Primary Research By : Swara Sawirs

Tasl 3 - Research

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Primary ResearchBy : Swara Sawirs

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Q.1 Are you a Vegan? I asked the audience if any of them are vegans. I got 36 replies and only one of them were a vegan. That’s one in thirty-six people that is a vegan.I put my questioner on my personal Facebook as well as vegan pages. I think this shows that people do struggle with being a vegan and that’s why the number of people who are a vegan is very low.

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Q.2 Can you be a vegan? I asked the audience if they could be a vegan, I got 35 responds. 8 people said yes they could be and 27 said they couldn't’t be. This was surprising, if they could be a vegan, why aren't they? What's stopping them and why are the numbers to being a vegan on Q.1 were so low? I think this backs up my point that people struggle to be a vegan.

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Q.3 Do you think Vegan diets are healthy?

I asked the audience if they think vegan diets are healthy, I got 36 responds. 11 people said yes, and 25 said no. If 11 people think it’s healthy, that’s more than the number of people that said they could be a vegan. This is also making me think, if people could be a vegan and they think the diet is healthy, why aren't they a vegan?Once again, this backs up my point that people are struggling with turning into a vegan.

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Q.4 Will you struggle giving meat up and living on none animal related food/products?

I asked the audience if they will struggle giving meat up and living on none animal related food/products. 32 people said yes they would struggle and 4 people said they wouldn't’t struggle. So 7 people said they could be a vegan, 11 said they think a vegan diet is healthy and only 4 people said that wouldn’t struggle to give up animal related food and products. From my questioner, I can tell that people do struggle with giving up meat and animal related products. I don’t think people believe in themselves that they are strong enough to live without animal related foods and products.

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Secondary ResearchBy : Swara Sawirs

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This is on the Wikipedia page, it talks about how vegans don’t eat anything related to animals. It tells you the different types of vegans you can get, an average vegan who wont eat meat but may have animal related products such as eggs. The other type of vegan you can get is strict vegan and that is where they wont eat meat and they wont have anything to do with animal related products. Another type is ethical vegan and that is where they wont eat any animal related substances and wont use any animal related products such as clothing etc… another type is the environmental veganism where they don’t eat any animal related food, use any animal related products or even feed the harvesting we create to feed the animals. They think in a very different way, they don’t want us to feed the animals so therefor in the long run, they will be extinct and no one will be able to eat meat then.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veganism

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I believe this site is trusted. Members of the public can edit things on Wikipedia but Wikipedia editors need to approve of it before it goes up on the website. So therefor I don’t think the article I read is wrong or not to be trusted. I think it’s very informative as well, I was not aware that there was different types of vegans.

Quotes: Dietary vegans (or strict vegetarians) refrain from consuming animal products, not only meat but also eggs, dairy products and other animal-derived substances.

Tags: Veganism, Strict Veganism.

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Wikipedia / Future Research

Future Research:I would like to dig deep into veganism. I would like to know what's the worst thing people find about meat eaters. I would like to know what the meat industry actually think about themselves and their actions. I would also like to know what some celebrities think about this issue. I would also like to research more into the amount of animals that each country kills a year for food.

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Jamie Oliver

Source : http://www.jamieoliver.com/news-and-features/features/vegan-diet-healthy/#Yfjk2YAMDbY0zE05.97

Tags: healthy diet, vegan diet, fat, saturatedQuote:

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Jamie Oliver

I believe this website is trusted. Jamie Oliver is a well known chef in England and Worldwide, his recipes are used worldwide and he knows what he is talking about. That is his official. It’s all written in first person which means he has took the time to sit and explain it all to his audience and other people who are curious about vegans.

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Jamie OliverThis is a few paragraphs from one of Jamie Oliver's articles considering vegan diets and how they benefit you. It’s summarizing the benefits of the vegans diets right there, it’s telling you that vegans have hardly any saturated fats I their diets which then means they have a lower risk of having a heart disease. Saturated fats comes from dairy products and meats, obviously vegans exclude those foods from their diets. Vegans still get the right amount of nutrition's that they require to maintain a healthy life and a healthy body.

