Parent Information Night Corry Stark, Math AISI Coordinator January 2010

Parent Information Night 2010

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Parent Information Night

Corry Stark, Math AISI CoordinatorJanuary 2010

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Math HomeworkWhat does it look like for you and your child?

Sometimes it can be just as frustrating for you as it is for your child.


A better understanding of the new math curriculum will help you and your child.

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Public Schooling Begins

All Students are processed:

in year groupings

at the same rate

through the same pre-set curriculum

through bite sized pieces in the same order

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Procedure shifts to Constructed Learning

– Procedural learning focuses on rote memory or learning facts or formulas in isolation.

– Constructed learning requires students to pull new learning into existing neural pathways.

– Mad Minutes are replaced by learning strategies for basic facts to automaticity.

– *Provincial Achievement Tests will reflect this change.

No more “Drill and Kill”

Debbie Duvall

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• Objectives have been streamlined at each grade level.

– More time for deeper, richer concept development.

– Students develop and communicate their understanding.

Less is More

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Students working with more than one model.

Collaborative learning.

Problem based learning.

Students developing efficient personal strategies.

Students communicating understanding.

Less worksheets … More “hands on” …. Richer discussion.

You should see …

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Grade 2 students worked with tiles to make groups

Concrete model - tiles

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Symbolic representation

Using the “doubles” strategy to explain why 6 is an even number.

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1. Build Number Sense

2. Pre-Algebraic Thinking

3. Teaching “Through” Problem Solving

4. Developing Personal Strategies

The Big Four

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• Subitize – collections

• Comparing Numbers

• Understanding Operations– number lines– benchmarks and referents– place value – balances

• Mental Math and Estimation

Number Sense

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• Help students “SUBITIZE”

• Recognize quantity at a glance

• Recognize part – whole relationships

• Helps students transform quantity

Dot Collections

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I saw 2 columns of four

No, I moved them in my head.

Is that what I showed?


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Ten Frames

As students mentally “move” dots to form familiar pattern, they are developing flexibility of thought and dynamic imagery. - Grayson Wheatley

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Mental mathematics is the cornerstone of all estimation processes

0 1

Draw a number line like this one.

Place the fractions 3/8 and 4/7 on the number line.

Explain to a partner how you decided where to place each fraction.

Mental Math and Estimation

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Students with number sense:naturally decompose (can break down) numbers

use particular numbers as referents

can solve problems using base ten benchmarks: 1,10,100,1000

understand the relationships among operations

estimate a reasonable result for a problem

want to make sense of numbers, problems, and results.

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• Equal, not equal

• Balance equations

• Flexible thinking

Pre-Algebraic thinking

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Concrete representation of balance

Student models balance.

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Pictorial Representation

Student one Student two

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4 + 5 = 7 + 2

Moving to symbolic representation

Listing equations of equalitySymbolic Representation

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• Should be meaningful to students

• Should accommodate different abilities

• Provide opportunity for collaboration with peers.

• Students represent understanding with concrete, pictorial and symbolic models.

Problem Solving

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• There are 7 cookies on the plate. Some are peanut butter and some are chocolate chip. What is on the plate?

• How many solutions?

• Can you use 7 and 0?

• Could students learn facts for seven by solving this problem?

Grade one example

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Ladybugs can have 2, 5 or 7 spots.

My friend has a jar of ladybugs.

He says altogether there are 18 spots.

Grade Two Example

How many ladybugs could be in the jar?

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Student One

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Student Two

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• Put MORE emphasis on constructing rich learning opportunities.

• Put LESS emphasis on PROCEDURE.

We want teachers to …

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Through Student Engagement

Students will develop their own personal strategies.

Eg. Ma & Pa Kettle

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Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you will

feed him for a lifetime -

Chinese Proverb



Hands on

Summary of the Retention of Learning

From How the Brain Learns David Sousa

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• Students know “math is everywhere…..”

• Have a positive attitude towards math.

• Want to try new strategies to complete tasks.

• Are curious … want to understand “why?”

• Engage and persevere to complete tasks.

• Communicate their understanding.

Success …