Name : Arfi Kurnia Arzieah Rosyada NIM : 111 11 135 Lesson : TIFL 1 lecture : Hanung Triyoko, M.Hum., M.Ed. STATE INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES SALATIGA

Prefix Me-

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Page 1: Prefix Me-

Name : Arfi Kurnia Arzieah RosyadaNIM : 111 11 135Lesson : TIFL 1lecture : Hanung Triyoko, M.Hum., M.Ed.


Page 2: Prefix Me-


prefix Me- is the productive affixes, the affix which done by assembling upfront

of the word (basic word). Prefix Me- have six different forms are:

Me- Mem- Men- Meny- Meng- Menge-

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according to the EYD in Indonesian, writing the derivative that is prefixed me- will have two events are the prefix me- and at the basic word. The main thing that need attention when going to write derivative that is prefixed me- is to know "initial letter of basic word"A. changes in the prefix me-

1. Prefix me- doesn’t change 

2. Prefix  me turn to mem

3. Prefix  me turn to men  

4. Prefix  me turn to meng

5. Prefix  me turn to meny 

B. Change the first letter of the basic word

6. First letter of basic word of k melted to ng

7. First letter of basic word of  p  melted to  m

8. First letter of basic word of  t  melted to  n

9. First letter of basic word of  s  melted to ny

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1. Me- used in the word that begin with consonants r, l, w and y and also nasal consonant m, n, and ng. for example there are on the words:a. merasa (me + rasa)

b. melihat (me + lihat)

c. mewarisi (me + warisi)

d. meyakinkan (me + yakinkan)

e. memerah (me + merah)

f. menanti (me + nanti)

g. menyanyi (me + nyanyi)

h. menganga (me + nganga)

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2. Mem- used in the word that begin with consonants b, p, f, dan v. for example there are on the words:

a. membawa (mem + bawa)

b. memilih (mem + pilih)

c. memfitnah (mem + fitnah)

d. memvonis (mem + vonis)

3. Men- used in the word that begin with consonants d dan t. consonant d reminded sound; but for consonant t doesn’t sound, but include into origin sound on that prefix. for example there are on the words:

e. mendengar (me + dengar)

f. menarik (me + tarik)

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4. Meny- used in the word that begin with consonant s; and this consonant doesn’t sound, but include into origin sound on that prefix. Example:

a. menyingkir (me + singkir)

b. menyingkat (me + singkat)

4. Meng- used in the word that begin with consonants k, g, h, dan kh; and vocal a, i, u, e, dan o. consonant k doesn’t sound, but include into origin sound on that prefix. whereas for the other consonants is reminded sound. Example:

a. mengirim (me + kirim)

b. menggali (me + gali)

c. menghitung (me + hitung)

d. mengkhayal (me + khayal)

e. mengambil (me + ambil)

f. mengiris (me + iris)

g. mengutus (me + utus)

h. mengekor (me + ekor)

i. mengolah (me + olah)

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6. Menge- used in words only monosyllable. Example:

a. mengetik (me + tik)

b. mengebom (me + bom)

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1. Prexix me- doesn’t change

me + basic word with the initial letters of  l, m, n, r, w, y.


me + lipat = Melipat

me + makan = Memakan

me + rakyat = Merakyat

me + nanti = Menanti

me + yakin + i = Meyakini

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2. Prefix me- turn into mem

me + basic word with the initial letters of  b, f, p, v


me + basmi = Membasmi

me + foto = Memfoto

me + pikat = memikat

me + veto = Memveto

but for the words that comprise one syllable

me + bor = membor or mengebor

me + bom = membom or mengebom

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3. Prefix me turn to men

me + basic word with the initial letters of  c, d, j, t, z


me + contek = Mencontek

me + dorong = mendorong

me + jauh = menjauh

me + tusuk = menusuk

me + zina + i = menzinai

but for the words that comprise one syllable

me + cor = mencor atau mengecor

me + cap = mencap atau mengecap

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4. Prefix me turn into meng

me + basic word with the initial letters of k g, h and vocal letters


me + ajak = mengajak

me + ejek = mengejek

me + isolasi = mengisolasi

me + orbit = mengorbit

me + ubah = mengubah

me + gunung= menggunung

me + hukum = menghukum

me + kilap = mengilap

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5. Prefix me- turn to meny 

me + basic word with the initial letters of s


me + sembah = menyembah

me + sortir = menyortir

me + sikap + i = menyikapi

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initial letter of basic word that will change are k, p, t, s that will melted

1. initial letter word of k changes into ng


me + konsumsi= Mengonsumsi

me + kapur= Mengapur

me + kaca = Mengaca

But for the word that initial letter form of two consonants its doesn’t change

me + khayal = Mengkhayal

me + khitan = Mengkhitan

me + khianat + i = Mengkhianati

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2. initial letter word  of p changes into mExample:

me + pukul = Memukul

me + pilih = Memilih

me + potong = Memotong

me + popular + kan = memopulerkan But for the word that first letter form of two consonants its doesn’t change

me + protes = memprotes

me + produksi = memproduksi

me + prakarsa + i = memprakarsai

3. Initial letter word of t  changes into  n


me + tuju = menuju

me + tabrak = menabrak

me + toleransi = menoleransi but notice from the following spelling in KBBl

me + tabulasi = mentabulasi bukan menabulasi

me + tablig + kan = mentabligkan bukan menabligkan for the word that initial letter form of two consonants its doesn’t change

me + traktir = mentraktir

me + tradisi = mentradisi

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4. Initial letter word of  s changes into  ny


me + sisir = menyisir

me + sobek = menyobek

me + susun = menyusun

me + salat + i = menyalati

me + sejahtera + kan = menyejahterakan

But for the word that initial letter form of two consonants its doesn’t change

me + syukur + i = mensyukuri

me + standar + kan = menstandarkan

me + syariat + kan = mensyariatkan