Group Members Name : Samantha Lee Czen Shing LeeYih Darren Sia Hang Yin Lai Tzexiuen Group : Session : Subject : Social Psychology Course : Foundation In Natural and Built Environment Submission Date : 8-12-2014

Psycho Video report

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!!!Group Members Name : Samantha Lee Czen Shing


Darren Sia Hang Yin

Lai Tzexiuen

!Group :

Session :

!Subject : Social Psychology

!Course : Foundation In Natural and Built Environment

!Submission Date : 8-12-2014


Content !Introduction


a. Materials

b. Procedure





Acknowledgement We would like to thank all our group members for cooperating and making time for this project. It was truly time consuming as we had to think of the most suitable story line which could include a minimum of 5 concepts in it. We spend almost the whole day trying to think of what we could actually act out. It was pretty stressful but with the support of our group members, nothing was impossible. We gave encouragement to one another to go on. Thus, We finally came up with a suitable one. Next, we started the recording part. It was really tiring for all of us as we had to retake the video numerous times as we found flaws in the previous recordings. Although we were all tired, we didn’t give up and continue shooting it. Everyone in the team did a good job by not making a big fuzz out of it. Adding on to that, whenever we had a problem, we would give various types of suggestions to overcome it.

We would also like to thank our lecturer for helping us out with this project. Without his lectures on the concepts in psychology, we would not be able to do this project. As we have no idea what the concepts actually mean. Whenever we had problems on our assignments, our lecturer would be there to help us through it.


Introduction For this project, we are separated by lecturer into groups consist of 4 to 5 members to conduct a social psychology conceptual video clip and required to do a presentation. Group conceptual topics are based on integrating theory to the practical. We are encouraged to use materials and theories from various topics taught and discussed in class. As for my group, we went through many brain storming sessions and we came out with a story line that got into agreement between all the members, with the title of Story of the three wacky waving inflatable flailing arm tube men business elite team final limited edition ( in short, three workers)

In summary, the story is actually talking about three very dedicated workers that works really hard not just to have external rewards from bonuses or higher salary, they worked really hard to also build the company’s brighter future. One day, after the three workers handed up the given task with full confidence, they got called up by the lady boss (acted by Samantha) into office. The lady boss scolded the three workers real bad, but yet the three workers do not have any clue at all that is happening because there shouldn’t be any problem with the report. After re-reading the report, they realise it’s not their doings and have been sabotaged. To prove their innocence, they even brought out evidence. Unfortunately, the lady boss did not accept their explanation and still sacked them. Going through such hard times being accused, the three workers plan on revenge by damaging the lady boss car. But, things didn’t go as they plan because they were damaging the wrong vehicle, the real owner of the vehicle they were damaging, which is a gangster lady chased after them. Story ends with the three workers regret their doings and counterfactual thinking that if only they did not do it, none of them will fall into such horrible situation of being chased down.




During the acting for the video clip presentation, a discussion room

which was located at Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus block D level

5 was used as an office room for the lady boss character to fire the

three workers characters. A class room which was located at block E

level 5 in the same university was used as an office area to show how

the three workers characters were motivated to do their work day and

night. The two cars which both of them are Volkswagen Beetles red in

colour are used as the cars of the lady boss character and a lady

gangster boss character. A baseball bat, a knife and a blade were used

as weapons for the three workers characters to “damage” the lady

boss character’s red Volkswagen Beetle car.



1.There are five members in our group and each group members

will be acting these five characters, a lady boss, the three

workers and a lady gangster boss.

2.The settings of this video clip were shoot are all at Taylor’s

University Lakeside Campus, there are at a discussion room in

block D level 5, a classroom in block E level 5, the basement car

park, along the road side of the outdoor parking and along the

road side beside the DK Senza condominium.

3.The story of our video clip began with the first scene showing

there were three hardworking workers working day and night for

the company, their purpose of working so hard is not to get a

higher paid by their boss but it is for the bright future of their

company. In this video clip scene, the three workers had showed

intrinsic motivation because they want their company to have a

brighter future therefore they were motivated to work non-stop

from day to night.

4.The second scene shows that after the three workers work so hard

everyday, they wanted to show good results by handing in their

project with additional information in it to their boss, which was

the lady boss. By the moment they handed the project to the lady

boss, they did not realize that their project was sabotaged by

other people before and there was a major problem on the

project, as the lady boss looked through the project she got so

angry. Therefore, the three workers have to convince the lady

boss by giving explanations saying that this was not their work and

showing their soft copy project as evidence to the lady boss. In

this scene, the three workers are persuading the lady boss in

terms of verbally using the evidence that they have in order to

maintain their jobs.

5. In the third scene, the lady boss did not believe the fact that the

three workers’ work was being sabotaged by other people even

the three workers had shown their evidence to her. Therefore,

she fired the three workers. The lady boss showed confirmation

bias to the three workers in the third scene because she did not

want to believe or listen to the three workers’ explanation even

though the evidence that the three workers had shown to her. The

reason for the lady boss who did not believe the three workers

were probably before that the lady boss was being influenced by

the person who sabotaged the three workers’ work. As a result,

the belief of the lady cannot be changed even though there is

strong evidence which does not support her belief.

6. In the fourth scene, after the three workers got fired by the lady

boss they wanted to commit suicide but before that they thought

that they cannot just end their lives, they wanted to take revenge

over the lady boss. So the three workers decided to take revenge

by damaging the lady boss’s car which is a red Volkswagen Beetle.

