Photograph selection for magazine cover

Photograph selection sport

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Photograph selection for magazine cover

Page 2: Photograph selection sport

This was an option as the theme of the magazine is clear as he is holding a table tennis racquet and is on a table tennis court, however there is someone in the background of the photo which looks very unprofessional and for me to use this photo I would need his consent.

Page 3: Photograph selection sport

This was an option as the photo quality looks very professional and the aperture is how I wanted it to be as the whole image is in focus, additionally the model is giving direct address and the theme is very clear.

Page 4: Photograph selection sport

Again, this photo is in a good location and the theme is clear, however the lighting is poor due to the models white t-shirt and there again is someone in the background which doesn’t look professional and needs consent.

Page 5: Photograph selection sport

This image was also an option as the model is giving direct address and the theme is clear, however the timing of the photoshoot was poor as you can see on the table it is not appropriate sports weather which looks very unprofessional and dull.

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I ended up choosing this picture for my magazine cover, the model is giving direct address and the lighting looks very good and the colours are distinct and looks very good, the weather is much more appropriate in this image and the costume of the model is much better correspondingly.