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Research and planning plan of ideas

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Research and Planning:Plan of Ideas.

- Imogen Law

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First Idea:

My first idea was based on a book I have read. It involved a girl who has been having night tremors. One night when she is asleep she has a dream that a mysterious man tries to kill her. She awakes from her dream shaken and sweaty. She moves over to her mirror and realises she has a scratch on her face, and as she lifts her arm to feel if it’s real she sees a lot of cuts on her arm. She then has flash backs to her dream and the mysterious man. Horrified when she realises that her dream was in fact reality. She then decides to go and tell her friends, but when they hear they just laugh at her and think she is crazy, until she falls asleep with them around and they appear in her dream with her. They then find out that the mysterious man is no lie and they have to work together to kill him before they die.

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Reasons as to why I did not choose this idea:

I feel that this idea was a great idea and had a lot of potential, however I had to be realistic when deciding what idea I wanted to do. This meant that I had to rule this idea out, this is because I will be new to using the software at editing the video and I feel that it would of been difficult to fade in and out of the dreams, as most films make it obvious when it is a flashback or a dream.

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Second Idea:

My second idea was about a scientist whom is trying to find a cure after tragically loosing both his parents to pneumonia when he was just 14. He has been trying for nearly 12 years and is finally about to give up when the dying rat that he is testing on makes a miraculous recovery. He studies the rat for a further 12 hours to see if there is any side affects and see that there is none, so he tries it on a human being, and the same happens. Then eager to get it out to the world and become famous, he doesn’t realise that after 24 hours the tests start to loose salinity after 24 hours and start to loose their old form, forcing them to feed off other people and living things.

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Reasons as to why I did not choose this idea:

I did not choose this idea because as good as it sounds, I don’t believe it was realistic enough. I would have faced a lot of obstacles if I had chosen this idea. Which would of meant that I would of been unable to produce a completed piece of work that is effective.

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Third Idea:

My third idea involved a group of friends whom are on their way to a Halloween party, and take a short cut through a little village that one of the group member’s know well. They then come to a sudden stop before the come to the village and think the have run out of petrol so one of the members goes to have a look, only to find out that there is actually something wrong with the car. The group then go off in search of a garage in the village that is close by. After a while they realise that the village is abandoned. They then see a garage that is open and has lights, when a man comes to aid them. They tell him about the car and he says he can fix it but it will take until morning. He then suggests that they stop at his house for some rest. The group agree and go to his house only to find that this man is no mechanic and that there is something very wrong. When the group try and bail they discover the so cold mechanic's secret.

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Reasons as to why I did not choose this idea:

I felt that this idea was one of the best ideas that I came up with. Only to again see that it is not realistic and would be impossible for me to do, this is because it would be extremely difficult to find an abandoned village and an unused house with a garage. However I really liked the idea of their being a group of friends going on a road trip or to a party so I took this through to my next idea.

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Fourth Idea:

My fourth and final idea includes a group of friends who are finishing up a good day out exploring, when one of the members discovers when they are back at the car that they have lost their phone. One of the other members refuses to back because it is going to go dark soon. There is confrontation in the car which is soon silenced by a thud from outside the car. One of the members see a mysterious man in the review mirror and tells his friends to look, and when they do there is nothing there. They then agree to go and look for the lost phone only to realise that it is in the possession of the mysterious man. The group then discover what the mysterious man is up to, and it is not pleasant. The group have to then defend and run away from the mysterious man as they realise that they are so far away from the car they will not be able to find there way back. Will they survive a man who it driven by hate?

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Reasons as to why I chose this idea:

I felt that this idea was the most realistic idea which i had gathered together. I felt that it would be an easy thing to film as I have access to a woods, and a car. It also means that there will be no need for extreme editing on my trailer which is something that I wanted as I wanted to be as fresh as possible.