Final Major Project - Task 1 Contractual This is when two ‘parties’ come to a legal agreement and to have this evidenced they would have to sign something called a contract, this then shows that one side has accepted the offer made by the other, this doesn’t always mean that they can’t back out of the offer, they have to read through the contract before signing to see what they are agreeing to. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/contractual-relationship.html In a contractual brief I’m going to sign a deal with the phone company: Communication: in a contractual agreement is important because everything needs to be looked over if the client was signing a deal they would need to have good communication to understand what they are agreeing to if there was something they didn’t fully agree with and they didn’t have good communication then they could completely overlook it and be stuck In the deal with something they don’t agree with. Time Management: is important with a contract because you need to have time to read through the full thing it’s very crucial that the person who’s going to sign it takes the time to read the full contract without skipping through it they could miss something that is very important. Technical Skills: how to work the phone so I could pass this information onto the person who is buying the contract for the phone. Knowing how to use the phone is obviously the most important thing I need to do Career progression: this would go down on my record for selling a phone to a client. Which would show I have the skills to sell a phone in my company Commission This is when someone has been chosen to perform a specific piece of work or to be asked for a specific piece of work from somebody else, basically to give someone the authority to become an important person in the work place as a noun it can be a payment to someone if they have helped sell an item the persons item it is they would give some money to the seller so they would get commission. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/commission In a commission brief I’m going to make an advert for somebody who personally asked me to do it: Communication: Id need to know what ideas they have for their advert what item they are selling so being able to sit down and have a conversation with

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Final Major Project - Task 1

Contractual – This is when two ‘parties’ come to a legal agreement and to have this

evidenced they would have to sign something called a contract, this then shows that

one side has accepted the offer made by the other, this doesn’t always mean that

they can’t back out of the offer, they have to read through the contract before signing

to see what they are agreeing to.


In a contractual brief I’m going to sign a deal with the phone company:

Communication: in a contractual agreement is important because everything

needs to be looked over if the client was signing a deal they would need to

have good communication to understand what they are agreeing to if there

was something they didn’t fully agree with and they didn’t have good

communication then they could completely overlook it and be stuck In the deal

with something they don’t agree with.

Time Management: is important with a contract because you need to have time

to read through the full thing it’s very crucial that the person who’s going to

sign it takes the time to read the full contract without skipping through it they

could miss something that is very important.

Technical Skills: how to work the phone so I could pass this information onto

the person who is buying the contract for the phone. Knowing how to use the

phone is obviously the most important thing I need to do

Career progression: this would go down on my record for selling a phone to a

client. Which would show I have the skills to sell a phone in my company

Commission – This is when someone has been chosen to perform a specific piece

of work or to be asked for a specific piece of work from somebody else, basically to

give someone the authority to become an important person in the work place as a

noun it can be a payment to someone if they have helped sell an item the persons

item it is they would give some money to the seller so they would get commission.


In a commission brief I’m going to make an advert for somebody who personally

asked me to do it:

Communication: Id need to know what ideas they have for their advert what

item they are selling so being able to sit down and have a conversation with

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the company who wants the advert to find out what they would like to see and

what input they what within making the advert so I can create a suitable advert

for the item.

Time management: they would need to give me a date they want to see the

finished advert, so I can make sure I have enough time for the filming and the


Technical skills: I would need the correct software to edit the advert together

like adobe software I would also need to know how to work equipment needed

to film the advert this would be important to get the best quality.

Career Progression: this could go down on my CV to show what experience I

have with creating and dealing with a project, showing that I have the skill.

Negotiated – This is when somebody has a conversation with another or a group of

people in order to reach some sort of agreement, if they need to arrange or settle

something they would need to discuss and come to a mutual agreement or a

transfer, it can be a deal with another’s for a preparation of a treaty or contract.


In a Negotiated brief I’m going to make an Music video for somebody:

Communication: I would need to sit down with the client and discuss what

they visions they have for the music video and give them a chance to show me

their ideas and let them have as much input as possible

Time Management: I would need to discuss a deadline for the music video so

we can plan how long we have to film, create and edit it all in time

Technical Skills: I would need to know how to use a computer software so I

can edit it all together and have the best outcome.

Career Progression: I could have this on my cv to show that I have experience

with working with a client to create something and show my skills on what I

can create.

