PR For Startups - Do You Need It, How Do You Get It, How To Make The Most of It Sue Duris - Co-Founder/President, M4 Communications Lunch and Learn at the Cove July 1, 2016

Sue Duris-Lunch & Learn Presentation July 1, 2016

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Page 1: Sue Duris-Lunch & Learn Presentation July 1, 2016

PR For Startups - Do You Need It, How Do You Get It,

How To Make The Most of ItSue Duris - Co-Founder/President,

M4 CommunicationsLunch and Learn at the Cove

July 1, 2016

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Agenda About Me What is this PR thing all about, anyway? Does your Startup Need PR? How Do you Get PR? How Can you Make the Most of PR? Resources Conclusion/Final Q&A

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About Me ● Twitter: @SusynEliseDuris● LinkedIn:

www.linkedin.com/in/sueduris● Website: www.m4comm.com● Co-Founder/President, M4

Communications - a marketing strategy firm that helps startups build and extend their brands

● Former: RGP, MCI WorldCom, Adelphia

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What’s this PR thing all about, anyway?

“Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial

relationships between organizations and their publics. “

Public Relations is NOT publicity, or the act of “getting ink”.


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What’s this PR thing all about, anyway?Public Relations Advertising

Earned Media Paid Media

Third-party validation → credibility Self-promotion

Non-invasive editorial placement Disruptive advertising placement

Limited/No control of content - media in control

Control over content

Builds relationships Promotes

Focuses on long-term business objectives

Focuses on short-term sales objectives

No coverage guarantee Coverage guarantee

Limited Shelf Life Longer shelf life

Organically-grown Mass market

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Does Your Startup Need PR?Two options


Agency Crowded marketplace and you need “help” in appropriately

positioning your organization Possible disrupter and you need to get ahead fast High-Profile CEO who has history of dealing with the press

“PR is not about hits, it’s about developing your voice and building traction for your brand“

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In-House Your Message is Everything

Who are you?

What problem are you solving? How are you solving it?

Is this an unmet need?/Why should people care? Run a SWOT analysis

Where are the gaps/opportunities? What are people’s perceptions of you? Are there any disconnects between SWOT and people’s

perceptions? How do you reconcile the two?

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In-House Develop Your Marketing and messaging plans to align

with your long-range business and short-term sales objectives

Determine your distribution channels Which media, bloggers and influencers do you best

align with? Start developing relationships

Be realistic with your KPI’s and analytics Bottom line, focus on meeting your customer’s

needs through creating a team that can deliver a stellar customer experience

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Agency Research agencies that have experience with your vertical

Is agency size important to you?

Ensure there are no competitive conflicts in the agency’s roster

Do your due diligence

What is the agency’s reputation?

Is the agency up to the task to take you to the next level?

What do existing/previous clients say?

If the agency sounds too good to be true, it probably is

Beware of empty promises

Does the agency “get” you?

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Agency Get your top three agency choices to “pitch” you.

It should give you a preview of how these agencies would position you.

Make sure the agreement is clear about expectations, analytics, review, fees, etc.

Don’t rush into marriage. Let the courtship run its course to see whether a win-win relationship exists.


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How Do You Get PR? Seven Keys to Great PR

1. PR is active, not passive2. PR is about knowing your audience and

communicating authentic stories that resonate with and excite them, and cause them to act○ Empathy○ Curiosity

3. PR is about cultivating meaningful relationships

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How Do You Get PR? Seven Keys to Great PR4. PR is about frequency, clarity and consistency of message

○ Align your strategy and customer’s expectations to your PR/marketing goals

○ Be “on message” at all times○ Connect all of your communications

together 5. Each touchpoint is a chance for you to build your brand

○ Let your passion shine through - OWN IT!

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How Do You Get PR? Seven Keys to Great PR6. Be clear on PR’s purpose

○ Part of marketing mix○ Great for initial

awareness/credibility/strengthening your message

7. Use your employees and customers as brand ambassadors

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How Can You Make the Most of PR?● Be honest with and clear on your PR expectations● Develop a clear and concise plan with SMART goals and metrics

○ Include a Crisis Communications element● Help journalists “help you”

○ Always be “on message” - clear, concise and consistent○ Have an easily accessible press kit, contact info, and other content

on your organization○ Respond promptly○ Don’t spam journalists

● Conduct research on who the journalists, bloggers and influencers in your space are

● Develop and strengthen relationships (listen, engage, help, promote)● Know your audience/customers and treat them well● PR is a group effort - get employees and customers in the act!

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Resources● Mentions

○ Google Alerts○ Talkwalker Alerts○ Socialmention.com

● Blogs, News, Communities○ SpinSucks○ PR Daily○ Onstartups.com○ startupdigest.com○ Techcrunch.com○ venturebeat.com○ Founderdating.com○ https://www.groovehq.com/blog/startup-blogs○ www.openviewpartners.com (VC’s are a great resource)○ www.odwyerpr.com

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Resources● Journalists

○ Muckrack.com○ HARO (helpareporter.com)○ Cision.com

● Management○ Google Analytics○ Hoot Suite

● Self-Publishing○ LinkedIn○ Medium○ Quora

✓ Don’t forget to accumulate a “swipe file”

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Key Takeaways Always be connecting – Relationships are key

Remember the 3 C’s of Communications - Clarity, Conciseness and Consistency

Always be “on message” and “on brand”

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Final Q&A

Thank you...