Training for customer service %26 team building

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Page 2: Training for customer service %26 team building

Customer Perceptions To the Customer you ARE the company

Organizations with Happy Customers are more successful Financial Benefits Happy Customers come back Happy Customers tell their friends

Providing good Customer Service doesn’t come naturally to everyone.

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Reliability – Reliability – Deliver on Promises with dependability & Deliver on Promises with dependability & accuracyaccuracy

Assurance - Assurance - Knowledge, courtesy, ability to convey trust, Knowledge, courtesy, ability to convey trust, competence and confidencecompetence and confidence

Tangibles - Tangibles - Facilities appearance, comfort, look and feel of Facilities appearance, comfort, look and feel of Marketing materials, etc.Marketing materials, etc.

Empathetic - Empathetic - Degree of caring and individual attention the Degree of caring and individual attention the customer receivescustomer receives

Responsive - Responsive - Willingness to help promptly – without Willingness to help promptly – without distractiondistraction

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Organizational commitments Promises made via advertising, marketing,

policies, contracts, etc. Common Expectations

Customer expectations are often based on assumptions and past experience

Personal Promises Agent to customer promises

Often the challenge is to reshape customer expectations.

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Assurance Factor Product Knowledge & Company Knowledge Listening Skills – Active listening skills Communications Skills - includes verbal and

written (in-person, phone, and email service) Problem-Solving Skills

Tangibles Take pride in your environment, yourself, your

workspace and any forward-facing delivery mechanisms (online and marketing materials too!)

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Empathy Recognize the Emotional State of the Customer;

validate their feelings Treat each person as an individual

Responsiveness Respond quickly Set Expectations – deliver on those expectations

Research shows that the most frustrating part of waiting is not knowing how long the wait will be.

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Forbidden Phrase . . . Replacement . . . I don’t know . . .

“Good Question, let me look into that for you.“ We can’t . . .

“That’s a tough one, let’s see what we can do” (find an alternative)

You’ll have to . . . ”Here’s how we can help you with that.”

Hang on a second, I’ll be right back. . . “I’ll need to ask an associate to be sure, are you able to

wait while I check into it?” No . . .

Find a positive alternative. “We are all out of stock, but we can give you rain check or a similar product at the same price.”

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Pay attention to Content & Intent Ask great questions

Tips: Tune in to the other person Limit distractions Don’t jump to conclusions Take notes and reflect information back Be prepared – use a Question Map/Flowchart Turn off your own worries

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Helps build strong working relationships Enhances teamwork and communications can make work fun and enjoyable

has a positive impact on attendance and retention

People who have friends at work are more productive and loyal

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Use Icebreakers & Introductions – be creative 3 Truths & 1 lie Helps people learn about each other in a fun

way Doodles

Helps open up discussions facilitates getting to know each other

Scavenger Hunts Building activities – balloon sculptures,

coffee cups towers, airplanes, etc.

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