Slide 1-How did we find Mandii We began thinking about how to interest people and researched university students. We found this graph that has a large majority of university students dropping out due to financial pressure. This is when we came up with Mandii Twist. Mandii Twist was made up as the face of our story, mimicking the university students who have no money. We then researched what free stuff we can find around university and the mall and realized there is a lot. This is when we decided to show students where and how to get freebies to try and lower the 38% of drop outs. Slide 2- Initially we were just going to show the freebies with all different people to get them. However, we had feedback in our first presentation and where told to use a character to develop a narrative. This is where we made up Mandii, just another poor university student. Slide 3- Strategy


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Slide 1-How did we find Mandii

We began thinking about how to interest people and researched university students. We found this graph that has a large majority of university students dropping out due to financial pressure. This is when we came up with Mandii Twist. Mandii Twist was made up as the face of our story, mimicking the university students who have no money. We then researched what free stuff we can find around university and the mall and realized there is a lot. This is when we decided to show students where and how to get freebies to try and lower the 38% of drop outs.

Slide 2-

Initially we were just going to show the freebies with all different people to get them. However, we had feedback in our first presentation and where told to use a character to develop a narrative. This is where we made up Mandii, just another poor university student.

Slide 3- Strategy

The internet is one of the most common mediums, which is why we have chosen to extend our narrative using a blog and facebook. Facebook is a common social networking site where most students are

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connected and can be updated on Mandii’s endevour for freebies. The blog has also been made as another site, for those who do not have facebook. They each contain episodes of Mandii at University of Canberra and Belconnen mall.

Slide 4-Media Platforms

Posters are an easy way to see and exploit any kind of advertising as it is visable to everyone, anytime. This is the sole purpose as to why we put up posters as our primer. The message was Want Free Stuff to draw in the audience and make them want more.

Slide 5

The 2nd round of posters where then put up saying where you can find out more about free stuff. This referred to facebook and the blog site.

Slide 6

To extend our facebook and blog site we made videos of Mandii’s adventures. We also put it up on youtube and it is available on iphones. The videos consist of photo montages to make it more interesting and

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we can use these photos on facebook to describe her adventures.

Slide 7-Replication

We used various media platforms to carry out Mandii’s story and make it available to as many as people as possible. Web-isodes can spread over various forms of media such as facebook, blog, youtube, and even television. If Mandii became very popular it could be used on Radio and in the newspaper. We spoke to the UC radio station and they said they would broadcast Mandii’s adventures, as it attends to all students needs.

Slide 8 – reward

From the narrative point of view the journey is the reward, with people being able to follow Mandii’s adventures and help her find freebies around the campus. These viewers can then go and obtain these freebies for themselves after seeing when and how Mandii did, being a more substantial reward.

Slide 9- ideas for the future

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In the future if Mandii’s journey was to continue we have several ideas. We would transform Mandii’s adventure into a video game. If Mandii’s adventures became so popular, the idea was to join forces with a new video gaming company and propose the idea of a “free” video game to start their company running- the game could be about Mandii and her adventures of finding “free stuff” around campus. The game could include, for example- how many free magazines she can find in the shopping mall. We would also use Text messaging: Only for the mad keen followers, text messages would be sent to Mandii updating her and in turn she would update her other followers through text messages and other media platforms.

The Major goal with appropriate funding and research would be to have a Mandii Twist at every University and  tertiary campus in Australia. The University of Canberra’s adventures are a prototype of what could occur across all uni’s.

The aim of our whole project was to encourage students to help Mandii and tell her about the Free items and events they come across and in turn posting online so other supporters can follow.

The way we went about creating mandii’s multi platform storyline was to follow

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Dena’s three key approaches, Replicate, transform and expand. We replicated the episodes on multiple platforms, with the intention to expand to more platforms in the future. As we were on a tight budget we weren’t able to transform mandii in the way that we wanted. However we have ideas to create video games based on the freebie idea, as well as radio segments.

We also relied on Dena’s (2007) Call to Action cycle involving primer, referral and reward to help with our cross-media interaction. These three steps helped us to be able to link all our platforms together and to make sure they would be accessible to our target audience.


Sam- Mandii Twist, visual and sound manager

Emma- Cameraman, editor

Casie- editor

Jess- platform manager

Slide 10- if we could do it again

•We would make a free day! Which entails free stuff for everyone up at the university campus. Redbull said they would come and hand out free redbull. We would also get

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the red frogs to come, with other freebies such as a sausage sizzle, condoms, pocket pals, and much more!