L2 – Section A – Question 1 b) Audience Wednesday 30 th April 2014 Unit G325: Critical Perspectives in Media

Question 1 b) audience practice

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L2 – Section A – Question 1 b)


Wednesday 30th April 2014

Unit G325: Critical Perspectives in Media

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Aims & Objectives

• Re-cap prior learning in relation to what is expected of you for this Section of the exam.

• Go through the Key Concept Audience and establish and introduce some new theories YOU SHOULD apply in the exam IF you get a question for Genre.

• Plan and complete a Practice question on Genre.

• Review the learning.

AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding to show how meanings are created when analyzing media products and evaluating your own practical work (Section A)

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Starter – 3 minutes

YOU MUST log on and complete the Section A Quiz on the Blog Page.

YOU SHOULD complete some of the other Quizzes in the time frame allocated.

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Unit G325 – Question 1 b)

YOU SHOULD refer to your A2 Production as this is more in depth in terms of the Products (Main & Ancillary) that you can refer to.

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This will be different dependent on what Question you have to answer in the exam.

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Audience –

This is theory YOU MUST apply in the exam IF you get a question for Audience.

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In accordance with Kilborns (1992) ‘Cathartic element’ ideology, the audience let out …. Emotions in the name of media product because…

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Audience Theory

We are going to go through some Genre theory that WILL improve the overall quality of an answer given for “analysing one of your coursework productions in relation to the concept of Genre” – 25 Marks (OCR)

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WHAT are the audience ‘informed’ (Katz) of (themes & issues) in your trailer?

HOW are ‘explorers’ (Maslow) appealed to in your trailer/poster?

WHAT messages are the audience ‘injected’ with?

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In accordance with Dugdale (2006), the audience in mind “told us what they liked” post-production in the form of…. Which was useful because…..

Other forms of audience feedback that connotes how the “audience have the greatest power” (Dugdale – 2006) was….

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As a producer for ‘Name of Soap Opera’ (or magazine cover), I intended to provide the audience with a dominant reading (Hall – 1973) of the text through…. because….

However, they may form a Negotiated reading (Hall – 1973) of the text through….

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An outline of some of the theory we have covered today is available on the Blog under:

• UNIT G325: SECTION B – GLOBAL MEDIA AND MEDIA IN THE ONLINE AGE• Useful Links – A2 and Unit G325: Section A Revision

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YOU MUST logo onto the Blog Page:

Briefly summarise HOW you would use 3-4 of these Audience related theories to demonstrate what you have learnt in preparation for completing a Question such as:

Analyse one of your coursework productions in relation to the concept of Audience

(25 marks)

(There is some further reading on the page)

For example:

Dugdale (2006) Audience feedback post-production that determine what the audience liked and “want” from this medium/genre. For example…. – Give an example from your Question 3)

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Visit the following page and go to the link:


You have 5 minutes to locate a theory we have NOT covered today that you could contextualize to your Main and/or Ancillary products.

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Analyse one of your coursework productions in relation to the concept of Audience

(25 marks)YOU SHOULD designate no longer than 25-30 minutes answering this question (dependent on how much planning you want to do for Section B).

1-2 Minutes – BRIEF Plan and Introduction

15 minutes – Main Task (Trailer) – 3-4 detailed examples and links to theory.

10 minutes – Ancillary Products – 2-3 detailed examples and links to theory.

1-2 minutes - Conclusion

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What you have learnt– Plenary3

minutesYOU MUST write down x1 thing/ Audience theory we have covered today that you have learnt.

YOU COULD give more than x1 example.

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1) Prepare to complete an Audience Answer for next lesson

2) Revise!

Due: Wednesday 7h May 2014 – Period 3