They went to the parking lot getting their weapons ready and

searched for the lady boss’s car and as they saw a red Volkswagen

Beetle car they though it was the lady boss car so they damaged

the car by hitting it with their weapons. Unfortunately when they

were hitting the car, they realized that they hit the wrong car,

the car that they hit is belong to a lady gangster boss. When the

lady gangster boss saw the three workers hitting her car, the

three workers quickly dropped their weapons and ran. In this

scene, the three workers showed stereotype by thinking that their

lady boss might drive a red colour Volkswagen Beetle because a

Volkswagen Beetle is an expensive car which their lady boss cans

afford to buy the car, and it is usually driven by ladies and in this

case the car happened to be red in colour. The three workers are

stereotyping a red Volkswagen Beetle are usually owned by rich

ladies or lady bosses but they did not though of the red

Volkswagen Beetle that they were hitting belongs to a lady

gangster boss.

7.The fifth scene which is the last scene shows that after the three

workers hit the lady gangster boss’s car, they ran away and the

lady gangster boss chased them using her car. When the three

workers were running away from the lady gangster boss, they

were wondering if they did not went to hit the red Volkswagen

Beetle, than they would not be chased by the lady gangster boss

using her car. In this scene, the three workers showed

counterfactual thinking because the three workers were having a

thought of possible outcomes to the event that had already

occurred. When the lady gangster boss were chasing after the

three workers, the three workers had a thought thinking that if

and only if they did not want to seek for revenge by hitting the

red Volkswagen Beetle then they would not be getting into

trouble with a lady gangster boss.


Discussion Through our group discussion and brain storming sessions, we have chosen five social psychology concepts and related them to our video, which are: Intrinsic motivation, persuasion, confirmation bias, stereotyping and counterfactual thinking.

For the first concept which is intrinsic motivation, the definition of it is a behaviour that is driven by internal rewards. In other words, the motivation to engage in behaviour arises from within the individual because it is intrinsically rewarding. This is shown in at the starting of the story when it is said by the narrator that the three workers don’t work just for their own salary, they also worked for the better future of the company sincerely as they enjoy working for the company despite staying over in the company day and night to complete the task given. And this fits perfectly to be said as an intrinsic motivation as they did not worked for the rewards of getting bonus or higher salary, they worked for the company’s brighter future.

Second concept will be persuasion. In terms of social psychology, persuasion is the process by which a person’s attitudes or behaviour are, without duress, influenced by communications from other people. One’s attitudes and behaviour are also affected by other factors (for example, verbal threats, physical coercion, and one’s physiological states). This is shown on the scene when the lady boss (Samantha) asked the three workers to enter her office, and then scold the workers for not doing their job right. Therefore to avoid being sacked by the boss and also to prove their innocence, they try to persuade her and also provide her with evidence. The concept of persuasion fits here as they are trying to convince the boss with words to not sack them.

For the third concept is confirmation bias. Confirmation bias refers to a type of cognitive bias that involves favouring information that confirms previously existing beliefs or biases. This concept is shown when the three workers persuade the boss with words of saying they have been sabotaged and with solid evidence, the boss shows biasness towards the three workers because she did not accept the explanations given by the three workers mostly because the lady boss was so influence by the person that sabotaged them and confirms the fault on the three workers. The concept of confirmation bias is showed as the beliefs of the boss on the influence by the sabotage-er couldn’t be changed even with solid evidence.

Next, the fourth concept will be stereotyping. Stereotyping is a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people. One advantage of stereotyping is that it enables us to respond rapidly to situations because we may have had a similar experience before, the disadvantage will be it makes us ignore differences between individuals; therefore we think things about people that might not be true (i.e. make generalizations). In this video, stereotype is shown when the three workers taking revenge on damaging the boss car. The three workers went to the car parking lot of the company to look for the boss car, as they saw a red colour Volkswagen Beetle, the immediately thinks that it is the boss’s car as it is an expensive car. They stereotyping that the entire ‘boss’ positioned people will drive an expensive beautiful car.

Lastly will be the concept on counterfactual thinking. It is defined as it involves the human tendency to create possible alternatives to life events that have already occurred; something that is contrary to what actually happened. Counterfactual thinking is exactly as it states: "counter to the facts. “These thoughts consist of the "What if?" and the "If I

had only..." that occur when thinking of how things could have turned out differently. Counterfactual thoughts are things that could never possibly happen in reality, because they solely pertain to events that have occurred in the past. This is included in the video as well when it’s near the ending. The three workers were being chased by the gangster lady, the counterfactual thinking that ‘if’ only they saw the car, and choose to walk away instead of damaging it.



-Myers, D. G. (2009). Exploring Social Psychology. New York : McGraw-Hill. !-Baron, R. A., Byme, D. (2000). Social Psychology. Boston : Allyn & Bacon.

!-Duff, K.. (2012). Think Social Psychology. Boston, MA : Pearson / Allyn & Bacon

!- Moskowitz, Gordon B (2005). Social Cognition: Understanding Self and Others. Texts in Social Psychology. Guilford.

!- Cardwell, M. (1996). Dictionary of Psychology. Chicago IL: Fitzroy Dearborn

!- Owad, T. (2006). Confirmation bias: A ubiquitous phenomenon in many guises. Review of General Psychology 2(2), 175–220.

!- Roese and Olson (1995) "Counterfactual Thinking - A Critical Overview"


APPENDIX!!1. Group members discussing the flow of video at the car park for scene 5!

!2. One of the scene in the video, Block E Level 8

3. The script, including description of the scene, dialogue included, props and characters!

!4. The script, including description of the scene, dialogue included, props and characters.