Slavery Divides a Nation Chapter 16 Section 1

Slavery divides a nation chapter 16

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  • 1. Slavery Divides a Nation
    Chapter 16 Section 1

2. Missouri Compromise 1820
1819 Missouri applied to join the Union as a slave state.
This gave the South a majority in the Senate.
Henry Clay proposed admitting Maine as a Free state to maintain the balance in Congress.
Future states from the LouisianaPurchase would be Free above the 3630 N. Latitude and states below that line would be Slave.
3. Missouri Compromise 1820
4. Mexican Cession 1848
5. Slavery in the West
David Wilmot, Congressman from PA, submitted a bill, the WilmotProviso that would ban slavery in any of the territories gained from Mexico.
The bill passed in the House, but NOT in the Senate, leaving the question of slavery in the west unresolved.
6. Opposing Views
Believed in extending the Missouri Compromise line or Popular Sovereignty
Believed slavery should not be restricted and slaves should be returned to their owners
Wanted to ban slavery throughout the entire country
7. Opposing Views
Wanted to ban slavery in all parts of the country
Believed in extending the Missouri Compromise or Popular Sovereignty
Believed that slavery should be allowed everywhere and runaways should be returned to their owners
8. Free-Soil Party 1848

  • Main goal was to keep slavery from spreading to the western territories.

9. They did not look to ban slavery where it already existed. 10. This was the first election where slavery was an important issue.