English language coursework: Piece 2 A speech written for the commanding officers of the US military regarding the Roswell incident of 1947. The speech that was never read – Roswell incident 1947. July 14 th 1947. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for attending this urgent meeting. It has recently come to my attention that the people of Nevada have started to feel under threat of a potential, super natural event. This time last week, The United States came into contact with, what we believe to be an extra-terrestrial being. A creature, from another world… a creature unlike anything you have ever seen or could possibly imagine ladies and gentlemen. This is a creature that has quite possibly, fallen out of the sky whilst venturing through our galaxy and solar system. Where it came from? We have no real idea. The country’s top astronomers and scientists have looked as far into space as they possibly could. There were no positive results, with no signs of unearthly life in sight. What we can only assume, is that this creature, whatever it may be – fell from the deepest reaches of not only our Galaxy, but the Universe itself. The town of Roswell, Nevada has been on lockdown and run on a tight schedule since the discovery of the wreckage last Tuesday. Commanding officers of the United States military have visited the site of the wreckage and are

The speech that was never read

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English language coursework: Piece 2

A speech written for the commanding officers of the US military regarding the Roswell incident of 1947.

The speech that was never read – Roswell incident 1947.

July 14th 1947.

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for attending this urgent meeting. It has recently come to my attention that the people of Nevada have started to feel under threat of a potential, super natural event.

This time last week, The United States came into contact with, what we believe to be an extra-terrestrial being. A creature, from another world… a creature unlike anything you have ever seen or could possibly imagine ladies and gentlemen. This is a creature that has quite possibly, fallen out of the sky whilst venturing through our galaxy and solar system. Where it came from? We have no real idea. The country’s top astronomers and scientists have looked as far into space as they possibly could. There were no positive results, with no signs of unearthly life in sight. What we can only assume, is that this creature, whatever it may be – fell from the deepest reaches of not only our Galaxy, but the Universe itself.

The town of Roswell, Nevada has been on lockdown and run on a tight schedule since the discovery of the wreckage last Tuesday. Commanding officers of the United States military have visited the site of the wreckage and are doing their very best to make sure that our country and the people who live here, are safe and free of stress. The President and I have both visited Roswell. We can tell you that the town is a complete no go. Access to Roswell will only be granted to those involved with the military and the following investigative operations which will be performed over the coming weeks, which should take us up to early to mid-August.

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This leads me on to the residents of Roswell. Unfortunately, sixteen people have lost their lives due to high levels of a form of energy that we have not yet discovered on our native Earth. The survivors have been relocated, to a safe and equally inviting settlement. Rachel, a small town North of Roswell is situated almost thirty miles away from the scene of the wreckage. Fresh accommodation, welcoming people and a town full of opportunity will be what the survivors will have at their disposal.

Whilst we cannot confidently define what this being is, or its point of origin, we can assure you that we will take time and careful measurements in order to gain a knowledge on this being, as well an understanding. The being and its mode of transport were instantly removed from Roswell and were taken to a military owned site on the salt plains of Groom Lake. Within this facility, an autopsy was performed on the being. We can confirm that this being is humanoid, but as far from human as you can possibly get.

The US government our doing our best to learn about this being. Its anatomy is like something we have never been before. Organs similar to humans… and more. Organs in places that we didn’t even think something could have organs. Extra bones, joints. This is a creature which is not of God’s design. This is a creature from the very depths of hell, of design that only the Devil could think of.

As well as looking at its anatomy ladies and gentlemen, the US government admired and investigated the vessel in which it used to reach Earth. This is technology that we have not yet developed on planet Earth. In fact, it is technology that we could not even comprehend. The sheer power of this vessel. An energy source unknown to mankind. We can only dream of technology like this. It is revolutionary. Though I can assure you, we will not be using this technology for our nation’s benefit. This energy source is to be locked away in a bunker, unreachable by those who do not have access to our deep web of underground facilities.

However, whilst this recent discovery may seem like exciting and revolutionary news, there are obviously flaws. Whilst inspecting the wreckage of the creature’s transportation, we discovered a form of tracking device. Our scientists were unable to backtrack the signal

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to find the point of origin, but we did however, receive a message that was intended for the creature itself. We have learned that a form of search party has gone looking for the creature. We can only assume that they will find it here.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are not alone in this universe. We have come into contact with a race from another region of space accidently… but next time, it will be no accident.

We can only sit in fear of what potential happenings may occur. But we can assure you, our knowledge of the Universe we live in will be widened with this experience.

God Bless America.