Power to the SMEs!

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What key strategies can learning designers and training departments use to better engage SMEs and create better learning outcomes? Slides from a MyKineo presentation on September 15, 2010 by Cammy Bean and Steve Lowenthal of Kineo.

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Power to the SMEs! Empowering SMES to create better eLearning.

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Many of us stumble into this field because we were really good Subject Matter Experts with an aptitude for training. Is that you?

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Have you ever been a SME on an eLearning project?

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At a training department near you, SMEs are handing off their slide decks.

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You’re the ID who has to turn that dump into eLearning.

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You’ve got three short weeks to build it, but there’s too much to do!

*Time* ticking away: http://www.flickr.com/people/mike9alive/

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You want a more streamlined process and better eLearning outcomes.

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Help the SMEs see the forest and the trees with three key strategies.

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Define the design process so the SME

knows their role and how they fit in.

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First, explain the design and

development process.

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Provide a high-level view of the key project milestones.

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Clearly inform them what they need to do and how long it’s going to take.

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Emphasize the importance of face-to-face meetings and workshops.

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Second, help them visualize the inputs

and the outputs.

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Show them examples of similar eLearning projects.

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Provide an example scoping document, script or PPT.

Storyboard/script in Word

Wireframe storyboard in PPT

Initial scoping document

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Provide templates for them to work with.

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Third, agree to your schedule and the way forward.

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Agree who is going to do what.

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Check availability and time and set realistic deadlines.

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Closely manage the SME and the process!

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Ask the right questions to get the

right content.

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First, understand that your time with the SME is

probably limited!

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Even the most committed SME may only have a short block of time.

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How can you get the most out of that time?

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Prepare the top five questions you

want to ask.

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Question 1: What are the top five things people must know?

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Question 2: What key steps/processes people must follow to do this right?

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Question 3: What are the five most common mistakes people make?

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Question 4: Can you tell me five case studies or stories about the topic?

Storyteller: http://www.flickr.com/people/nickpiggott/

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Question 5: Where should people go for more help and information?

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What key questions do you ask a SME?

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Next, turn the answers into key

teaching points.

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These teaching points will drive your design forward.

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Educate the SME on the basics of Instructional


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First, determine if your SME even wants to know

more about ID!

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Some SMEs may just not be interested in your ID mumbo jumbo.

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This may be their only training project, so it’s not worth your investment.

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If it is a good fit, proceed…

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If they’re willing, explain basic

principles of ID and adult learning.

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Explain the basics of ADDIE (if that’s your model).

• Analysis• Design• Development• Implementation• Evaluation

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Keep it practical with lots of examples.

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Share your learning model and explain why it’s a good approach.

2 Set direction

3 Present information

4 Exemplify and practice

5 Summarize

6 Action and support

1 Get attention

This is one model we like to use, but do it your way!

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Share some learning tips.

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Tip 1: The expert no longer knows what he knows! Remember the novice.

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Tip 2: Content should be chunked to allow for the constraints of our brains.

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Tip 3: Providing context creates more memorable and sticky content.

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What learning theory or model or tip would you want to share with a SME?

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Create customized job aids.

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And of course, you’ll have more...but keep it simple!

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Finally, provide resources to learn more if they are so


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You’re a resource! Be a mentor!

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Check out the 60-Minute Masters.


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Read “Open-Source Instructional Design”.


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Access useful tools and resources on MyKineo.


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Define the design process so the SME

knows their role and how they fit in.

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Ask the right questions to get the

right content.

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Educate the SME on the basics of Instructional


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Helping SMEs see the leaves…

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…the trees...

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…and the forest.

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I learned something new today that I think I’ll try out on my next project!

-Yes!-No. I knew all of this already.-Maybe. But I need to know more.

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September 30: Build it fast, build it right – Product Knowledge e-Learning

October 14: Don’t be tone deaf! Creating tone of voice in e-Larning

Register at: http://www.kineo.com/mykineo/

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