Khushoo A unit of study on khushoo in the prayer Created/Compiled by TJ Homeschooling March 2015

Khushoo Power Point Lessons

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KhushooA unit of study on khushoo in the prayer

Created/Compiled by TJ Homeschooling

March 2015

What we will study, in shaa Allah:

• Lesson 1: What is khushoo?

• Lesson 2: Benefits of Khushoo

• Lesson 3: Characteristics of Khushoo

• Lesson 4: Khushoo of the Companions

• Lesson 5: How to Attain/Maintain Khushoo

• Lesson 6: Khushoo of Hypocrisy

• Lesson 7: The Removal of Khushoo from this Ummah

• Lesson 8: Closing/Wrap Up


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Lesson 1: Introduction: What is khushoo?

Khushoo is the fear and awe of Allaah, humility, and submissiveness.*

“The Believers will prosper.

Those who have khushoo within their prayers”


*The Removal of Khushoo' from this Ummah and the Beneficial Knowledge


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And stand before Allaah with a devout frame of mind

[Baqarah 2:238]

“Concentration, reverence and humility is the core of the prayer, and the meaning of it [i.e. khushoo’] is to have a heart that is

present and concentrating, and that the heart of the one praying does not wander left and right, here and there.”*

*Concentrating in the Prayer and Blocking Other Thoughts


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In this unit, in shaa Allah, we will:

• Learn the importance of having khushoo (rewards and consequences of not having khushoo)

• See examples of khushoo in our prayer in the different positions and supplications

• See some examples of the khushoo of the Companions of the Prophet (sallAllahualayhi wa sallam)

• Look at ways to maintain khushoo as well as some obstacles to khushoo

• Learn that khushoo must be present in the heart and that just because it appears on the outside of an individual, does not mean that it is in the heart (khushoo of hypocrisy)

• Learn that the lack of khushoo is the main source of the problems in the Muslim individual and Ummah

So let’s begin!


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Lesson 2: Benefits of Khushoo

• As we have seen from the ayaat in the Quraan, success is one of the rewards that will come to the one who has khushoo in his/her prayer. Now, let’s take a look at some other benefits of having khushoo in our prayer. We will read (in shaa Allah) “Some Benefits of Khushoo” a translation of a work by Shaykh Husayn al-’Awaayishah.

• Reading link: http://ummuabdulazeez.com/2011/05/14/some-of-the-benefits-of-khushoo%E2%80%99/

• Notes worksheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_sjJA9W2CdnbWxMTy0tU24tcmM/view?usp=sharing


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1. A lawful and good subsistence.

“Whoever fears Allaah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out [from every difficulty]. And he will

provide for him from [sources] he could never imagine.”

[At-Talaaq 65:2-3]


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2. It causes a person to be as close as he can to his Lord 8

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3. It wipes away sins and brings about forgiveness of them. 9

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4. Success and well-being

• “Successful indeed are the believers. Those who offer their prayers with humility and attentiveness [khushoo’].”

• [Al-Mu’minoon 23:1-2]


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5. It forbids evil and wicked deeds 11

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6. It increases one’s guidance

As for those who strive hard in Us [Our Cause], We will surely guide them to Our Paths.”

[Al-‘Ankaboot 29:69]


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7. Entry into Paradise 13

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8. Contentment of one’s soul and joy 14

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9. It causes the servant to reach the level of the foremost worshippers who worship Allaah as if they are seeing Him


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• Let’s take a moment to make sure that our notes are complete and review them briefly, in shaa Allah.

• In our next lesson, in shaa Allah, we will learn some characteristics of khushoo in various parts of the prayer.


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Lesson 3: Characteristics of Khushoo

• What does khushoo “look/feel” like?

• What are some “signs” of khushoo?

• To get these questions answered, we are going to read a couple of readings, in shaa Allah:• An explanation of what should be present in the heart during every pillar

and moment from the actions of the prayer

• People’s levels regarding performance of the prayer


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Reading: An explanation of what should be present in the heart during every pillar and moment from the actions of the prayer

• This reading comes from Risaalah Ta’dheem Qadr is-Salaat and was translated by Abu `Iyad as-Salafi)

• Reading Link: http://www.salafipublications.com/sps/sp.cfm?subsecID=IBD06&articleID=IBD060004&pfriend=

• Notes worksheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_sjJA9W2CdnLXFsUWVNZnY3WXM/view?usp=sharing


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1. The Adhaan

When you hear the call of aadhaan then make the

terror of the call on the Day of Judgment present in

your heart and prepare yourself externally and

internally to respond and race towards it.

