Understanding Experiential Function of Language

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Page 6: Understanding Experiential Function of Language

snowed it


kicked Mike the ball


Mike a book me gave

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Meaning Participant I Participant II Participant III

Material Doing &



human being

Actor Goal Recipient (to)

Client (for)

Mental Sensing

Inside human


One human


Reversible in


Senser Phenomenon -

Page 8: Understanding Experiential Function of Language




Meaning Participant I Participant II Participant III

Relational Being &


Identifying Token Value Beneficiary

Attributing Carrier Attribute Beneficiary

Possessing Possessor Possessed -

Verbal Saying

Informing Sayer Verbiage Receiver

Behavioural Physiological Behaver - -

Existential Existence of

entity - Existent -

Page 9: Understanding Experiential Function of Language

The man bought an apple

Actor Process: Material Goal

The man likes an apple

Senser Process: Mental Phenomenon

The man is the teacher

Token Process: Relational Value

The man gave me an apple

Actor Process: Material Client Goal

The man is a teacher

Carrier Process: Relational Attribute

Page 10: Understanding Experiential Function of Language

The man has an apple

Possessor Process: Relational Possessed

The man told the truth

Sayer Process: Verbal Verbiage

The man told us the truth

Sayer Process: Verbal Receiver Verbiage

The man smiled

Behaver Process: Behavioural

There are some boys in the field

- Process: Existential Existent Circumstance

Page 11: Understanding Experiential Function of Language

Types Sub-

category Probe Example

1. Extent Temporal (duration) Spatial (distance,


for how long? how far?

for three hours every two weeks for six miles

2. Location Temporal


When? Where?

yesterday last week here in the room

3. Manner


quickly very much

Page 12: Understanding Experiential Function of Language

Types Sub-

category Probe Example

4. Cause why? because of the rain for better result

5. Contingency in what circumstances?

in the event of rain in the absence of proof

6. Role

what as? as a concerned parent as an acting manager

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Types Sub-

category Probe Example

7. Matter what about?

about this about economics

8. Accompaniment together with? with(out) him instead of Ari

9. Angle says who? according to weather forecast

Page 14: Understanding Experiential Function of Language

The man bought an apple in the market yesterday

Actor Process: Material

Goal Circumstance: Location: Spatial

Circumstance: Location: Temporal

The man likes an apple for its sweet taste

Actor Process: Material Goal Circumstance: Cause

The man told the story about crying stone

Sayer Process: Verbal Verbiage Circumstance: Matter

John visits our campus as a visiting lecturer

Actor Process: Material Goal Circumstance: Role

Page 15: Understanding Experiential Function of Language

Analyze the following text based on the experiential function of language!

According to Edy, the nation’s progress of Indonesia was destructed by the continuous unrest in the Indonesian government itself, such as political, economic, social and cultural unrest. “In fact, we are polite and respectful people and we have basic values of Pancasila,” Edy said wisely. In addition, he said that the government had set the national objectives. These objectives give Indonesian people an opprtunity for better life quality. “We cannot live without a clear vision; therefore, the government had set the national vision,” he added.

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