Keyword Searching Global News Sources by Karen Hornberger Library Media Specialist, Palisades High School

Keyword Searching Global News Sources

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Global News


by Karen Hornberger

Library Media Specialist, Palisades High School

We benefit from seeking different perspectives;

…to participate well in an increasingly global society;

…to learn respect for our differences;

…to embrace our similarities;

…to be surprised by the results and be intrigued by the “flavor” of each;

…to interact with increased understanding;

and to develop our own opinions.

I instructed my students to look for differing cultural, political, military, or religious perspectives than the ones that we are provided by our American information sources.

It turned out harder than I realized.

I could keyword search by country, but not region.

I responded by customing Google Search Engines for each region.

I researched the top news sources for each and tried to vary the coverage by region (I could only identify 10 sites for the custom engine to search).

The site isn’t especially beautiful, but I hope it is a window into new understanding for both you and your students. Some searches will yield great results, while some will require you to adjust your search a bit.

Have fun learning about our world and good luck keyword searching some sources our globe provides!

CreditsPowerPoint template: http://www.free-power-point-templates.com/earth-enviroment-powerpoint-template/

Slide #2, Perspectives: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7004/6700513557_680366e27a_n.jpg

Slide #3, Global Society: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Charles_Rangel_Global_Connections_2007.jpg

Slide #4, Respect: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/121/4/d/humans_respect_humans_by_rbeloniojr-d4y9ceu.jpg

Slide #5, Similarities: https://www.flickr.com/photos/30353465@N07/3856788872

Slide #6, Surprise & Flavor: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Princes_hot_chicken.jpg

Slide #7, Increased Understanding: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a1/Harmony_Day_(5475651018).jpg

Slide #8, Develop Opinions: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bilal-kamoon/6835060992/

All images located using Google advanced search features, labeled for noncommercial reuse. Thank you to all of the photographers for sharing your artwork!