Those who race to answer this call are the ones who

will be called out with benevolence on the Day of



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2. Purification

When you purify yourself in your home which is the furthest place (from the place of prayer), then your clothes which is your nearest covering and then your skin which is your lowest and innermost covering do not forget to purify your heart with repentance, remorse, firm resolution not to return to sins, and avoiding injustices (to others).

The purification of the inner self precedes the purification of the external form.


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3. Covering One’s Awrah

“It’s meaning is that you conceal the undesirable

parts of the body from the creation.”

But bring to mind along with this the ugly traits

and characteristics and the scandals of your inner

self. Try to bring about modesty and feel shameful

in front of Allaah Azzawajall from Whom no secret

is hidden as it is not possible to cover it.


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4. Facing the Qiblah

• This is turning your face away from all other directions to the direction of the House of Allaah Azzawajall.

• Know that it is also obligatory to turn the heart away from all other things towards Allaah Azzawajall.


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5. Standing

• This is making the body and the heart stand erect, upright in front of Allaah Azzawajall. Bring to mind along with this the standing in front of Allaah on the Day of Judgement for questioning and try to feel and sense the Might ofAllaah Azzawajall.

• Prepare yourself to stand in front of Him (in prayer) in such a way that it will lead you to safety on the Day of Judgment.


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6. Intentions

• Fill your intention with sincerity to Allaah Azzawajall, hoping for His reward, fearing His punishment and loving His nearness.

• Train and nurture yourself to recall this sincere intention along with every speech and action and know that none will be saved on the Day of Judgement except the sincere ones.


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7. The Takbeer

• When you declare the takbeer with your tongue it is desirable that your heart does not treat it as having lied.

• If there is something in your heart which is greater than Allaah the Sublime or your hawaa (whim and desire) is greater to you than Allaah Azzawajall and you are more obedient to it than to Allaah the Exalted then you have taken it as a god and your will have declared its greatness.

• So your saying: Allaahu-Akbar will have been but a mere expression of the tongue and the heart will have refrained from supporting the tongue.


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8. Seeking Refuge

• Know that this means seeking a sanctuary with Allaah the Mighty from Shaytaan the Rejected and Accursed, the one who lies in wait for you, jealous of your private conversation with your Lord Azzawajall and of your rukoo’ and sujood to Him,


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9. The Basmalah

When you pronounce this, intend to

receive blessings by the name

of Allaah along with which nothing in

the heavens or the earth can cause

harm and He is the All-Hearing the All-



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10. Recitation of al Faatihah

• The worshipper should observe and maintain awe and fear of Allaah during his recitation by reciting with Tarteel (slow rhythmic tones) as this makes it easier to reflect.


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11. The Rukoo and Sujood

• Try to feel modesty in your rukoo’ and humility in your sujood because in such a position you have placed the soul in its proper place. In sujood you have returned the limbs to their place of origin, upon the dust from which they were created.

• Understand also the meaning of the remembrances with inclination and zeal.


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12. The Tashahhud

When you sit then sit courteously and

declare that all of what you express is from

the salawaat and the tayyibaat, that is from

the pure characteristics of Allaah.


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“This then, is the explanation of the prayer of the khaashi’een

• those who are humble and submissive in their prayers

• the ones who guard their prayers,

• the ones who are constant in offering them,

• the ones who converse with Allaah to the extent that they are able to become enslaved to Him. “

“Let the worshipper turn himself to this prayer, let him rejoice to the extent to which it has been made easy for him and let him be grieved to the extent that the prayer has passed him by, and let him strive to find the cure for that.

As for the prayer of the inattentive and heedless, it is very risky, unless Allaah covers him with His Mercy andAllaah’s Mercy is vast and His Generosity is abounding. We ask Allaah that He covers us with His Mercy and that He showers us with His forgiveness as there is no way for us except to admit our incapacity to perform His obedience.”


