating the people on Information

•A journal club has been defined as an educational meeting in which a group of individuals discuss current articles, providing a forum for a collective effort to keep up with the literature

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Please inform the participants on the Matters

you are presenting • Post and distribute copies of the research article and the journal club discussion questions to interested persons

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Mentor's Role•Help residents identify appropriate article that fits pre-specified design of the month. Meet with residents 1-2 weeks before Journal Club to discuss paper and prepare. Lead a 30-40 min. discussion of the paper and related topics in critical appraisal following the residents' presentation at Journal Club.

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Residents Role• Residents and Post graduates

select a recent article and clear it with assigned Journal Club mentor. ( Can be HOD or Senior Faculty ) They read the article and arrange a meeting with the mentor at least one week before Journal Club to discuss strengths and weaknesses, identify teaching points, and outline approach to presentation.

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Presentation not more than 15 minutes

•Must be limited to 15 minutes to allow plenty of time for teaching and discussion

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Select an article•Consider articles on

topics of interest to you that will generate conversation. Also consider topics discussed at the Journal Club meetings earlier in the year…variety is a good thing

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Present the article with Scientific Basis

• Based on what you are currently learning and what you already know, read the article with a critical eye. Consider hypothesis, study design, bias, methods of analyses used, etc. How can readers make sense of the numbers in the tables? Are the results reproducible?

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Favoured by JAMA and Annals of Internal Medicine

•Presenters should be able to summarize each heading in one or two lines so as to fit on a single slide.

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Never Forget to Incorporate the following matters

• It should outline "Hypothesis/Goal;“ "Study Design;" "Setting;“ "Participants;" "Data Collection;“ "Main Outcome;“ "Analytic Method."

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Cut and Paste is presentation of complex tables

• Typically, cut and paste tables and figures. Since you'll have already distributed hardcopies of the article, don't worry too much about reformatting tables for readability on the screen Just point to the sections of interest and let the audience flip through their hardcopies to read the data directly.

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Must come to some conclusions at the end of presentation

Conclude by Managing Presentation •Conclusions/ Implications

(1 slide)• Strengths

(1 slide)• Weaknesses

(1 slide)• Discussion Points

(1 slide)

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Our success will increase

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Encourage more people view your presentation

•eg, encourage more attendance, hold more than one session, programs can be uploaded in internet the session for those unable to attend.

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Encourage people for participation

•Several factors are key in promoting a successful journal club, including promoting interest, attendance, and involvement. Having a session leader to start and facilitate discussion can help to ensure that the journal club meetings are productive.

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Trouble Shooting A number of tricks seemed to help. Answering individuals’ own questions is central to both education and motivation.

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Too many Ideas and suggestion cause confusion and Dangerous

• But make sure in your early sessions that you have a “planted” scenario or question in your group•Make the matters simple •Make matters interesting• Too many suggestions the

participants will be confused .

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Encourage greater participation from many experts

• Early on, people seem keen to come up with questions focused on the rare, unusual, and wonderful diagnoses they have bumped into rather than questions about their everyday practice

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Make your Program Interesting •Rule of thumb Oral 10%

Visual 35% Oral & 65% Visual Source: Najjar, LJ (1998) Principles of educational multimedia user interface design•Use combinations of text

and images which are memorable.”

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Conclude the Session with •Finally, it’s useful to end by asking everyone for their clinical “bottom line.” You might even want to follow this up with group decisions on actions needed to implement the evidence (eg, put up a flowchart or buy the needed equipment) and possible monitoring items

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A successful Presentation fulfils

•Does the discussion accurately interpret results, specifically in the context of existing knowledge?

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• Finally, did you and the group, learn some information and/or skills from the time spent on reviewing the article? That is, of course, the most important measure of learning: getting the most out of your time and efforts!

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Feed back is essential to know what the people

except from us • Evaluate the journal club (eg, at the end of the session, gather feedback from participants). Determine how the next journal club meeting could be made more beneficial,

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Never Forget Your Feed Back is Important for the Development

of Academics

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References • Quick Guide to Clinical Epidemiology and Critical Appraisal Osler

Journal Club• Web resources on Changing trends in Medical Education

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Our Presentations should Ignite many Younger Minds

My Presentation is just to look further Knowledge

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•Program File Created by Dr.T.V.Rao MD for Medical Professionals globally to make the

matters interesting in presentation of Journal Club Articles

• Email• [email protected]

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