Script for Product Pitching Josh: Hello, I’m Josh Andy: And I’m Andy Josh: We are J&A Ltd, an advertising company. And we are introducing a new cereal bar. Andy: Our new cereal Bar is called Rainbow Rider, and the slogan is “Bringing Colour to the Table” Josh, care to explain why we have chosen this name and slogan? Josh: Well, at the time of naming the bar, we were experimenting with names to find something that people would remember, something that would help keep the product popular- which is when we eventually settled on RainbowRider. Andy: We decided on this name as we were aiming to endorse a healthy cereal bar, and fruit goes well in cereal bars. Because fruit is colourful like a rainbow, having a name with the word rainbow in it would help show how healthy the bar is, as well as how happy it would make you feel. Josh: The reason we chose “Bringing Colour to the Table” is because the cereal bar will make your eating routine less dull, and allow you to enjoy eating time while getting healthy from it at the same time. Andy: We both designed wrappers for the cereal bar based on the name and slogan, and in the end we chose my design- the silver one with the stickmen. Josh: The men on the wrapper appear to flow from exhaustion to sprinting, this is because the cereal bar “brings you to life” from within. It will make you feel more alive and mobile. Andy: We mainly hope to aim this bar at kids as a lunch item and the mums that will buy them, as they can help the kids learn, interact and stay happy.

Script for Product Pitching

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Page 1: Script for Product Pitching

Script for Product Pitching

Josh: Hello, I’m Josh

Andy: And I’m Andy

Josh: We are J&A Ltd, an advertising company. And we are introducing a new cereal bar.

Andy: Our new cereal Bar is called Rainbow Rider, and the slogan is “Bringing Colour to the Table” Josh, care to explain why we have chosen this name and slogan?

Josh: Well, at the time of naming the bar, we were experimenting with names to find something that people would remember, something that would help keep the product popular- which is when we eventually settled on RainbowRider.

Andy: We decided on this name as we were aiming to endorse a healthy cereal bar, and fruit goes well in cereal bars. Because fruit is colourful like a rainbow, having a name with the word rainbow in it would help show how healthy the bar is, as well as how happy it would make you feel.

Josh: The reason we chose “Bringing Colour to the Table” is because the cereal bar will make your eating routine less dull, and allow you to enjoy eating time while getting healthy from it at the same time.

Andy: We both designed wrappers for the cereal bar based on the name and slogan, and in the end we chose my design- the silver one with the stickmen.

Josh: The men on the wrapper appear to flow from exhaustion to sprinting, this is because the cereal bar “brings you to life” from within. It will make you feel more alive and mobile.

Andy: We mainly hope to aim this bar at kids as a lunch item and the mums that will buy them, as they can help the kids learn, interact and stay happy.

Josh: It is also a good breakfast snack, as it will wake you up in the morning. If you have a busy lifestyle, the bar will help you get through the day’s work. And if you like to do exercise and sports, this bar will give you the stimulation you need to keep going and stay active.

Andy: We intend to sell this cereal bar in supermarkets as a lot of people in the UK buy their food in Supermarkets. However, we will sell them exclusively in Sainsbury’s for an introductory period to see how popular they are before selling to other supermarkets such as Tesco, The Cooperative and many others. We will also try our best to provide them at cheap, affordable prices wherever possible.

Josh: For advertising, we will show the bar on buses and in public places as many of the people here will be busy, and we believe that RainbowRider bars will help them through the day. We will also advertise on TV as people who have been working hard for hours will want to watch TV when they get home as it is relaxing, and showing the cereal bar during TV ad breaks will tell the viewer that these cereal bars will improve their quality of life.

Page 2: Script for Product Pitching

Andy: We will also show advert banners and posters on the internet and in magazines. Josh, would you be able to describe them?

Josh: Yes they’ll be colourful and include our stickmen going from exhausted to full of life!

Andy: We are sure that the cereal bar will give our customers positive results and our trial in Sainsbury’s will be a great success.

Josh: Thank you for your time, and we hope you will consider investing in our product.

Andy: Thank you.