PwLE - Port wine Learning Environment The PLE Conference Southampton, 12th July 2011

Port Wine Learning Environment

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PwLE - Port wine Learning EnvironmentThe PLE ConferenceSouthampton, 12th July 2011

The PLE Conference 12th July 2011

what the hell is this about?

The PLE Conference 12th July 2011

stage 1: round table

photo: http://hpstm.tc/p/r181 (Mónica Aresta)

The PLE Conference 12th July 2011


You’ll have 5 minutes to share an awesome personal learning moment with the awesome people here.

Choose wisely and get ready to speak!

The PLE Conference 12th July 2011


Please start with:

“I would like to share with you one of the best learning moments that I had as a teacher/learner/researcher...”

The PLE Conference 12th July 2011

stage 2: Get ready for the !nal presentation!Instructions:

Prepare a GGC (Group-generated content) that sums up the experience you’ve been through with your group. Could you somehow relate it with the PLE concept or its main goals?

Please feel free to do it your way, without any kind of constraints in what the medium or the message is concerned. Publish it wherever you want.

You will have 15 minutes to think about it and publish your messages.

The PLE Conference 12th July 2011


Are PLEs the wine and spirits of teaching and learning?