Mansfield and District U3A Newsletter Our first Group Event: a visit to London in September 1999 _____________________________ Established 1999 HMRC Charity Registration No.: XT30525 May 2014 Website: www.mansfield-u3a.org.uk Noticeboard: http://mansfieldu3a.blogspot.com Page 1 of 12

Mansfield U3A Newsletter - May 2014 (15th Anniversary Edition)

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Mansfield and District U3A's monthly newsletter shows what members have been doing recently and what's planned. This edition celebrates the 15th anniversary of this U3A with a look back to May 1999. Reports include ones on the art of WW1 and a visit to Hemswell Antiques Centre.

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Page 1: Mansfield U3A Newsletter - May 2014 (15th Anniversary Edition)

Mansfield and District U3ANewsletter

Our first Group Event: a visit to London in September 1999_____________________________

Established 1999HMRC Charity Registration No.: XT30525

May 2014Website: www.mansfield-u3a.org.uk

Noticeboard: http://mansfieldu3a.blogspot.com

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Page 2: Mansfield U3A Newsletter - May 2014 (15th Anniversary Edition)

Welcome to Mansfield & District U3A’s 15th Anniversary dayTHE DAY has finally arrived and we welcome as guest speaker today, Barbara Lewis, our NationalChairman, who along with her husband Stewart, will also be joining us at the Crystal Ball thisevening. The topic of her speech is “The U3A and Me and the U3A and You” and, having read herChairman’s Column in the latest 'Third Age Matters' – page 35 – I know we are in for a treat.

I was particularly interested in Barbara’s penultimate paragraph, which echoes Peter Fletcher'spoem read by Norma Shillinglaw at the last members’ meeting and printed on p.11 of this issue. Incase some members may have missed what Barbara wrote, I quote it below:

“… We know that the motto is: 'Those who learn, also teach; and those who teach, alsolearn'. But, equally, it could be: 'Those who contribute also benefit; and those who benefitalso contribute' ”.

So, with our committee vacancies in mind, please consider what has been said by both Barbaraand Peter and come forward to help, support and enable growth within our U3A.

I would also like to mention Ray Reader’s article on page 3 about the beginnings of Mansfield U3Aand to mention the young trio on the front of this newsletter! How Tempus Fugits!

Mansfield U3A's launch meeting was held on 18th May 1999 – before the Millennium, and it seemsonly yesterday we were waiting anxiously for this after being told all computers would crash, whichthey did not, of course

Now, full to capacity with 275 members, we have to thank and remember our founding and long-serving members who have worked hard to make Mansfield and District U3A what it is today –highly successful and with people clamouring to join. Just when we think the waiting list has shrunkas we continue to help new U3As to form locally, up it goes again. Significantly.

Many of you will be looking forward to the Crystal Ball tonight – donning our best finery and 'scrub-bing up well'. Have we all practised our dance steps? The Social Committee has worked hard toensure all arrangements are in place for what, I am sure, will be one super evening and we mustthank them for their time and efforts.

I wonder how much has changed in 15 years – and I just have to mention Prince George – isn’t hejust gorgeous? What a successful tour of New Zealand and Australia. But do we remember thingsthat have gone missing? I read that dressing tables, for example, are now the prerogative of theover-70s; with hostess trolleys, telephone tables and airing cupboards all fading from view. Butenough of reminiscing!

Sit back and enjoy the day! Happy 15th Anniversary everyone.Glenis Carr______________________________________________________________________________In this issue

Page 2 Welcome.Page 3 Member's Contribution ('How did we begin?'). Social Events. (Anniversary

Ball; NNNG Picnic in The Park).Pages 3 - 4 Holiday Updates. (The London Musical; Hayling Island; The Algarve).

Groups News (History; Garden Visits; Theatre Visits, start).Pages 5 - 8 Interest Groups meetings diary.

Page 8 Book Table. Page 9 Groups News (Theatre Visits, end; Art Appreciation; Digital World, start).Page 10 Groups News (Digital World, end; Art; Antiques & Collect's; Luncheon Club). Page 11 Name Badges; Committee Vacancies; Member's Contribution ('Apathy').Page 12 Dates for your diary and Notices.

