1 THE EFFECT OF EXTRACURICULLAR ACTIVITIES CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Basically, teaching and learning is a process of educational interaction between teachers and students. The purpose of the educational interaction involves three aspects, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. To achieve both objectives, Required maximum role of a teacher, both in the transmitter of the material, the use of methods, classroom management, and so on. In addition, teachers are expected to be more creative to support learning activities in the classroom one of the activities in question are supporting extracurricular activities.

Research Proposal (The effect of extraculicullar activities)

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1.1 Background

Basically, teaching and learning is a process of educational interaction

between teachers and students. The purpose of the educational interaction involves

three aspects, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. To achieve both

objectives, Required maximum role of a teacher, both in the transmitter of the

material, the use of methods, classroom management, and so on. In addition, teachers

are expected to be more creative to support learning activities in the classroom one of

the activities in question are supporting extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities is "activities conducted outside of school hours".

Extracurricular activities can be done in school or out of school depending on the

needs and suitability of extracurricular activities. Specifically for English subjects,

extracurricular activities are often carried out school and outside the school

extracurricular English language debate. Like the English language outside of school

hours and school environment, to be more fluent in pronunciation.

From the brief description above that the extracurricular activity is an activity

that can support students' learning activities, including activities that can support

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student learning activities in class. Conjecture is evident from the pre-survey that

researchers do in SMAN AA Putussibau. Of the pre-survey, researchers found that

the majority of students often take part in student council, English debate, language

labs, and so also actively participate in learning activities in the classroom.

1.2 Problem Formulation

Based on the description above and the pre-survey, then the problem can be

formulated in the above study as follows:

1. How do extracurricular activities students English debate on subjects of class X

English in SMAN AA Putussibau?

2. How Class X student learning activities in the subjects English in SMAN AA


3. Whether a significant difference between the English languages debate

extracurricular activities for students of class X activity in subjects of English in

SMAN AA Putussibau?

1.3 Limitation Problems

Because limitation in terms of time, opportunity and my abilities, then this

research only discusses the influence and relationship between extracurricular

activities with class X student achievement in SMAN AA Putussibau.

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1.4 Identify the Problem

Referring to the background above, the problem can be identified several

issues related to the background of the above:

1. Is there any impact on student learning achievement on the subjects of English?

2. Is there a relationship between activity extracurricular English debates on

student achievement?

1.5 Research Objectives and Purpose

1.5.1 Research Objectives

The main objective of this study was to find the influence of the English

language debate extracurricular activities for students of class X activity in subjects

English in SMAN AA Putussibau. However, the specific objectives of this study

aimed to obtain information and clarity about:

1. Extracurricular activities students English debate on subjects of class X English

in SMAN AA Putussibau.

2. Class X student learning activities in English subjects in SMAN AA


3. Significant relationship between the activities of the students of class X activity

on subject is English in SMAN AA Putussibau.

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1.5.2 Usability Research

The benefits of this research can be summarized researcher deep on 2 parts: Practical Benefits

A. Contribute ideas for the development of science education, especially in

respect to the things that affect a child's learning success.

B. The results can be used as a conceptual contribution in the context of refining

the concept and implementation of educational practices as a strategic effort in

developing human resources. Theoretical Benefits

Practically, the results of this study are expected to benefit the English teacher

as well as an evaluation of material inputs in improving the extracurricular activities

that can positively affect the students' learning activities in the classroom.

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2.1 Theory Framework

2.1.1 Extracurricular Activities

A. Understanding extracurricular English language debate

Extracurricular activities are activities performed for girls and boys school or

university, outside the hours of study a standard curriculum. These activities exist at

all levels of education from primary school to university. Extracurricular activities are

intended to allow students to develop the personality, talents, and abilities in areas

outside academics.

The understanding of the English language debate is "a conscious effort to

prepare students to speak, understand, appreciate and practice through counseling,

teaching, practice with regard for the rules to be aware that the English language is

one of the languages used in the world" and aims to develop communication skills in

speaking English orally, arguing skills in English.

Based on the above understanding, it can be concluded that the English debate

extracurricular activities are additional activities that are conducted outside of regular

extra hours in order for these additional activities can help students understand

English well.

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B. Principles of extracurricular programs

With reference to the intent and purpose of extracurricular activities at school,

it can be argued the principles of extracurricular activities. Principle extracurricular

activities are as follows:

1. All students, teachers and school administration personnel should be

participate in efforts to improve the program.

