Social Action and Community Media Existing Product Research

Social action and community media

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Page 1: Social action and community media

Social Action and Community Media

Existing Product Research

Page 2: Social action and community media


Case Study: Surfers against sewage / SASPurpose:


Creative Media Production 2012

The purpose of this is to raise awareness of the pollution of the sea. The main purpose is to try create a global change within the pollution of the sea waters. The use of these posters present a graphic and deep look into how the surfers feel with all the pollution that’s within the sea waters. This has been done so that people who aren't surfers can see the problems with pollution I the sea (this can also be said for raising awareness towards this global problem).

The aims to this company is too raise global awareness of the pollution within the seas. The main aims of the posters created is to give people an idea of what it feels like to be a surfer in the polluted sea waters.

Page 3: Social action and community media


Techniques:The techniques used in the posters are kept the same, and this is to provide the audience with an image of a dark beach, keeping the surfers theme they show a surf board and the surfer, however the surfer changes within every poster (Covered in a substance of pollution). The campaign is separated into many different sections, with these being • Marine litter• Protecting the waves • Water quality • Climate change Each section has a many different techniques revolving them. For each one of these comes with a different graphic presenting the subject in a dark and meaningful way. The techniques used in the graphics all link to one main purpose, this is to raise awareness (so that people can stop polluting the sea) and to try and create a global change. Another technique is used within the merchandise of the company. The company have a wide variety of clothes and accessories to help send out a message.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Surfers against sewage

Page 4: Social action and community media


Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics.The organisation Surfers against sewage have had a large impact upon the pollution among beaches and the sea waters. Many events are set up such as community beach cleans. With a network of 25,000, 1000 beach cleans were achieved (removing 564 tonnes of marine litter – the equivalent of 16,000 bin bags), 700 education talks and 100’s of other outside events were set up in the year 2016 alone.

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)Purpose: The purpose of this poster is to show that because of all the pollution created all the time, the earth is slowly being burnt away. The purpose is to gain the awareness of people, this is set to bring about a global change. The poster presents itself as a very serious matter and because of this it has been set to change the attitudes of people. As a result of this it could strengthen community ties allowing for people to work together in saving the world.Aims:The aims are to get people to be more aware of how fragile our earth is and if we keep polluting it it wont be around for much longer.

Creative Media Production 2012

Page 6: Social action and community media


Techniques:This type of graphics (global warming) uses a very direct and powerful method in getting the audiences attention. The image is usually of the earth in a bad state claiming that we need to act upon it. With the poster on the slide before the text ‘There is no planet b’ is shown, the purpose of this is to try and allow for the audience to acknowledge that this is the only plant we have and its being slowly destroyed.Another technique is that the message is directly portrayed. It only shows what it needs to show.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics.The impact people are making upon global warming is large, with websites such as earthday.org to help provide different methods of how you can help to reduce pollution and reduce the global warming. Although the rate of global is still going up, the rate at which is going up is much slower thanks to these adverts changing peoples views and awareness upon the subject.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)Purpose: The purpose of accessible arts and media is to give people who have disability's a chance to learn and have fun. The company creates a fun and supportive environment and motivates people to enjoy the world around them.Aims:The aims of the company is to set places up nationally in order to help people with disabilities. Another aim would be that the company is trying to create access to the media production for non-traditional groups, allowing them to take part in the media.

Creative Media Production 2012

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Techniques:The techniques used to get their message across is by presenting themselves as a friendly and welcoming company. A bright colour scheme is used along with simple and short amounts of text (this is done to not over complicate the site) there is a range of images to ensure people can get a good look of what the company does. They have tried to influence people by giving examples upon the different types of fun things the company sets up for people with disabilities.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics.This particular organisation (accessible arts and media) have been proven to be successful, as they have been backed up and supported by major organisations such as City of york council, Brelms trust and many more. Many people/volunteers have set up many fundraisers to help supports this company and other similar ones. Large amounts of money have been raised to support the activity's the company has created.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)