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Mansfield U3A, how did we begin?AT A MEETING of an Interest Group of Dukeries U3A called Pot Luck at the house of Edith Senior, someone posed the question, “would there be enough people interested to form a U3A in Mans-field?” Those present decided it would be worthwhile to find out.

The members present were Edith Senior, Peggy Thomas, Marjorie Smith, Gwen Harry, Reg Harry,June Reader and Ray Reader.

What to do next? Letters were sent to the local newspapers, advertisements were displayed in PostOffices, Libraries, shops, etc. and Ray Reader did an interview on Radio Nottingham, all invitingpeople to attend an Open Meeting at The Friends Meeting House on Rosemary Street in the after-noon of 18th May 1999.

We thought if 20 people attended, we would be in business. Actually 65 people turned up, so we feltthat a Mansfield U3A could be started. Edith Senior gave a presentation about the U3A, thosepresent resolved to establish a new one.

Edith Senior was elected Chairman, with Ray Reader as Vice Chairman, Malcolm Osborne asSecretary, Edith Humphries as Treasurer (shortly afterwards replaced by Alan Radford).

Meetings would be held on a monthly basis. A draft Constitution offered by the U3A national officewould be used on an interim basis. Various Interest Groups were proposed and agreed. Methods offunding, including annual subscriptions were discussed and how to develop these.

And that is how it all began!Ray Reader, founder member.______________________________________________________________________________

SOCIAL EVENTSCRYSTAL CELEBRATION BALL: 20th May at the John Fretwell Centre from 7pm. SOLD OUT

Suit has been pressed and the LBD (Little Black Dress!) got out and shoes polished.

Bar opens at 6-30pm. See you all there for a great night out!Karen Troop – 01623 633404, [email protected]. Check for updates on the website.


IT’S PICNIC TIME AGAIN!The North Notts Neighbourhood Group will be holding its fourth Picnic in the Park on Wednesday4th June 2014. This will take place in and around the marquee at the beautiful Rufford Country Parkand is a free event between 10 am and 4 pm.

There will be singing by massed U3A choirs in the morning and afternoon entertainment providedby Worksop U3A Swing Band who wowed us at our 2012 Jubilee Jamboree. There will be the usualoutdoor games for the fitter members!

Nine local U3As are involved so come along and meet the neighbours. Just bring a picnic and achair and enjoy!Rita Turner, Chairman NNNGroup – 01623 660003, [email protected]______________________________________________________________________________

Holiday updatesLONDON MUSICAL: Pajama Game (10th - 11th June)Those who are getting on the coach first at the Johnsons'/Redfern's coach depot in MansfieldWoodhouse; please make sure you are there no later than 8.30am. We shall all be leaving WalkdenStreet hopefully at 9am prompt.

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LAKESIDE HOLIDAY VILLAGE, Hayling Island (23rd - 27th June.) Individual packs with itineraries, luggage labels etc. are now ready to pick up from my table.Remember to bring your insurance details with you on holiday. 29 members who have taken theCompany's insurance should have copies at home. They were given out at the end of last year.

THE ALGARVE, PORTUGAL (18th - 25th Sept.)1. Balances of £850 (singles) £760 (twins & doubles) to be paid at the May meeting please. 2. All completed passport sheets with insurance details on the reverse, should be handed backto me at the May meeting so I can send the details to the airline. And please check the date onyour passport has 6 months left after the 18th September. (If not, please renew it now!)3. The same goes for your EHIC card (automated service 0300 330 1350). Have your card withyou if you are renewing – you can use the same number if you have never had an EHIC card.4. As usual I shall be organising a meeting at the Junction, Sutton in Ashfield at 11am onSaturday 30th August, when we can discuss any questions that may arise after reading throughyour individual packs. 11am. on Monday 1st September is an alternative date. I shall need toknow by the July meeting which date you prefer. The Saturday is better for me so please try tomake that date if at all possible. (I chose 11am so that we can stay for lunch if you like.)