Quotes: “You see, a diet without any meat or dairy products is likely to contain a lot less saturated fat, which is related to increased cholesterol levels and increased risk of heart disease.”

Future Research: This is so interesting. I will go on to see other chefs who believe in veganism and see what they have to say about it. I will see if it’s similar to see what Jamie said. I will also go to look at his some of his vegan diets and recipes and see if they contain enough nutrition.

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Youtube / Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie said that her vegan diet nearly killed because she wasn’t getting enough nutrition. At this point all the vegan bloggers jumped at their chance to defend their beliefs. One of them being a youtuber called ‘Rawsomehealthy’. She went onto explain that your body only requires you to have 5% protein daily. She then explained that if you had a frit, green vegetable and seeds diets, you’d get between 5-7% of protein which is more than enough. She then went into more detail about how if you research the right food, you’d have a healthy vegan diet that would allow you to get the right amount of nutrition. Rawsome talk about how vegans life are healthy for you, they research their information and work as a team to encourage veganism. I also trust these people, all their information comes with back up facts and resources and they encourage what they are which is great.


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Youtube / Angelina Jolie

Future research:I will go on to look if I can find Angelina Jolie diet plan, I will try to see why she lost so much weight. I will go on to search what a healthy vegan diet looks like and I will compare it and see for myself if it is really healthy or not. I will also go onto see other celebrities who are vegans and who have not had a problem with being a vegan. I will see what other vegan celebrities struggled with and what they found good about being a vegan.

Tags:- Rawsomehealthy- Vegan Diet- Angelina Jolie- Juicy Steak- Diet

Quote:“ the next issue that many people are afraid of is B12, they claim that plants don't have B12 and thats true, they don't. However, ironically the majority of meat eaters suffer of B12 sufficiency ”

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Blog / Shannon Experience

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Blog / Shannon ExperienceQuotes: “He shared stories about his visits to the slaughterhouse and how all of it works. His stories made my bones quiver and completely freaked me out. Much of my time spent in that class was with my hands covering my eyes, trying to spare my brain from any more torturous images or videos.”

Tags:- Experience- Health- Blogger- Vegan


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Blog / Shannon ExperienceShannon goes onto explain her own experience with turning into a vegan. She says how she actually studied Animal Ethics in University and that’s how passionate she was towards the subject. Even though she doesn’t provide any helpful research, she talks about how you cant change over night. It takes time, research and most of all patience. She gives 6 tips on how to become a vegan and maintain it, those tips were really good and she seems to have done her research. She explains how she measures her nutrients and what she eats to get the protein and the nutrition she needs to maintain a healthy vegan lifestyle. Comparing her to Angelina Jolie seems like a massive difference. Angelina Jolie has all the money and yet she couldn't’t find herself a healthy vegan life style, I don’t think she was committed properly. Whereas, Shannon knew exactly what she had to do and what she needed to do. She researched it and got straight into it. I trust everything she says, it’s so similar to what Rawsome channel on YouTube said.

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Blog / Shannon ExperienceFuture Research:This makes me think, if she managed to change over night, why cant other people do it? I think this will lead me into reading other people’s stories of how their transform happened and maybe see what's similar in the different stories.I think I will also go onto looking at the movie she spoke about that is called ‘Vegucated’. I would like to watch it and see why she struggled to watch it. I will go on to look at clothes and makeup company that doesn’t involve animal testing to see what is the difference between them and companies that do use animal testing.

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The Documentary/ Vegucated

Tags:- Film- Vegucated- Vegan life- YoutubeQuote:“If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegan”


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The Documentary/ VegucatedThis documentary is so heartbreaking. It’s real footage of what happens inside the slaughterhouse, they show you what happens, they show you vegans reaction to it as well as the 3 meat eaters. The film is about a challenge, they sent 3 people who are normal meat eaters to the slaughterhouse and their challenge was to be vegan for 6 weeks. They look for food that has more nutrition and less calories. They try to live as a vegan and half way through their vegan weeks, they experience something that resulted them to stay a vegan for the rest of their life. They saw the slaughterhouse, they saw how all the meat was processed and they saw how it all works. The people who thought 6 weeks of being a vegan was too hard are now a full time vegan.

