Who are the primary and secondary audiences? (Comment on demographics, psychographics, socio-economic groups and geo- demographics.

Main task existing product analysis 2

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Who are the primary and secondary audiences? (Comment on demographics, psychographics, socio-economic groups and geo-demographics.

Page 2: Main task existing product analysis 2

The magazine I have chosen to analyse for this question is Cosmopolitan which although isn’t a regional magazine, will give me a deeper understanding of how magazines target certain audiences through use of language, style, and imagery which I feel will be highly beneficial when deciding what the main audience for my magazine will be and how I will present this through use of techniques. In regards to audience demographics, this magazine is primarily targeted at white, British women as the woman featured on the front cover is Paloma Faith who is white and British, hence attracting a certain audience. Cosmopolitan is predominantly aimed at females specifically, following the common stereotype that women like fashion, men, makeup and appearance in general. Though, they primarily target white women, they have ensured that any secondary audiences feel welcome; maximising potential audience, therefore money. This cover targets people of white origin, as the female used in a positive manner is white; this would not primarily attract people of other diversities, as they cannot relate to the cover star. The social grade is A-C2, as the audience need to have a disposable income to indulge in luxuries such as this magazine. The feature represents the target audience in a positive way, of which they are pleased with and feel as though the magazine represents them correctly; therefore the features are able to attract the correct audience demographic. It is clear to see what the primary target audience for Cosmo is, due to the fact that when targeting audiences, stereotypes are used to widen the variety of readers. The psychographic profile which Cosmo targets is aspirers who seek social status, materialism, are orientated to image and interested in fashion, who are typically young people. Aspirers are likely to be interested in this magazine due to the high fashion contents; Cosmo are renowned to be a magazine focused on fashion and appearance. Another psychographic group that would read Cosmopolitan is Explorers who seek discovery, energy and individualism and are typically students. The demographic age for cosmopolitan is 17-25 and therefore students will likely read Cosmopolitan as it is a fun and energetic, enthusiastic magazine which Explorers seek.

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fonts. Magazines for older audiences usually have a more formal style of text such as Lincolnshire Life.

Who/what is being represented and how? (Look at people (individuals and/or groups), places and objects)

Cosmopolitan is representing a young demographic, predominantly females aged 16-25. They have represented a young female audience by using Paloma Faith as the cover star as a lot of young people will be a fan of her as she is young. Cosmopolitan shows representations of female appearance as it focuses on fashion, makeup and a woman’s body. Cosmopolitan also represents women as a whole, this is shown though the headline stories used such as ‘how it feels to give birth.’ The fact that Cosmopolitan uses slogans such as ‘Love yourself, love your body, love your man’ creates the stereotype that all young females are body aware and are interested in relationships etc. Cosmopolitan may also be seen to create the impression that all Females are girly, like fashion etc which is the stereotype that is being put across due to the choice of feminine colours, fonts, and the focus on fashion and makeup on the front cover.

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