Margaret Burlinson – 01623 632538, [email protected] Updates about all holidays are on the website …_______________________________________________________________________________________

Groups NewsHistoryTHIS NEW group held its first meeting on 8th May to study 'History with a difference'; not as we alllearnt at school, but to look in depth at Great Leaders, Major Inventions, Invasions, Battles,Clothes, Customs, Politics, Romance, Scandal and Skulguggery. You'd be very welcome if youthink that sounds interesting and we'll certainly try to make it so!Linda Spray

Garden VisitsWE ARE leaving at 8.30am from the Odeon car park on 12th June for our outing to Harlow Carr.(RHS members will need to show membership cards or you will have to pay admission charges!)Karen Troop and Janet Whitlam

Theatre VisitsSIX MEMBERS of the Theatre Visits group went to the Royal Concert Hall on 16th April to seeCats. No one seemed to know the storyline except for the fact that it had something to do with TSEliot's 'Old Possom's Book of Practical Cats.'

We could see that the stage was set as a larger-than-life junkyard and when the show started the costumes made animpression. The singing was superb, especially the familiarand unforgettable 'Memory' and 'Midnight.'

At the interval however I still found it confusing and thenames of the characters were difficult to understand soSheila very kindly offered to fetch us a couple of ice-creamsand bring back a programme. This had a synopsis that Iquickly skimmed through before the second half. I immedi-ately began to understand the emotion portrayed in thedancing and the purpose of the main characters became more clear.

I was overwhelmed with the tremendous energy, the creativity and the way that each of the twenty-eight members of the cast emulated, with remarkable accuracy, the variety of movements that mustbe familiar to cat owners. Continued on page 9 ...

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Key to Meetings details:THIS TABLE SHOWS THE DAY of the month, time and frequency using the first two letters of theday, followed by numbers 1 - 5 to represent the week number. The final letter M (or F, W or V) indic-ates that the group meets monthly, fortnightly, weekly or at variable intervals.

So 'Tu2, 2.30 - V M' would mean a group meeting on the 2nd Tuesday at 2.30pm Monthly but withVariable finish times.

The main Mansfield and District U3A meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (except Augustand December) at the Oakham Suite, 155 Nottingham Road, Mansfield from 10 am - 12.30 pm.

All members are invited to contact the relevant Group Leader if they would like to participate in anyinterest group or attend an event. NB: * indicates a waiting list.

Interest Group Meetings Meeting Places Leader/Contact

Antiques & Collect-ables *

Tu 2, 10 - 12 M Stanhope Centre, Bridge Street,Mansfield

Pat Blackwell01623 481745

Next Meetings: June 10th; July 8th

Art We3, 10 - 12 M Big Barn Lane Methodist Church, Mansfield

Linda Spray 01623 795176

Next Meetings: May 21st; June 18th; July 16th

Art Appreciation Mo1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanhope Centre, Bridge Street,Mansfield

Pauline Boucher01623 644798

Next Meetings: June 2nd; July 7th

Beginners' Bridge (With Ashfield U3A)

Mo, Various 6.30 - 9.00

Enviro Centre, Derby Rd College,Mansfield

Maxine Rose/Glenis Carr 01623 459081/627735

Next Meetings: June 2nd & 16th (Also Acol sessions at the Mechanics Institute – Thurs 10 - 12.30 W)

Bowls Th, 1.30 – 3.30 W Mansfield Bowls Club: QE Academy

Don Wright01623 628946

Next Meetings: Outdoors season and Coaching began on May 1st and continues every week.All welcome, including beginners, but flat / bowls shoes must be worn.

Caravan & M'home Rally

Various Various Terry Lammas01623 471963

Next Meetings: June 1st to 29th – France. (See web page for more details)

Chat and Stitch Mo3, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield

Doreen Storer01623 407731

Next Meeting: May 20th; June 17th; No Meetings in July or August.

