Tanas portfolio project

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Personal Affirmation: I am a strong, organized, confident women, finding joy in everything I do.

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1.) Community serviceI thought I wouldn't’t like the community service because I am so busy anyway but this

ended up being one of my favorite things we did. It is always fun to help people especially when you are just getting the satisfaction of taking time out of your day to do something for your community. We ended up making fun out of the both the community service events that we attended so it was a good lesson that you can make fun out of any situation. 2.) Resume and job interview presentation

This was meaningful to me because it taught me how to be professional. I now know how to properly make a resume. I also learned job interview skills which will be helpful in the future.

3.) Chapter 3 journal entry 11I liked this assignment because it is something I can always go back and look at. It is a good little motivation booster for when I get unmotivated in my classes or in softball. It was a really good lesson too show me how to imagine things happening and it makes it easier to stay focused on your goals.

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TOP 3 FAVORITE JOURNALS1.) Chapter 6 journal entry 23: it taught how to talk to your inner guide and I wrote about softball in this one. This journal made me realize I talk down to myself a lot, especially in softball and need to be more confident. I liked how it taught you how to coach yourself through challenging times and different words you should speak to yourself.

2.) Chapter 7 journal entry 28: this journal was an integrity test. I liked it because it’s good to look back at times that you had the opportunity to do something bad and you chose to do the right thing. Looking back at these things make you always want to do the right thing because there is something about doing the right thing that makes you feel good. This taught me to always look at the future and what the outcome of every choice you make will do.

3.) Chapter 8 journal entry 29: This journal was over emotions. I liked writing about a time that I was upset and another that I was happy because it showed just how much old emotions can hurt or feel good. It taught me that it is not always good to look back in the past and reminisce on old emotions, good or bad.

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I LIKED MODULE 5 THE BEST BECAUSE It was over self management and this is one of the things I struggle with most. I have always had a hard time sticking to a schedule and not procrastinating so this chapter gave a lot of good pointers like keeping a calendar and knocking out the big stuff first. It made me realize how much I was not organized and how much organization can help you in your college career and life.

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1.) How to take a creator role. This lesson helps with how to not be the victim and there is always something you can do in a situation besides giving up. I can take this onto not only my school work and classes next semester but this was an all around good lesson in life.

2.) Mastering self-management. This lesson taught all about how to get organized and I will for sure take this into next semester because being organized is one of the key ways to keep grades up. This also applies to life because as life goes on you only get busier because you start to play more roles like being mom or a wife and also juggling your career along with this.

3.) Power of choices. This lesson helped teach me that a lot of the success and failure that you will have a student or even a citizen will be from the choices you make. One bad choice weather it be not doing an assignment or running a stop sign can ruin you.

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BEFORE VS. AFTER First Score Second score  __63____ ____76__ 1.      Accepting personal responsibility.

 __59____ ____71__ 2.      Discovering self-motivation.

 ___67___ ____79__ 3.      Mastering self-management

 ___42___ ____64__ 4.      Employing interdependence

 ___62___ ____76__ 5.      Gaining self-awareness

 ___66___ ____73__ 6.       Adopting lifelong learning

 ___65___ ____70__ 7.       Developing emotional intelligence.

 ____60__ ____69__ 8.      Believing in myself


 The thing I realized most about myself is that sometimes I lack motivation. I have never made bad grades but in high school I ALWAYS waited till the last minute to do anything, which I always got my stuff done but it added stress. I realized the more you stay on a schedule and knock out the big stuff first the less stressed you will be. I also learned that I am bad at asking for help. I have always just tried to figure stuff out on my own or never been one to speak up in class even when I do not know what is going on and probably should ask for help. I do not know if this is because I’m shy or just think I can do everything by myself but this is an area I would really like to keep working at because everybody needs a little help every once in a while.

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LETTER TO THE NEXT CLASS• This class has helped me in so

many ways, but mostly on how to juggle academics with my busy sport schedule

• . Learning Frameworks helped me realize that I need to get more organized and believe in myself more.

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LETTER TO THE NEXT CLASS• I would describe this course as an

eye opener. • . It teaches you skills you can

apply all throughout life.

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Don’t let yesterdayUse to much of today

-Will Rogers

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