UK Film Consumption

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Page 2: UK Film Consumption

Age of Film Consumers• The below chart shows the overall consumers and their share

in the market. You can see that the 15-24 age bracket makes for the most views and income, having 31%. Throughout the 14

years the younger two age brackets (15-24 and 25-34) are going to the cinema less frequently than before; e.g. a drop from 43% dropped to 31%, in comparison to the older age

brackets (35-44 and 45+) who are going to the cinema more frequently; e.g. a rise from 14% to 28%.

Page 3: UK Film Consumption

Where/How do People Watch Films?

• The below chart shows the medium in which people watch their films from. Showing that the most popular platform

was that of films on TV having a 77% share, in comparison to cinema which was the lowest with only a


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The Role of Technology in Film Consumption

• As the past chart showed, less and less people are going to the cinema to watch films; people are finding easier and more convenient ways of consuming films without having to pay a large expense or go out of the comfort of their

own home.

• Although it is still only a minor share (5.5%) who use the internet to download/stream films, it is becoming

increasingly popular to do this- especially amongst younger audiences, for example; the 15-24 age bracket.

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Most Popular Genres of Film• The chart below shows all the genre of films and their

success within the box office (2011), showing that comedy was the most popular genre with 113 releases gaining a gross profit of £253.6 million; in comparison to war the

least popular genre with only 4 releases gaining a gross profit of only £0.3 million.

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Most Lucrative Audience Groups• Through researching into the film consumption of the UK I

believe that there are two age groups which would be the most lucrative, being:

♦ Teenagers♦ Or those who are retired

• These two age groups would both have more time on their hands and be able to spend their money and time on film

products and consumption.• Also, due to a retired audience having ample free time as

well as disposable income they may be targeted specifically; for example, with films such as The Best

Exotic Marigold Hotel and The King’s Speech.

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Strategies to Promote Films• In order to target the two more lucrative audiences I would

use different strategies depending on their age. For the teenagers I would use social media and networking sites to reach out to their audience with something that they

use frequently and are likely to respond to. Also it is a way of directly targeting this audience and enabling them to interact with what we would be promoting, thus being

more likely to engage.• However, for the retired age group, I would maybe think about the use of newspaper or magazine advertisements,

as people of that age are far more likely to read than to engage in technology and the like.

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Importance of Technology• Technology is quickly becoming more and more

important, especially amongst a younger audience; with the use of programs such as Netflix.

• These online streaming and downloads are becoming more and more popular due to creating a cheap (or free)

way of consuming films from the comfort of your own home- something far more appealing for a range of

audiences, instead of splashing the cash at a cinema and having many annoyances as well.

• I believe that the use of technology will just escalate over time, with online recourses just increasing in size and


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Cinema Admissions• 1940’s: High admission

• Due to there being fewer sources of entertainment, cinema was the default choice for escapism, there was also little technology

available and thus cinemas were a visual feast.• 60’s, 70’s and 80s: Rapid decline

• Due to people having other sources of entertainment such as the growth of-

TV ownership Car ownership

VHS and video rental• 1984: Turning Point

• Due to the growth of multi-plex cinemas and new technology (3D, digital) bringing a new dimension to the experience.

• ‘The American Model’ had an immediate impact on audiences.