Tender – This is when you make a formal offer for a job to do it for a certain price it

can be a written or formal offer to stock goods at and agreed price, also if you put

work out to tender it means you ask people to make offers to do the job.


In a tender brief I’m going to apply for a job:

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Communication: I would need to prepare for an interview, so going for an

interview and being able to answer direct questions and being put on the spot

knowing how to handle the situation.

Time Management: being able to plan my application and practice for my

interview giving myself the time to answer the questions, letting myself have

enough time to go through everything I need.

Technical Skills: this would give me the skills to have quick answers ready and

to have the skills from what I get taught doing the job I applied for.

Career Progression: this would help me be able to approach applying for jobs

in a easier and calmer way because of the experience

Formal – This is a person’s manner the way they act towards something or the way

they dress at a certain event and the way they speak in a certain situation also can

be used by someone recognizing a set of rules.


in a formal brief I would write a story for a newspaper:

Communication: I would need to know about what I’m writing, both sides of

the story so going talking to sources and people with information. Being able

to set up an interview and have a set of questions and ask them each one with

a clear understanding.

Time Management: I would need to know when I need the story finished what

my deadline is so I can finish the story for the final print. Making sure I meet

the deadline time having my story finished to its best.

Technical Skills: I would need to know how to use a writing software so I could

get my story down on a computer and get it sent to print. Knowing how to

work it to produce the best quality final story.

Career Progression: this again could be added to my cv to show I have had

experience with a newspaper company.

Co-operative – This is when you are willing to be of assistance and have a clear

task in a cooperative enterprise to work to a common goal and be extremely

considerate and polite.


in a co-operative brief I would help out with a photography shoot

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Communication: I would need to speak to the person who has arranged the

shoot and discuss what they want to be done and what ‘vision’ they have for

the shoot.

Time Management: have a set time for the person who’s having their photo

taken to come In, know what time they have arranged the photo shoot and

make sure everything has been set up.

Technical Skills: know how to work the camera equipment, everything up to

lighting equipment back drops and tripods.

Career Progression: again be able to add it to my CV so show my experience

giving me more of a chance to get a job in that field

Informal – This is when you have a unofficial or friendly manner or nature this can

be used in describing an agreement between two companies the agreement wouldn’t

be set in stone it would be more relaxed.


with a informal brief I would interview my friend for my college magazine

Communication: this could be more light hearted and friendly asking fun

questions because I know the person

Time Management: being able to both know when we are free to set up an


Technical Skills: know how to use recording equipment so I can get all the

details on tape to then go through and pick out the best bits.

Career Progression: help me with experience with interviewing and knowing

what to ask.

Competition – This is when somebody is striving to gain or win something by

defeating or being superior over others, companies can be in competition with each

other to gain a deal or have the most sold product causing them to go against each



in a competition brief I would pitch my magazine article up against others:

Communication: I would pitch my magazines idea to the editor.

Time Management: create a pitch and presentation in time to show the editor

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Technical Skills: being able to create a presentation knowing how to use

Microsoft PowerPoint

Career Progression: this could help me when I come to go against others in

different types of jobs

This tells us who the client

is by leaving their email


Its asking for

photos taken

that represents

the person’s

apprenticeship The client is asking

for all the entries

to be sent in by

March the 18th

Readers of the

FE website is

who it appeals

to as the

readers will be

the ones to


The legal and ethical

requirements are that you

have to be in a current

apprenticeship to be allowed

to enter.

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The client is the (UPAC

CCE) who are looking for

a new logo and have set

up a competition for


This in a bit of

information on

what the client

wants and who

they are looking

for to do the


Here it tells you the time

the competition closes

and when they want the

logo to be finished.

Here it tells you

who their

intended target

audience is by

stating that they

are looking for

students again

asking for the

name of there


Here it states what is needed

for the competition and how

to enter, it lists what’s needed

and who to contact

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The client is E4

they have made

this clear by

leaving their

current logo

across the top and

also at the side

Here they tell

you what they

what made

and the


details which

are needed

They have the

deadline date

here which tell all

the people

entering what

date it’s needed

to be in for

Here it doesn’t fully state who its target audience is it

just says ‘you’ which means it applies to anybody that

is willing or is interesting in making an esting

Here it tells you what steps you

need to follow when producing the

product it gives you all the details

including where to find soundtrack

and where to upload it so they can

find it and watch it easily