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Think Happy Thought Path Presentation

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Think Happy Guru offers a glimpse how ThinkHappy: Nine Thought Paths to Happiness can work for you.

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The path you have been looking for

is right here.

Page 3: Think Happy Thought Path Presentation

The time for a life of happiness has never been better than right

now. It is my life mission to generate this understanding to all of

humanity - happiness does not have to elude us. I am Craig

Stafford the Think Happy Guru, author of ThinkHappy: Nine

Thought Paths to Happiness. As a life coach it is my privilege to jump start your new happiness.

This presentation is designed to give you a glimpse how Think

Happy can work for you.

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A Defining Moment

You have arrived at a defining moment in your life where you must choose between two paths, happiness or happenstance. The path to happiness requires active and intentional participation; while the path of happenstance requires nothing but a what-comes-what may philosophy that can pretty much be summed up as a passive-aggressive approach to life. A person that has a happenstance mind-set watches life pass them by or they vicariously bypass life. A person that operates with a happy mind-set not only grabs life by the horn, but by the tail as well. This is the type of person that leaves nothing to chance and ultimately they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. This person I am describing is –YOU! You have defined your moment and are preparing to work self into nothing short of awesome. The keys to happiness are now in your hands in a plain and powerful way. Use them to open every door to fulfillment.

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True Happiness

True happiness employs intrapersonal and interpersonal

communication- meaningful internal dialogue as well as shared

communication with others. It employs a unique weave of being an extrovert and introvert or as more commonly known - being

outgoing or a bit reserved.

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Happiness can be achieved, always. I know this is a bold

statement. But what makes it even bolder is - it is true. As a life

coach I have simply defined real happiness as a state of mind

that manifests through our state of affairs. Happiness is not

predicated on external factors, but an inner essence we connect with moment by moment. Traditionally, happiness is

defined as a state of being. Other words that describe

happiness are joy, supreme delight and contentment.

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Often times our state of affairs gives us a sense of awesomeness

and accelerated gratification. Gratification is a rewarding

emotion, but it is also a crippling one if used in the wrong

manner. The wrong type of happiness is instant gratification. The

very nature of this emotion is impulsive and it is the emotional opposite of patience and virtue. I often say impulsive

gratification is the ultimate trickster. Instant gratification comes

as fast as it leaves. Once it is gone the person is left looking for

the next “hit.” This type of person can be considered a

“gratification seeker.” The magical triumph in life is when we can un-robe the continual need for impulsive gratification and cloak

ourselves in lifelong gratitude.

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What is Your Definition of Happiness?


Is This Definition Helping You or Hurting You?

Yes it’s helping me. How?


Yes it’s hurting me. How?


How can you improve your happiness?


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I, _______________________vow to stay on the path to happiness. I

will not let life pass me by and I will not be a guilty bystander of I-

wish-I-could’ve-would’ve-should’ve. Today is the day I take full

charge of my life. I forge ahead into new territory with ground-

breaking happiness. This joy I have, the world didn’t give it and the world can’t take it away. I decree and declare joy is my

strength. I decree and declare happiness is my occupation. This

is my joyous vow.


(Please sign your name)

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Pick one day out of the week, preferably, Monday, to start the

week off strong or Friday to end the week strong. Meditate for 9

minutes on something that brings you happiness.


I think myself happy


I think myself happy with _________ (fill in the blank) Hints: Love,