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Interest Group Meetings Meeting Place Leader/Contact

Current Affairs Tu2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield

Norma Shillinglaw01623 466934

Next Meetings: June 10th; July 8th

Digital World Fri 2 & 4, 2.00 - 4.00 2/M

Stanton Hill Baptist Church, Skegby

David Ling01623 822994

Next Meetings: May 23rd – Visit to Pleasley Pit Trail; June 13th; June 27th – TBA

Family History Tu4, 10.00 - 12.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield

Max Clarke01623 621744

Next Meetings: May 22nd – Wills & What they Reveal; June 26th – TBA

Film Studies * We1, 1.30 - V M Joy's home Joy Crowe01623 645400

Next Meetings: June 4th; July 2nd;

Garden Visits During the Summer Various Janet Whitlam01623 635607

Next Visit: June 12th – RHS Harlow Carr. (See page 4.)

Gardening Tu1, 10.00 - 12.00 M St Peter's Centre, Mansfield

Avril McGee01623 452688

Next Meetings: June 3rd – Plants in Literature by Patsy Rayner; July 1st – Visit/Tour to Easton Walled Garden

Heartstart Mondays 1.00 - 3.00

William Kaye Hall, Ladybrook Lane

Linda Leivers 01623 471963

Next Meetings: Mondays: May 19th; June 23rd; July 28th; August 25th


Th 2, 2.00 – 4.00 Stanhope Centre, Rock Valley

Linda Spray 01623 795176

Next Meetings: June 12th; July 10th

Holidays (Home & Abroad)

Various TBA Margaret Burlinson01623 632538

Next holidays: June 23rd - 27th – Warner's, Hayling Island*; Sept. 18th - 25th – Portugal; Tues. Dec. 3rd - Thurs. 5th – Thursford Xmas Spect.; 2015: Mon. Feb. 2nd - Fri. 6th – Thoresby

Local History Fri1, 10.00 - 12.00 M Bridge Street Methodist Church

Bob & Sue Longden01623 486903

Next Meetings: June 6th – Early Non-Conformists, Why Mansfield? With Rev. D. Smith; July 4th – World War One: Members' contributions

Luncheon Club Th after 3rd Tu, 12.00 - 2.00 M

Various David Ling01623 822994

Next Meetings: May 22nd – The Hostess, Sookolme; June 19th – White Horse, Woolley Moor

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Interest Group Meetings Meeting Place Leader/Contact

Movement to Music W 10.30 - 11.30 W St John's Church Hall Linda Leivers 01623 471963

Next Meetings: Weekly on Wednesdays. Cost £4.00 per session

Music Groups

Classical Music 2 Mo4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Members' homes Peter Hart01623 620940

Next Meetings: May 19th – Italian opera at Alan's. NB Date change; June 23rd – Mandolin Music

Music 2 * Mo4, 2.00 - 4.30 M Members' homes Eric Prescott 01623 631160

Next Meeting: 26th May – Something in the Air with Elisabeth Ellis; June 23rd

Popular Music Appreciation *

Tu4, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's School, Mansfield

Peter Haynes 01623 610886

Next Meetings: May 27th; June 24th; July 22nd

Pudding Club * Tu1, 4.00 - 6.00 M Members' homes Sylvia Slack 01623 633981

Next Meetings: June 3rd – Janet; July 1st – Sylvia; August 5th – Janet

Reading 1 Th3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Peter Dawson's home

Peter Dawson 01623 882191

Next Meetings: May 15th; June 19th; July 17th

Reading 2 Tu3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ravenshead Library Joan Hufton01623 557488

Next Meetings: May 20th; June 17th; July 15th

Science & Technical Tu1, 2.00 - 4.00 M(NB Change)

Stanton Hill Baptist Church, Albert St.Skegby

Ian Boucher01623 644798

Next Meetings: June 3rd – Visit to JCB Factory; July 1st – TBA

Scrabble * Mo2, 2.00 - 4 .00 M Brenda Thurkettle's home

Brenda Thurkettle01623 628136

Next Meetings: June 10th; July 8th

Singing for FunNB Changes

TuV, 5.45 - 7.15 St Alban's Ch. Clipstone Rd. West, Forest Town

June Fell 01623 623547

Next Meetings: Tues. May 13th & 27th; June 10th & 24th. (Overflow parking opposite.)