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Reading: People’s levels regarding performance of the prayer

• Now we move onto our next reading, “People's Levels Regarding Performance of the Prayer”

• This work was written by Ibn al Qayyim, a Syrian scholar of the 13th century

• As you read, think about which level you might fit in.


Notes Worksheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_sjJA9W2CdnT3pwd0NrZ2hlTUU/view?usp=sharing


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Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullaah) said:

And mankind, with regard to their performance of prayer are in five levels:


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The First Level:

The level of the one who is negligent and wrongs his soul:

He is the one who falls short in:

• performing wudhoo properly,

• performing the prayer upon its time and within its specified limits,

• fulfilling its essential pillars.


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The Second Level:

This is the one who:

• guards his prayers upon their proper times and within their specified limits,

• fulfills their essential pillars

• performs his wudhoo with care.

However, his striving (in achieving the above) is wasted due whisperings in his prayer so he is taken away by thoughts and ideas.


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The Third Level:

This is the one who:

• guards his prayers within the specified limits,

• fulfills their essential pillars

• strives with himself to repel the whisperings, thoughts and ideas.

He is busy struggling against his enemy (Shaytaan) so that he does not steal from the prayer. On account of this he is engaged in (both)

prayer and jihaad.


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The Fourth Level:

This is the one who:

• stands for the prayer, completes and perfects its due rights, its essential pillars,

• performs it within its specified limits and his heart becomes engrossed in safeguarding its rights and specified limits, so that nothing is wasted from it.

• His whole concern is directed towards its establishment, its completion and its perfection, as it should be. His heart is immersed in the prayer and in enslavement to his Lord the Exalted.


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The Fifth Level:

This the one who stands for the prayer like the one mentioned before (4th level).

However, on top of this, he has taken and placed his heart in front of his Lord Azzawajall, looking towards Him with his heart with anticipation, (his heart) filled with His love and His might, as if he sees and witnesses Allaah.

The whisperings, thoughts and ideas have vanished and the coverings which are between him and his Lord are raised.

What is between this person and others with respect to the prayer, is superior and greater than what is between the heavens and the earth. This person is busy with his Lord Azzawajall, delighted with Him.


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What is the consequence or end result of praying at each level? 39

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The one who prays at the first level will be punished…


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The one who prays at the second level will be held to account…


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the one who prays at the third level will have his sins and shortcomings expiated…..


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The one who prays at the fourth level will be rewarded….


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The one who prays at the fifth level will be close to his Lord, because he will receive the portion of the one who makes his prayer the delight and pleasure of his eye.

Whoever makes his prayer, the delight and pleasure of his eye, will have the nearness to his Lord Azzawajall made the delight and pleasure of his eye in the hereafter.

He will also be made a pleasure to the eye in this world since whoever makes Allaah the pleasure of his eye in this world, every other eye will become delighted and pleased with him.


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Think About It:

Allah knows best which level we each individually pray at. But, if you had to reflect upon your level, what level would classify yourself as praying in?

Take a minute to do a quick write in your notebook/chart as to which level you think you might be praying at and why you came to that conclusion (use specifics from what was learned in this lesson). These notes are your personal notes, so write freely and be honest so that you can benefit and see what areas you need to work on, in shaa Allah.


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Lesson 4: Khushoo of the Companions

Now that we have seen examples of khushoo, we will turn to some exemplary examples of khushoo… that of the Companions of the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhiwa sallam).

Our reading on this topic is “The Salaf and Their Khushoo in as Salaah”

Reading Link: http://ahledhikr.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-salaf-and-their-khushoo-in-as-salaah.html

Notes worksheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_sjJA9W2CdnUll5TkpxcnNsNTA/view?usp=sharing


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Lesson 5: How to Attain/Maintain Khushoo

Now that we have looked at examples of khushoo, we will now turn to ways that we can attain/maintain khushoo, in shaa Allah.

