escape d.o.o. [email protected] Internet: The revolution in communication and marketing

Prezentacija za ZŠEM na engleskom 24.09.2012

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escape [email protected]

Internet:The revolution in communication

and marketing

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Why I’m here today?

1. To show you my view of internet2. To explain where&why money is invested3. To change your view on internet when

you wake up tomorrow.4. To persuade you to learn more about and5. To present you the newest trendsActually, to be honest: I’m here today because Dominik invited me

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.the first domain/website: 15.03.1985.

Today: more than 2 mil domains are added monthly

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.domains are virtual property

Using Domains to find a job:Branimir BračunMarija Pranjić

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.internet changed our life

“...The amount of information on the web is really exploding. They say that from the beginning of human history all the way up thru 2003 you took all the information that has ever been recorded, you take all the books that have been written, all the films that’s been produced, that’s about 40 egzabytes of information that was produced in all human history up to 2003. This year (2011) the World is producing about 800 egzabytes of information... and all that lines up on the web...”, DENIS WOODSIDE, SOURCE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pK02FzSKotc


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....Over $155 billion worth of consumer goods was purchased online in the U.S. in 2009, yet a far larger portion of offline sales were influenced by online research, according to a March report from Forrester Research. Forrester estimates that $917 billion worth of retail sales last year were “web-influenced,” with online and web-influenced offline sales combined accounting for 42% of total retail sales. That percentage will grow to 53% by 2014, when the web will influence $1.4 trillion worth of in-store sales.....

.internet influences retail

Source: http://selnd.com/dk0CTb


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.internet is the playground for IMInternet marketing is part of the NEW MARKETING!

“..I define Old Marketing as the act of interrupting masses of people with ads about average products. New Marketing leverages scarce attention and creates interactions among communities with similar interests…” Seth Godin, Meatball Sundae


“…In normal marketing, we do research and bidding and guessing and demographic / psychographic / behavior targeting and so much more just to guess when to interrupt people with a message about our brand.

Utility marketing is about delivering such incredible value that you simply become part of your audience's life!

Mobile platforms present an opportunity to achieve every marketer's dream: right message at the right time to the right person at the right place.

But they do demand that we forget traditional unimaginative ways of creating experiences and delivering value like relying on shouting/guessing. The opportunity has not exploded yet, but we are approaching that moment…”

Avinash Kaushik, http://www.kaushik.net/avinash/mobile-marketing-customer-data-acquisition-behavior-targeting/

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.internet marketing investments.


Google ~ 40mlrdU$, Facebook ~ 4mlrdU$

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sem is a SERP activitysem = seo + sea (ppc)

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.serp (Search Engine Results Page)

Yahoo’s SERP was more relevant because people decided about your relevance for a certain search query but they could not handle the fast increase of # web-sites.

‘...if you are not in Yahoo Web Directory, you can wait a long time before you appear in Yahoo SERPS....if you have a business website you will have to pay $299 dollars annually to remain inside Yahoo Web Directory...’

(source: http://www.irkawebpromotions.com/search-engines/yahoo/) march 2010.

Google uses a mathematical algorithm for his SERP. They call it natural or organic order...there are several hundred ranking factors in the algorithm and each are weighted differently, there are more than 500 changes annually, there are more than 20000 tests of the algorithm undertaken by several hundred engineers...’

(source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5RZOU6vK4Q August 2011.


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SEO or search engine optimization is a process of continuous improving your web site to achieve a better position in SERP. This improvement is technical but can change the structure of data on the web-site. A very good starter guide is at:http://www.google.com/webmasters/docs/search-engine-optimization-starter-guide.pdf

SEO is a long term activity with no guaranty because 200 factors (and changing) is against you, including all the others behind you.

.seo – the core of natural order


SEM is crucial for your visibility!


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.ppc or Google AdWordsIan Ayres:“…Even small statistical datasets are more accurate than human prediction…”

Using AdWords to find a job:Alec Brownstein

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.control your competition



How to get there?

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.position (visits)


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.position (Per Visit value)


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.display/banner/contextual/RMA ads


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.display ads

Your ads show up if the content of the web-page is relevant to your keywords and to your ads.

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.segmentation & remarketing +300% sales


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.it started in 1973.


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.SOLOMO: social – locale- mobile

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.# of users

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.mobile is always close to users


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.it’s going on already!

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Social media interactions grow almost quadratic. In the real life some interactions are not being used.

The number of connections is according to Metcalfe’s law:

n (n-1)Connections =

2 The number of interactions is twice the number of connections because 1 connection can support 2 interactions A => B and B => A.

If the number of connections (n) is very big the number of interactions is almost n2

Two phones have one connection bur two interaction. 5 phones have 10 connections and 20 interactions.

12 phones have 66 connections and 132 interactions.