Tai Chi Mo, 9.30 - 10.30 W St John's Centre,Mansfield

Cliff Laycock01623 481985

Next Meetings: Weekly on Mondays

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Interest Group Meetings Meeting Place Leader/Contact

Theatre Visits Various Various Sheila Whalley 01623 453908

Next Meetings: Thurs. 29th May – Sister Act. Mon. June 2nd – Lady Boys of Bangkok; Tues/WedJune 10/11 – Pajama Game: trip to London (See web page for venue, time, cost and future trips)

Walking Groups

Hikers (all-day, 6 - 8 miles)

Th1 & Mo3, 9.30 - V 2/M

Tesco car park, off Oak Tree Lane

Peter Thurkettle 01623 628136

Next Meetings: Mon. May 19th – Everton Mattersey; Thurs. June 5th – Cromford; Mon. June 16th – Youlgreave & Middleton; Thurs. July 3rd – Halam

Shufflers(short & gentle)

V Lunchtimes Various Sylvia Slack 01623 633981

Next Meeting: Fri. May 30th – Hardwick Park Visitors Centre; Mon. June 30th (12.30 pm) – SuttonReservoir Car Park; Wed. July 30th – Newstead Abbey Gates

Strollers(a leisurely 2 miles)

We2, 10.30 - V M Various Barbara Massey / Marion Thornton 01623 628357 / 01623 651528

Next Meetings: June 11th – Sherwood Pines; July 9th – Pleasley Pit Trail

Walkers(an easy 4 - 5 miles)

We4, 10.30 – V M Various Joy & Nick Crowe01623 645400

Next Meetings: May 28th – Rowthorne Trail; June 25th – River Maun & Sherwood Forest

Wine Appreciation 2* We3, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Mike Allen01623 653345

Next Meetings: May 21st – Rosé with George & Mavis; June 18th – 'Supermarket Sweep' Whiteswith John & Margaret

Wine Appreciation 3*

Tu4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Graham Allin01623 473662

Next Meetings: May 27th – Pomerol with Graham & Eileen; Mon. June 16th – Premier Cotes de Bordeaux with Jill

Writing for Pleasure * Mo2, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanhope Centre, Bridge Street,Mansfield

Sue Ford / Hilary Miller 01623 844286 / 620067

Next Meetings: June 9th; July 14th

Book tableSALE OF BOOKS in April raised £33.70, down some from previous occasions. This couldhave been due to less time in the interval for people to browse for books or fewer attendeesdue to child-minding duties.Lilian Whitehead

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… Groups News:Theatre Visits, continued from page 4The synchronisation of couples and groups working together was brilliant. In fact I came to theconclusion that it really didn't matter about the storyline after all, for the movements on the stagethroughout were mesmerising.

It was interesting to read that Andrew Lloyd Webber composed his music to already existing lyrics intheir original form and that he showed his gratitude to TS Eliot's widow Valerie, who gave himaccess to some unpublished material of her late husband. Apparently, without her help the produc-tion of Cats would not have been possible and surprisingly it became the longest-running musical inthe history of British musicals.

Thanks Sheila for making this visit possible. Keep up the good work!Margaret Burlinson


THE GROUP visited the Palace Theatre, Mansfield, on 27th April to see Monty Don.

It was a very good evening; Monty Don talked about his family life, his set-backs and triumphs. Wesaw pictures of the derelict farmhouse he moved to with 3 children and virtually no money; therewas a lot of humour he was very laid-back. He had photographs on the big screen of gardens fromaround the world. The theatre was full for a very enjoyable, relaxing evening.Sheila Whalley

PS: If anyone is interested in going out for afternoon tea on a Saturday afternoon please see me onthe Theatre table at the next meeting. Sheila

Art AppreciationFIRST WORLD WAR ANNIVERSARYAt their March meeting the Art Appreciation Group studied paintings and photography of WW1 andalso shared readings from the First World War by poets including Wilfred Owen, Rupert Brooke andSiegfred Sassoon.

