The Great Depression IN LOUISIANA

New Deal - 8th Social Studies

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The Great DepressionIN LOUISIANA

Great Depression

The economy of the United States struggled for almost 10 years (1929-1939)

Many people lost all of their savings

Families struggled to make ends meet

Living conditions were rough

Many people needed jobs

New Deal Programs started by the

government that were meant to help the economy and people that were suffering because of the depression

New Deal Programs:

1. Tennessee Valley Authority

Built dams on the Tennessee River to help with flooding and create electricity

2. Public Works Administration

Put people to work building roads, buildings, and other public works projects.

3. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Insured individual savings accounts so that people did not lose their money if banks failed or closed their doors

4. Federal Emergency Relief Administration

Provided federal funds for state and community relief efforts

5. Civil Works Administration

Provided temporary federal jobs for the unemployed.

6. Civilian Conservation Corps

Provided jobs for young single men building forest trails and roads, planting trees to reforest the land and control flooding, and building parks.

7. Federal Housing Administration

Insured home loans for low-income families

8. Securities and Exchange Commission

Regulated stocks and gave stock information

9. Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Employed out-of-work Americans to repair roads, and build or repair bridges. Also employed writers, musicians, and artists who painted murals, wrote guidebooks, and provided public performances.

10. National Youth Administration

Provided job training and part-time work for college students.

11. Social Security Administration

Created a system for retirement and unemployment insurance

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