Presentation of IES Arxiduc

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IES Arxiduc Llus Salvador

This school references to Arxiduc Lluis Salvador

He is Lluis Salvador. He was born in 1847 and dies in 1915. He lived in Palma de Majorca about 35 or 40 years .

This is the school's logo. It is present in all the files of the school. For example: On the website.


Geography and history




Spanish and catalan

F. & Q.


And more subjects...

In this secondary school you can know new friends and learn more things for your future.

In the school...

You will learn a lot of things and play with your friends.

You can have fun mustn't forget that you have to study.

Parties in the school

San Sebastian is the patron saint of Palma and that's we celebrated it in our school. In this day is done toasted and listen music chosen by the teachers.


Saint Jordi in the school

The school organizes a competition for the students and the winners win prizes. The contestants present their poems and history in different languages. The winners are chosen by the jury.

The school's website

Teachers in the school

In the school there are about 65 teachers .


In the school there are enoughs racks for all the students.

In the school there is a canteen where you can buy food and drink for breakfast.

The years which you have to do if you come to IES Arxiduc Llus Salvador

If you come to IES Arxiduc Llus Salvador you will have to do ESO and bachiller. Each year has three-months period.


In the school there are computers and smart boards.

Different nationalities in the school

In the school there are different nationalities. For example: From Cuba, China, Colombia, Germany and more nationalities.

Languages in the school

In the school are spoken different languages.-French: for example Mariano, the French's teacher. -English: Isabel, The English's teacher. -Spanish: All the students spike Spanish. -Catalan: All the teachers spike Catalan.

For example I do the fourth year, the ESO's last year. The next year I will do bachiller, it will be two years more. If you come here you will study four years before start bachiller. I think, IES arxiduc is a good place for learn. The subjects aren't difficult if you study a few each day. The teachers won't doubt to help you if you need help. They want you pass the exams, pass all the subjects and leave the school with your title.

The headship is Margalida Ramis.The director of studies is Llus Aliaga and They have the obligation of control the school and all the things that happens.There are teachers for each subject. For example:-Geography and history: Agustina and Apolonia.-Technology: Emilio and Francisco.-Informatics: Juanjo.-English: Isabel and Esther.-F. & Q.: Pilar and M Paz.-Maths: M Angels and Magdalena.-Ethics: Antonia Aina-Spanish: Mara Jose -Catalan: Catalina and Antonia -French: Mariano.