A favourite painting was by John Singer Sargent entitled 'Gassed', which showed a scene in theaftermath of a mustard gas attack on the Western Front.

Group member Pat Kendall writes: “In this painting Sargent depicts soldiers who are displayingheroic dignity – is the sun setting on the sort of society that allows its 'gilded' youth to be wasted in acruel war?”

An interesting meeting that marked the anniversary of the Great War.Pauline Boucher Photos on the website ...

Family HistoryMEMBERS enjoyed a most interesting and enjoyable visit to Hodsock Priory on April 22nd asguests of owner George Buchanan, our excellent speaker last November.

Highlights included seeing a betrothal chest that had been in the family for about four hundredyears, a family ledger detailing the family accounts for the past nine generations and his family tree,going back many generations, with beautifully-painted heraldry.Max Clarke Photos on the website ...

Digital WorldRAIN PUT paid to our photographic walkabout at at Hardwick on 25th April so some members tookadvantage of free car parking at the Hardwick Food Festival the following weekend and othersresponded to a brief to photograph 'something wooden'. So we had an interesting mixed bag todiscuss at Stanton Hill on 9th May.

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Our next walkabout, weather permitting, will be on the Pleasley Trail and we'll meet at the café bythe pit head at 2.00 on 23rd May so do come along if you fancy a walk with camera in hand.

It doesn't matter if you just use a simple point-and-shoot or a complex DSLR; you'll be verywelcome and you'll be free to follow your instincts or accompany an experienced member if you'dlike tips.

We'll discuss the results at Stanton Hill Baptist Church at 2.00 on 13th June.David Ling (01623 822994)

ArtTHERE WERE 11 members at the April meeting, which proved to be very busy as everyone tookpieces of their art work that they had completed during the year. Gordon Howlett very kindly under-took the job as photographer, setting out the paintings/sketches for a photo shoot (assisted by MikeAllen). We intend to offer these pictures to the U3A exhibition at the Picnic in the Park this summer. Ialso hope to obtain some of them for our web page. After the coffee break we tried to settle down totackle the subject of buildings and looking particularly at perspective.

Our next meeting will be on 21st May when all members can bring along any work they wish tofinish, or even to start something new.

If you fancy a bit of painting or drawing and enjoy the company of like-minded people, please comealong and join us; you will be made very welcome.Linda Spray

Antiques and CollectablesA FULL coach-load of bargain hunters set off in fine weatheron 8th April to tour the many galleries at Hemswell AntiquesCentre near Gainsborough on the group's first outing. And,judging by the number of bags and larger items that wereloaded for the return, most found at least something.

Successes I've heard about so far include a rare 78 recordthat's about to be digitised, some books, a watering can,some brass-ware and one of the first Dartington Glassdecanters, designed in 1968.

The very good and economically-priced restaurants added to the pleasure of the day so thanks Pat!David Ling More photos on the website ...

Luncheon ClubOUR APRIL LUNCH at The Chesterfield Arms near Gunthorpe, showed everyone why acommunity-run pub can beat a big brewery into a cocked hat when it comes to value for money andservice so many thanks to Sheila Whalley for recommending it and making the arrangements.

Next, on 22nd May, our 15th Anniversary Lunch is being arranged by Norma Shillinglaw at TheHostess at Sookholme that was a favourite of the Luncheon Club's first leader, the late EdithSenior, who was also Mansfield U3A's first chairman. Their full carvery will cost just £7.50 or choosetheir 2-course special menu for £10.95. Order on the day.

Margaret Burlinson and Sheila Whalley have combined to arrange for us to visit a delightful Derby-shire pub, The White Horse at Woolley Moor, on 19th June. But they warn that space is limited soyou'll need to get your name down promptly. Two courses will be offered at £13 and three for £16.

Please pre-book at the Lunch Club table or by email to [email protected] Ling Photos on the website ...

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Name BadgesTHE NON-WEARING of badges has raised it’s head once again!