For help with this, we will read three selections, in shaa Allah:

1. “Concentrating in the Prayer and Blocking Other Thoughts”

2. “How to Maintain Khushoo in the Prayer”

3. “Obstacles to Khushoo, Virtues of Prayer at Home and in the Mosque”


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Reading: “Concentrating in the Prayer and Blocking Other Thoughts”

A question was asked:

“How can we obtain concentration, reverence and humility in the prayer, and when reading the Qur’an in the prayer and outside of



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We will read a response that was based on Shaikh ibn ul-Uthaymeen’s response from Fatawa Arkaan ul-Islam p322/323]…



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• Concentration, reverence and humility is the core of the prayer, and the meaning of it [i.e. khushoo’] is to have a heart that is present and concentrating, and that the heart of the one praying does not wander left and right, here and there

• If the person feels something is distracting him away from that khushoo’, then let him seek refuge in Allah from the Shaytaan as the prophet صلى هللا عليه و سلمordered.

• And from the best of methods that aid a person in khushoo’ in his prayer is that he remembers he is standing in front of his Lord and that he is calling and supplicating to Him the Mighty the Majestic”


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Reading: How to Maintain Khushoo’ in Prayer

Our next selection on How to Maintain Khushoo is:

“How To Maintain Khushoo' In Prayer,” written by Hussain al-Awaa'ishah and translated by Abu Iyaad


Inshaa Allah, we will record notes as we read….

Worksheet/Note template: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_sjJA9W2CdnanEyTXU5LVFpOG8/view?usp=sharing


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The Believers will prosper.

Those who have khushoo within their prayers [Mu'minoon 23:1-2]

and He - Taa'aalaa - also said:

And stand before Allaah with a devout frame of mind [Baqarah2:238]


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Abu Hurairah (ra) said: The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihiwasallam) prayed one day, turned aro und and said: "O so and so! Do you not beautify your prayer? Does not the one wh o performs prayer when he does so look at how he prays? Indeed he prays for



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This khushoo is perfected by a number of matters some of which are within the prayer itself and others outside of it.

Amongst such matters are:


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1. Remembrance of Death

Anas (ra) said: The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihiwasallam) said: "Remember death within your prayer because when

a man remembers death in his prayer is strives to beautify his prayer and pray the prayer of a man who does not think that he will perform another prayer after it. Take caution and and an

excuse is sought for every affair."


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2. Reflecting upon the Meanings of the Words which are related to the Prayer

“It is essential to turn to the books of Tafseer and sayings of the

scholars until a person understands what exactly he is saying and that is

saying what he understands. This is for all of his prayer, he strives to

achieve that in accordance with his capability and strength.”


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3. Abandoning sins and disobedience.

Indeed Allaah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in their souls [Surah Ra'd 13:11]

“Disobedience is a barrier which stands

in front of khushoo'

in the prayer”


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“Likewise obeying Allaah in abundance

increases khushoo' in the prayer

and adds to its beautification.”


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4. Avoiding too much laughing as it is fatal to the heart and its khushoo'

"...Indeed too much laughing kills the heart."


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5. Choosing suitable actions

Make sure they:

• are halaal/lawful

• do not oppose the times of prayer

• are not strenuous or exacting so that he enters into

the prayer with a humble and repentant heart; the

one who is tired and overworked must refresh his

mind and this is at the expense of khushoo in the prayer


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6. Not being excessively occupied with the affairs of the world. 61

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7. Reciting the Qur'aan abundantly. 62

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8. Coming to the prayer early. 63

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9. Straightening of the rows, making them level and filling the gaps 64

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Now, let’s look back at the ways to maintain khushoo as outlined in the article. Look at your worksheet/notes. Mentally (or orally if everyone is not shy to do so) answer the following questions:

• Which actions do you do/think you do?

• Which ones do you not do?

For the ones you do not currently do,

• Why do you think you do not do them and

• What might help you start to do them/remember to do them?

For the ones you currently do, how can you improve even more?

You might jot down your answers on the back of your worksheet/notes so that you can remember to focus and improve these things, in shaa Allah. Review your notes often, in shaa Allah

At our next gathering, we will take a look at the Khushoo of Hypocrisy, in shaa Allah….


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“Obstacles to Khushoo, Virtues of Prayer at Home and in the Mosque”

We continue on with our topic of how to maintain khushoo in the salaah. But before we begin, let’s quickly review:

1. What is khushoo?

2. Name three ways to attain khushoo in salaah.

3. If we are distracted during prayer, what can we do to try to help us get back on track?


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Now on to our reading, in shaa Allah.

