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Innovative Lesson template

Name of the Teacher : Madhusha M.L.

Name of the School :

Name of the Subject :

Unit : Circulatory pathway

Topic : Double circulation


Class: IX



Duration 45 Minutes.

Curricular Statement

Through observation, communication and discussion the child learns about double circulation


Facts :

Content analyisis

Double circulation, pulmonary circulation, systemic circulation, pulmonary artery, aorta

Blood reaches every part of the body through double circulation.

Blood enters into the arteries through the contraction of ventricles.

Blood from the right ventricle enters into the lungs through pulmonary artery.

The excess carbon dioxide in the blood is replaced by oxygen in the lungs. Thus the blood get


There are two pulmonary veins from each lung which empty into the left atrium. This is

pulmonary circulation.

During the next atrial contraction the blood is passed into the left ventricle from which blood

is pumped into the aorta

The blood reaching the left ventricle by pulmonary circulation enters into systemic circulation

through the aorta.

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outcomes in

terms of


Through aorta blood goes to different parts of the body.

Blood then reaches back to right atrium of heart. This is systemic circulation.

When one blood circulation completes, fixed quantity of blood passes through the heart

twicely. This is double circulation.

Simple factors reach every organ of the body through blood

Through blood circulation blood reaches every part of the body.

Enables the pupil to develop

Factual knowledge about double circulation.

i) Recalling new terms such as double circulation, pulmonary circulation, systematic

circulation, pulmonary atery, aorta etc. Terms and facts are indicated in the content


Conceptual knowledge about double circulation.

i) Recalling the functions of double circulation

ii) Recognising the importance of double circulation

iii) Explaining the importance and function of double circulation.

Procedural knowledge about double circulation

i) Categorizing the blood circulations such as systemic circulation and pulmonary circulation.

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Meta cognition knowledge about double circulation

i) Recognising the importance of double circulation in day to day life.

ii) Predicting the importance of the function of blood circulation.

Scientific attitude towards double circulation

i) Curiosity in knowledge the important role of double circulation in our day to day life.

ii) Showing interest to collect more information about double circulation.

Process skills on double circulation

i) Categorizing the blood circulations such as systemic circulation and pulmonary circulation.

ii) Finding the function of blood circulation.

iii) Explaining double circulation with evidence from medias and publications.

Simple factors reach every part of the body through blood.

Image and Animation showing details of pulmonary circulation.

Image and Animation showing details of systemic circulation

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Classroom interaction procedure

Pupil response

Introduction What is the organ when it stops its function results in the end of our lives ?

Is blood always flow through this much important heart ?

Is simple factors reach every part of the body through blood ?

How many times fixed quantity of blood passes through our heart when

one blood circulation completes in our body?

What is called for this type of blood circulation ?

Teacher succeeded in knowing the previous Knowledge.

Double circulation (B.B) Presentation

Activity –I

Teacher shows the students the animation showing details of pulmonary

circulation and ask the students to answer the given indicators in their

science diary.

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1. How blood enters into the arteries ?

2. How blood reaches the lungs ?

3. Where goes the pure blood from lungs ? What is called for this blood

circulation ?

Group discussion lead by teacher.

Blood reaches every part of the body through double circulation.

Blood enters into the arteries through the contraction of ventricles.

Blood from the right ventricle enters into the lungs through

pulmonary artery. From the lungs the blood then reaches into the left

auricle of heart. In short we can say that the course of blood from the

right ventricle through the lungs to the left atrium is called pumonary

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Activity –2

Teacher shows the students the animation showing details of systemic

circulation and ask their students to answer the given indicators to

their science diary.

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1. From which chamber of heart blood flows to different parts of the

body ?

2. Which type of blood reaches in the right atrium ?

3. What is called double circulation ?

Group discussion lead by teacher.

Through aorta blood goes to different parts of the body from the left

ventricle. Blood then reaches back to right atrium of heart. The

blood that reaches to the right atrium is impure blood. In short we

can say that the course of blood from the left ventricle through the

different parts of the body into the right atrium is called systemic

circulation. When one blood circulation completes, fixed quantity of

blood passes through heart twicely.

This is double circulation

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1. What is double circulation ?

2. How blood reaches the lungs ?

3. Which type of blood reaches in the right atrium ?

Follow up activity

Prepare a flow chart of double circulation in your science diar

Black Board Summary

Date Class:



Biology Circulatory Pathway

Double circulation

Pulmonary Circulation

Systemic Circulation

Pulmonary artery


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