My Primary Research using Survey Monkey

Primary Research

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My Primary Researchusing

Survey Monkey

Page 2: Primary Research

Mary filling out my survey via the link I emailed her

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Question 1;

I asked a range of ages to get a wide perspective of opinions to help me. However I asked mainly young adults ands teenagers as that is who I will aim my soap at, because they are my target audience.

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Question 2;16/16, 100% people asked said relationships should be included within my soap. 81% said there should be dramatic scenes and 50% flashbacks which indicates that my soap should be primarily be based around dramatic relationships which have flashbacks. This indicates to me that my target audience would rather watch a dramatic story about relationships.

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Question 3;

25% of the 16 people asked wanted to see secret relationships which could easily be included within my soap as it is set within a school. Teenage pregnancy, crime and murder were also popular which will help me when considering what story line to focus on when filming my soap trailer.

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Question 4;

The majority of people asked, 36% would prefer to watch my soap at 8/8:30 pm. This time of day is popular because most people are home from work/ school and have eaten dinner and want to relax. However this is a very popular time for soaps as Eastenders and Coronation Street feature within this time period.

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Question 5;Hero's and villains were frequently mentioned in the responses as they are very traditional character roles. They are popular roles as the villain makes the episodes very dramatic but the hero has a strong likeable factor.

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Question 6;

The Majority of participants, around 68% answered that they thought that soaps are aimed at the lower class. This indicates to myself and my group we should include stereotypical lower class features such as slang, housing estates and branded clothes such as ‘Nike’.

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Question 7;This question has a mixed responses but from this information I can gather that the soap needs to be aired every weekday in order to become in peoples daily routines and for it to become a habit to watch.

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Question 8;These responses suggest that the males characters should be powerful and dominate in contrast to the female characters who will play a more innocent and submissive role. However other responses would suggest that both the male and female characters should be equal. I will include both these ideas and we live in an equal modern society but the tradition stereotypical gender roles are still present.

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Question 9;From my data I can see that Eastenders 38%, and Hollyoaks 25% are the most popular soaps to watch. Hollyoaks is mainly aimed a a younger audiences like my soap will be compared to Eastenders. However both have similar elements such as their dramatic story lines which I will aim to include within my soap.

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Question 10;8/16 (50%)people voted Park Rise as their favorite name for our soap and only 3 people choose it as their least favorite name. This suggests that we should called our soap park rise and as the name of the school within the program because the audiences responded to this name the best.

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Concluding from my primary research, I will include a story line within my soap called ‘Park Rise’, based on a dramatic story line for my target audience aged between 17-50. My soap will be based around the lower class as they are seen to be the most stereotypically audience as my results highlight. I will try and follow in a similar way to EastEnders and Hollyoaks, because they were the two most favorited soaps.