2. Cooperation in the team is fundamental.

3. Actions should be limited to participation.

4. The process is more important than the outcome.

5. Program should take into account the special needs school.

2.1.2 Student Activity

A. Definition of Student Activities

Learning activity is an activity undertaken to produce changes in knowledge-

knowledge, values, attitudes, and skills of the students as an exercise carried out


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B. Student Activity Type

Based on knowledge of the principles set out above, it is expected that

teachers can develop activities for students. On the types of activities in question can

be classified into:

1) Visual Activities, i.e. all activities associated with the activities of the

student to see, gaze, and attention.

2) Oral Activities, i.e. activities related to the students ability to speak and


3) Listening Activities, i.e. activities related to the students ability to

concentrate on listening to lessons.

4) Motor Activities, i.e. all the physical skills of students to express their


2.2 Framework for Thinking

Based on the picture above it will be known whether there are effects caused

extracurricular activities subject English (variable x), the learning activities of

students in English language subjects (variable y). Then with the known effect

allowing easy for teachers to prepare a work plan related to the extracurricular


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2.3 Relevant Research

Before conducting the study, researchers have traced some of the results of

previous studies that have relevance to the study the researchers did this. Some

examples of past research title does have relevance in terms of the problem is finding

out about the relationship and influences but different objects and targets. Therefore,

researchers choose the problem of "The Effect of Extracurricular Activities" on the

learning activities of students of SMAN AA Putussibau.

2.4 Research Hypothesis

According Arikunto defines hypothesis as a temporary answer to the problem

character proven through research to the data to be collected. Based on the above, the

opinion will be formulated by researchers that there are significant debates English

extracurricular activities for students of class X activity in subjects of English.

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3.1 Target, Time and Location Research

Were targeted in this study were class X students of SMAN AA Putussibau,

reason chose class X SMAN AA Putussibau due to its location and the circumstances

in which the researcher felt the need to do this research.

3.2 Research Methodology

To finding the influence of extracurricular activities for English debate class

students learning activities. On the subjects of English in SMAN AA Putussibau, the

basic elements that must be found in accordance with the grain of the problem

formulation, objectives and benefits of the study, we used quantitative research with

determinative approach is to look for the influence caused by the extracurricular

activities of the English language debate English subjects of class X students of

SMAN AA Putussibau.

3.3 Population and Sampling Techniques.

3.3.1 Population

Population is the whole subject as a source of data that have certain

characteristics in a study. Characteristics in this study are: (a) grade 1A, 1B 1C, and

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1D, (b) not a transfer student, and (c) no students to the next grade. Based on the

characteristics of the population in this study were men.

Distribution of Class X

At SMAN AA Putussibau


1 1A 42

2 1B 41

3 1C 42

4 1D 41


3.3.2 Sample

To determine the number of samples, researchers will use the "Nomogran

Hari King" with an error rate of 5%. Under these provisions, the sample obtained by

44 (0.35 x 126 = 44.1 rounded to 44). To determine the sample in each class each

researchers use the more complete calculation of the percentage that can be seen in

the following table:

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1 1A 42 11

2 1B 41 11

3 1C 42 11

4 1D 41 11

TOTAL 126 44

Description: Sample obtained from 44:4 (Number of classes) = 11

Researcher sampling technique that will be used in this study is the mean

probability sampling is "a technique that provides equal opportunities for every

member of the population to the elements or selected into the sample". Furthermore,

to the determination of sample used was systematic random sampling technique. The

reason is because the researchers know the name or identification of the individual

units of the population through the attendance list of students in each of the class.

3.4 Data Collection Techniques

To get the data associated with extracurricular activities on English subjects,

the researchers will use techniques such as direct observation which falls

spaciousness. Because with this kind of data collection instruments researcher sense

data to be collected more accurately when we observe for yourself what is going to

happen in the field.

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3.5 Analysis Engineering Data

Data analysis techniques will be used to address problems 1 and 3 is the

percentage analysis by the formula:


Me: Mean (average)

Epsilon (read: number)

Regarding the types of extracurricular activities and the types of activities

students will be analyzed by describing in sentences. As for the influence of the

English Extracurricular Activities Student Activities Class X in Subjects English in

SMAN AA Putussibau will uses regression formula.

3.6 Hypothesis Statistics

Based on the description of the research report that research do at SMAN AA

Putussibau debate about the influence of the English language extracurricular

activities to students' learning activities. And the resulting effect is very significant.

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