Phones By: Landon Kraemer and Jaylen Hicks

Technology we can't live without - phones

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By: Landon Kraemer and Jaylen Hicks

Page 2: Technology we can't live without - phones

Who invented the very first phone?Alexander Graham Bell and Antonio Meucci invented the first phone. According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invention_of_the_telephone the idea of the telephone started around 1844 the phone was not succesfully commercialed until the 1900’s.

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Why was it invented? What was it first used for?

Alexander Graham Bell's role as a teacher for deaf individuals and the presence of his deaf wife and mother inspired him to develop his electrical speech machine, or telephone. In addition, Bell's grandfather, father and brother all shared an interest in speech.

They were spoken by Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, when he made the first call on March 10, 1876, to his assistant, Thomas Watson: "Mr. Watson come here I want to see you."

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How was it changed or improved in function until today?Today phone’s are improved by better connection so almost not static. You can play games on the phones now also. You can even send text which is more common today

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The latest version of phones...That latest version of phones today have touch screens and some even include pens to use for the phone. They have face time and you also can connect calls so you can talk to 2 different people at a time.

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Why is it considered a technology...

Phones are considered technology because of the scientific knowledge.You can now ask your phone a question and it will tell you the answer. It’s also considered technology because of the search engine it has which is just like a computer.

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What career or career cluster is this technology involved in?Phones are used by Lawyers and Doctors. Which means phone's are used in Government and Health Science.

Phones would be classified in many clusters such as, Finance, Arts, Technology & Communications.

Cell phones are also used in career clusters such as technicians and mechanics. They need phones to communicate with their customer’s.

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How do phone's impact my personally?Phone’s impact me personally because they help me communicate with my family and friends when they are not around me. Phones are needed in society because when your peers aren’t near you, you’re able to call them on your phone.