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The Documentary/ Vegucated

Future Research:I will go on to see if there are anymore documentaries about veganism and slaughterhouses. I would like to see what the slaughterhouse is really like and how do the people inside of the slaughterhouse feel? I will also search for countries which may have laws against slaughterhouses. I will go on to research more about the three people that were in the movie, I will see what they are like now, if they prefer it to eating meat and what they felt like while filming the documentary.

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Book / Jonathan Safran Foer's Eating Animals.

The book talks about different topics regarding veganism and meat industry. It speaks about factory farming and the factory farmer's perspective, diseases, the environment and Jonathan's own thoughts regarding the topic and what happens in the meat industry. The book describes everything in detail, Jonathan has seen everything happen in front of his eyes. He has seen the factory farming and spoke to the farmer to see what he thinks about his actions and his factory. The book teaches you all the bad things that happen due to the meat industry and meat eaters.

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Book / Jonathan Safran Foer's Eating Animals.Future Research:I would go on to look at other books that are about veganism and meat industry. I would also research more into Jonathan's life, see why he is a vegan and why he wrote a book about it. I would go on to see if I can find interviews with Jonathan to see what his own personal opinion is regarding this topic. I will see what inspired him to turn into a vegan.I would also research more into the factory farming and see how it harms the enrionment.

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Celebrity / Mike TysonTags:- Famous- Boxer- Vegan Life- Veganism- Mike - YouTube Quotes:“I just felt like changing my life, doing something different. So I became a vegan and I am becoming a vegan. it gave me another opportunity to live a healthy life.”Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vc-DeGEXAmM

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Celebrity / Mike TysonMike talks about how he use to be on drugs and how he wanted to make a difference to himself and his family. So he became a vegan. He was on cocaine and he ended up getting arthritis but becoming a vegan changed all that. He is no longer on drugs and his arthritis has become a lot better and he isn’t in as much pain. He explains how grateful he is for the change he made to his life and how being a vegan has helped him be drug-free and he hasn’t got into trouble or been arrested for over four years now.

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Celebrity / Mike Tyson

Future Research:I will go into researching more about celebrities who are vegan, why they are vegan and if they prefer it to being a meat eater. I will then look at what Mike is like now, how his family feels and if he has stayed out of trouble. I will research more into his life story, see what he was like before and what he is like now. I will also look into what's the common reasons that people turn into vegans.

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Celebrity / Ellen DeGeneres• Tags:- Famous- TV Show- Vegan Life- Veganism- Ellen- YouTube - Interviews• Quotes:“I became vegan because I saw footage of what really goes on in the slaughterhouse and on the dairy farms”• Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgEXRPUxrTA

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Celebrity / Ellen DeGeneresEllen goes onto to talk about how she changed and why she changed. She first became a vegetarian for 8 months then went back to being a meat eater. Then not long after she became a vegan and has been for over two years now. This was all because she read a book which was all about factory farming then she forced herself to watch a documentary called earthlings which showed you what happened inside of factory and dairy farms. She decided she couldn’t participate in killing over 50 billion animals a year to help feed everyone. She went vegan because she loves animal and she had to see the harsh reality of how animals were treated in those farms.

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Celebrity / Ellen DeGeneresFuture Research:I would like to research more into Ellen's fan base. See how, if she has, inspired her fans to turn into vegans. I will try to research into what products she buys, for example, why she buys her furniture and her clothes from. Then I will research more into that company and see how they make their products suitable for vegans. I will try to find out who in her family is vegan, I will try to find out why and how she was influenced to be a vegan. I would like to know how long she has been a vegan for.