Please remember that wearing name badges is a simple way to show that you'd welcome a “hello”from a new friend you haven't met yet. It's a courtesy we ask you to show to others that is evenmore important now that our membership has grown to the point that it's impossible for everyone toknow everyone else. How can new members feel welcome if they can't easily introduce them-selves?

Committee members try to lead on this by always wearing their red badges to show that theywelcome questions from anyone, new members and old, but please do your bit too!

(If you've lost or forgotten the one our hard-working membership secretary gave you, please buyanother at her table by the entrance (50p!) and write your name on it.)


Many thanks.Glenis Carr, Chairman.______________________________________________________________________________

Mansfield U3A Committee VacanciesTHE COMMITTEE is seeking members who would be willing to join the committee and undertakevarious roles to be agreed.

It is essential that proposed new committee members come forward to ensure the continuity ofMansfield and District U3A, without which there would be no U3A. Any member could be co-optedonto the committee until the AGM in September, when new committee members are voted in.

As discussed previously, we seek a Minute Secretary who would like to join us and help organiseand run our U3A. If you have an interest in other roles and feel you would help, please speak to anymember of the committee.

Many thanks.Glenis Carr; Chairman______________________________________________________________________________

Ode to the Apathetic

Are you an active member, the kind who would be missed? Or are you just contented that your name is on the list?

Do you take an active part to help the work along? Or are you simply satisfied to merely just belong?

Do you assist at meetings and help to make them tick? Or leave the work to just a few then talk about the clique?

Think about it member, think both hard and long, Are you an active member, or do you just belong?

Peter Fletcher(30.3.36 to 13.4.14)

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______________________________________________________________________________Peter Fletcher. It is with deep regret that we have learned that Peter passed-away peacefully athome on 13th April after a long illness. The funeral was at Mansfield Crematorium on 25th April. Ourthoughts are with Lynette at this sad time. ______________________________________________________________________________FoundLILIAN Whitehead has found a CD inside a book donated some time ago. It contains personal dataand she'll return it if anyone phones her on 626991 and can describe it.______________________________________________________________________________Speakers' CornerWE ARE very pleased and honoured to welcome Barbara Lewis, National chairman of theUniversity of the Third Age, to help us celebrate our 15th anniversary. She says:

“At a time when organisations across the country are struggling to arrest decline and tryingdesperately to make their offering attractive, U3A continues to grow precisely because ofwhat we are. People have heard that the U3A experience is stimulating, instructive, life-en-hancing, and fun. We are developing in ways that enrich our members’ experience.”

______________________________________________________________________________Dates for your diary (Check the website for more information and updates.)Tues. 20th May: CRYSTAL CELEBRATION BALL at The John Fretwell Centre. Tickets £20inc. food and entertainment. SOLD OUT.Wed. 4th June: PICNIC IN THE PARK at Rufford. 10.00 - 4.00. Free but bring your own picnicand chairs/tables. See p3.Tues. 15th July: EAST MIDLANDS REGIONAL U3A CONFERENCE AND AGM at Trent College,Long Eaton. _____________________________________________________________________________Event and Visit PaymentsMEMBERS are reminded that deposits and payments for events and visits organised by MansfieldU3A and its interest groups are non-refundable, but places so reserved may be offered to others.______________________________________________________________________________Changes of address, etc.PLEASE contact the membership secretary, Avril McGee (01623 452688), if you've changed youraddress, phone number or email since joining Mansfield U3A so that she can update our records.______________________________________________________________________________DisclaimerTHE VIEWS expressed here are those of the contributors, only, and do not necessarily reflect thoseof the editor, the committee of Mansfield U3A or the Third Age Trust. Nor can any responsibility beaccepted for members' announcements or any errors that may occur.______________________________________________________________________________Next IssuePLEASE SEND contributions for the June issue to [email protected], or in typescript, to theeditor as soon as you can and by 1st June at the latest. Thanks!

Editor: David Ling (01623 822994) Printed by: Portland Print (www.portlandprint.org.uk)

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