We’ll be reading: “Obstacles to Khushoo, Virtues of Prayer at Home and in the Mosque” which was written by Hussain al-Awaa'ishah.

Link to reading:


Note worksheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_sjJA9W2CdnRDZDNFpIcy02eDQ/view?usp=sharing


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1. Weak Emaan in the Meeting with Allah 68

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2. The Whispering of Shaytaan 69

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3. Heedlessness and the Hawaa

• Hawaa (desires, whims)


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4. Excessive Concern with the World

Which we have discussed in the previous reading


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5. Abandoning the Mosque and Congregational Prayer 72

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6. Lack of Love for One’s Muslim Brothers for the Sake of Allah 73

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7. Not straightening the rows

• As we discussed in the last section


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8. Oppressing the Servants of Allah and not fulfilling their rights 75

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9. Turning around and looking around during the prayer 76

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10. Praying In or Upon Something Which is Colorful or Attractive 77

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“Some benefits worthy of consideration”

1. Be eager for the optional prayers

2. Be eager to catch the opening Takbeer

3. Leave a part of the prayer for your house

4. Do not become negligent in your Rukoo or Sujood

5. Be zealous for the first row of the mosque (for men) and the last row for women

6. Be eager for prayer behind imam who gives the recitation of Quraan its due right


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• Now, let us wrap up by completing our notes and reviewing them.


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Lesson 6: Khushoo of Hypocrisy

• Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) used to say: “Beware of the khushoo’ of hypocrisy.” He was asked, “What is the khushoo’ of hypocrisy?” He said,“When the body shows khushoo’ but there is no khushoo’ in the heart.”

• Fudayl ibn ‘Ayaad said: “It was disliked for a man to show more khushoo’ than he had in his heart.” One of them saw a man showing khushoo’ in his shoulders and body, and said, “O So and so, khushoo’ is here” – and he pointed to his chest, “not here” –and he pointed to his shoulders.


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Lesson 7: The Removal of Khushoo from this Ummah

The Messenger (saws) said:

The very first thing to be raised from this Ummah is Khushoo' (awe, fear of Allaah) until there is not a single person in it with khushoo‘


He also said:

The first thing to be raised from the people is Khushoo‘, therefore the removal of Khushoo is the single factor in the downfall of the Muslims. The single factor In our oppression, injustice done to us, the confusion amongst us.


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“Everyone of us has to:

• correct his situation in the proper manner upon the guidance of the Messenger upon his clear path

• limit ourselves to what has been mentioned in the Sunnah about the causes of downfall and division and humiliation of the Muslims and throw away the opinions and empty slogans and words of the philosophers of this Ummah. The best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad that is his sunnah and the truest of all creation is the Messenger (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam)

and when we have realised that, to reform ourselves individually and collectively in order to remove the causes of downfall. to remove the blame from ourselves on

the Day of Judgment


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Lesson 8: Closing

In this unit we have:

• Defined khushoo

• Looked at the importance of having khushoo (rewards and consequences of not having khushoo)

• Looked at examples of khushoo in our prayer in the different positions and supplications

• Looked at some examples of the khushoo of the Companions of the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam)

• Looked at ways to maintain khushoo as well as some obstacles to khushoo

• Learned that we should strive hard not to have khushoo of hypocrisy

• Learned that the lack of khushoo is the main source of the problems in the Muslim Ummah


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“Someone who turns away in prayer”

• Now, let’s turn to our last reading of this unit, “Someone who turns away in prayer”

• Reading link:



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‘Two men may offer prayer shoulder to shoulder, and yet between their two prayers lies a gulf as [vast] as that separating Heaven from earth. This is because one of them has his heart turned towards God, while the other is forgetful and heedless.“


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• This concludes our unit on Khushoo in the prayer

• In shaa Allah we will make it a point to review our notes from the unit (as well as reread the articles) from time to time so that we can put this beneficial knowledge into practice:

“So it is upon every single one of us to attend to the beneficial knowledge and to act upon it and to gain the benefits of it and not to make it a proof against us on the Day of Judgment by neglecting

it or not acting upon it ”*

*The Removal of Khushoo' from this Ummah and the Beneficial Knowledge


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