Pamela M. Veroy, RN, MAN

Review of related literature

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Discusses about related literature for studies

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Page 1: Review of related literature

Pamela M. Veroy, RN, MAN

Page 2: Review of related literature

Review of LiteratureContent: This section discusses the

theoretical foundations of the problem. The goal: is to develop your problem

conceptually and place it in the context of previous scientific work.

Thus, a conceptual integration of previous research is needed. Point out the themes, link, gaps, and inconsistencies in the literature with the aim to provide a clear conceptualization of the problem.

Note that it is NOT the purpose of this section to display how much literature you have read.

Avoid presenting a litany of past studies that are conceptually disconnected from each other.

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Review of LiteratureThis section provides justification of

your problem and hypothesis: Why study these particular variables? Why propose these particular

hypotheses? Why study the problem with this

method? What differentiates your approach

from what has been previously done?

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Review of LiteratureFormat: Unlike other sections in

Chapter I, this section is written in the past tense.

Begin this section with a heading (bold, centered, upper- and lowercase).

To enhance organization, use subheadings.

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Types of Literature1. Conceptual Literature2. Research Literature

Note: Researchers undertake a literature review to familiarize themselves with the knowledge base.

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Purposes of Literature Review1. Identification of a research problem

and development or refinement of research questions or hypotheses

2. Orientation to what is known and not known about an area of inquiry, to ascertain what research can best make a contribution to the existing base of evidence

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Purposes of Literature Review3. Determination of any gaps or

inconsistencies in a body of research4. Determination of a need to replicate

a prior study in a different setting or with a different study population

5. Identification or development of new or refined clinical interventions to test through empirical research

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Purposes of Literature Review6. Identification of relevant theoretical or

conceptual frameworks for a research problem

7. Identification of suitable designs and data collection methods for a study

8. For those developing research proposals for funding, identification of experts in the field who could be used as consultants

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Purposes of Literature Review9. Assistance in interpreting study

findings and in developing implications and recommendations

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Scope of a Literature Search1.Types of Information to Seek:Primary source research reports -

descriptions of studies written by the researchers who conducted them

Secondary source research reports - descriptions of studies prepared by someone other than the original researcher

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Scope of a Literature Search2. Depth and Breadth of Literature Coverage

A review included in a research report.

A review included in a research proposal.

A review in a thesis or dissertation.Free-standing literature review.

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Locating Relevant Literature for a Research Review1. Electronic Literature SearchesCommonly used service providers in World Wide

Web:Aries Knowledge Finder (www.ariessys.com)Ebsco Information Services (www.ebsco.com)PaperChase (www.paperchase.com)Galaxy (www.galaxy.einet.net)Go Network (www.go.com)Hotbot Directory (www.hotbot.com)LookSmart (www.looksmart.com)

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Locating Relevant Literature for a Research Review1. Electronic Literature SearchesCommonly used service providers:SilverPlatter Information (www.silverplatter.com)Magellan Web Guide (www.magellan.excite.com)Open Directory Project (www.dmoz.org)Web Crawler Channels (www.webcrawler.com)Yahoo (www.yahoo.com)Google (www.google.com) Lycos (www.lycos.com)

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Locating Relevant Literature for a Research ReviewKey Electronic Databases for Nurse

Researchers:-a. CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing

and Allied Health Literature)-b. MEDLINE (Medical Literature On-Line)-c. AIDSLINE (AIDS Information On-Line)-d. CancerLit (Cancer Literature)-e. CHID (Combined Health Information


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Locating Relevant Literature for a Research ReviewKey Electronic Databases for Nurse

Researchers:f. EMBASE (the Excerpta Medica database)g. ETOH (Alcohol and Alcohol Problems

Science Database)h. HealthSTAR (Health Services,

Technology, Administration, and Research)

I. PsycINFO (Psychology Information)

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Locating Relevant Literature for a Research Review2. Print ResourcesPrint indexes - are books that are used

to locate articles in journals and periodicals, books, dissertations, publications of professional organizations, and government documents.

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Locating Relevant Literature for a Research ReviewCommon print indexesa. International Nursing Indexb. Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied

Health Literaturec. Nursing Studies Indexd. Index Medicuse. Hospital Literature Index

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Locating Relevant Literature for a Research Review2. Print ResourcesAbstract Journals - summarize articles that

have appeared in other journals.Two most important abstracts:-a. Nursing abstracts-b. Psychological abstracts

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Reading Research ReportsWhat are research journal articles? - are reports that summarize a

study or one aspect of a complex study.Content of Research Reports- research reports consist of

introduction, method section, results section, discussion section, plus an abstract and references.

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Flow of tasks in a literature review1. Identify key words and key concepts

to be searched2. Identify potential references through

electronic or manual search3. Retrieve promising references4. Screen references for relevance and

appropriateness (Note: Discard irrelevant and inappropriate references)

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Flow of tasks in a literature review5. Read relevant reference and take

notes6. Identify new references through

citations7. Organize references 8. Analyze and integrate materials9. Write review

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5 Parts of Review Literature Review1. The introduction: state the nature of the

research problem and states the research question

2. The body: reports what others have found or thought about the research problem.

- Related study are usually discussed in group under subheads (to make the review easier to read)

- Major studies described in more details, while less important work can be referred to in just a line or two

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5 Parts of Review Literature Review2. The body:- Referring to several studies that

reported similar results in a single sentence, somewhat like this;

- Ex. Several other small-scale studies reported similar results (Adams, 1976; Brown, 1980; Cartright, 1981; Davis, 1985; Frost, 1987)

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5 Parts of Review Literature Review3. The summary: ties together the main

threads revealed in the literature reviewed

- Presents a composite picture of what is known or thought to date

- Give readers some idea how many other researchers have reported identical or similar findings or have similar recommendations.

4. Any conclusions:

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5 Parts of Review Literature Review4. Any conclusions: the researcher

feels justified based on the state of knowledge revealed in the literature should be included.

5. A Bibliography: a full bibliographic data for all sources mentioned in the review is essential.

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Group HomeworkFind related studies in various sources- General source- Primary source- Secondary sourceMake an APA format from the sources

takenMake a preliminary work of your chapter