‘...on New Year's Day 1994...there were an estimated 623 websites. In total. On the whole internet....’ http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2009/oct/23/internet-40-history-arpanet

29 October 1969...at 10.30pm...a computer was connected...to a second computer.... Twelve years later...there were still only 213 computers on the network.


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.facebook ads vs. Google AdWords

Google AdWords Facebook Difference F/G

Budget: 331,17 kn 47,39 € 103,58%

Ad impressions 317.739 4.300.145 1353,36%

# clicks 240 1.339 557,92%

AVG CPC 1,38 kn 0,29 kn 21,01%

CTR (only display ads) 0,04 0,03 75,00%


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.who is using LinekedIN


Using FB + LN to find a job:Steven Severn

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.pinterest – new kid on the block


An Overnight Success Four Years In The Making

Read more: http://articles.businessinsider.com/2012-05-01/tech/31511284_1_google-users-investors-facebook#ixzz25bKoVYRc

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.the 6 biggest social networks


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.bad scores are important!



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. now the oldies get social


18-29 30-49 50-64 65+


% of population on social network

2005 2008 2009 2010


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. social networks are used for ...

IZVOR: What Do People Ask Their Social Networks, and Why?

A Survey Study of Status Message Q&A Behavior, Meredith Ringel Morris, Jaime Teevan, Microsoft Research Redmond, WA, USA; Katrina Panovich Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, USA , December 2010


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.....The problem is when you are not a big company. If you have less than 30-50,000

fans, your social activity is not big enough to justify a full-time position. While you still need to post something every day, the number of questions and responses you get is not likely to take up 8 hours of your time....

IZVOR: http://www.baekdal.com/insights/can-you-really-outsource-social-media

.new jobs – community managers


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.11 Viral YouTube advises [1/2]

Wow!  Good videos do one thing really well: they surprise us. Great viral media shocks us with the unexpected.

Yowza!  A cardinal rule of advertising is that sex sells. Humor and sports are somewhat universal…sex touches everyone.

Pow! It also seems that destroying things touches all of us in some ways. Acts of destruction or implied violence makes us keep watching.

Groove! Music, like sex, can be another way to broaden the appeal of a viral ad. Music is a way to grab a hold of your attention and not let go.

Ooooh! Spots that include fantastic elements that astound us and stimulate our sense of wonder also work well.

Touch.  A common element of great drama or comedy is its ability to connect with you, the viewer, because of your ability to picture yourself in that same situation. Walt Disney was a great believer in this, counseling his animators that "comedy, to be appreciated, must have contact with the audience…there must be a familiar, sub-conscious association." We laugh or cry at things on the screen because those things connect with us by stirring up emotions we've already felt. Great viral media does the same thing by making us feel connected to the action on the screen.


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Nudge nudge,wink wink:Peek. People love to see "behind the scenes." Sometimes the "behind the

scenes“ stuff can even become a part of the spot itself: Give people a peek behind the curtain to get them hooked.

Oooohhhh! Spectacle sells. Bigger is usually better. Doing something huge, something that nobody could do in their homes is a great way of grabbing attention.

Awwwwww! One element that imbues almost all of successful spots is the kindness with which they treat their subjects and their audiences. While "people being idiots and grievously injuring themselves" videos do have their appeal, that appeal is limited to a relatively small segment of the population.

Time! Be careful with the length of your video! Somewhere the speed is still dial-up and it need ages to download. The time frame is shorter and shorter. Former 5-8 minutes are today 30s to 2 min.

Maybe it's just a product of our postmodern era but successful viral media is self-aware. It doesn't try to be something it's not: it lets us in on the joke.

.11 Viral YouTube advises [2/2]


Using YT to find a job:Miguel Durão

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.importance of smm? Example 1:

Rolling Rock - 15 % increase sales (look all the other media used also!!!):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L26ojvPFPKY&feature=player_embeddedcommercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_5w0NvWdZE&feature=related

Example 2:We have a company-policy and don’t care about SMM:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo

How much did it cost?Answer: http://www.poslovni.hr/133615.aspx

Example 3:We have learned from United Airlines:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKUDTPbDhnA&feature=share&list=PLA570C901AB66E15Fhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ESU_PcqI38&feature=share&list=PLA570C901AB66E15F

Example 4: Best ad targeting : http://www.jutarnji.hr/srbija--samoubojice-i-inovativni-oglasi-na-rijeci/894302/


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.last slide: trends


Online Ad Spend to Overtake TV by 2016

Mobile ads will overtake social ads and email marketing already this year (2011)

Social media will grow relatively slowly

…By 2016, advertisers will spend $77 billion on interactive marketing — as much as they do on television today. Search marketing, display advertising, mobile marketing, email marketing, and social media will grow to 26% of all advertising spend as they are embedded in the marketing mix...

