Personal Introduction, Gino

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Gino Castro's Personal Information Hi, I'm Gino Castro. I'm 14 years old. I was born here in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I have got 2 sisters. And I live with them and with my parents. Also I have got 3 dogs. They are Caniches. I dont like Football. I like cars and planes specially the combat planes. I go to exhibitions. I'm tall and strong, and my hair is brown and my eyes too. When I grow up I want to be a Marine Engineer.My fathers name is Daniel Castro and my mothers name is Andrea Diaz. Heres a photo of them

My sister 's name is Verena Castro. My other sister is Camila Castro.

I like cars exhibitions.

Here I am at a car exhibition!

And I like planes exhibitions.

Here I am at a plane exhibition

I went to the Elementary school Carlos Pellegrini. It is a nice school. And I was flag-bearer of that school.

Here I am!