Name: William Eze Candidate Number: 1118 Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 13: 1118 Planning and Pitching a Print based Media Product St. Andrew’s Catholic School Unit 13 Overview

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Name: William EzeCandidate Number: 1118

Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media

Unit 13: 1118

Planning and Pitching a Print based Media Product

St. Andrew’s Catholic School Unit 13 Overview

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Purpose and MeaningThe denotation of the genre of Q magazine is eclectic as it is revolved around all genres of music, most focus around rock music and indie music. Q magazine is eclectic because the magazine wants more of an audience so it reaches out to all genres so that everyone will be interested in the diversity of Q. Evidence of this genre can be found on the front of their magazines which features a variety of rock bands such as Foo fighters, artists such as Kanye West and much more. Additionally the genre of the magazine is aimed at ages 25 years old and above. The highest proportion of readers are male between the ages of 30 and above. The strapline, ‘the world’s best music magazine’, conveys to the reader that based on their sales and readership that they are the best and most sold out magazine ever. The verbal code also conveys to the reader that they’re confident with the content that they release.

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Strapline Connotation:

The denotation of the strapline for Q Magazine is “The worlds best music magazine.” This connotes to the readers that the magazine is overly confident that their content is of high quality and has the confidence to state that it is the best when in competition with other popular magazines. The use of ‘World’s’ can connote that it is known on a global scale which furthermore demonstrates its scale of popularity.

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Form and Style Q magazine’s house style and colour scheme is

consistent throughout as the only colours they involve are red, black and white. The consistency of their house style increases interest from readers mainly because of the colours they like to use in their layout. They use the same three colours as a way to demonstrate their boldness. The main colour in the scheme; ‘red’ connotes that they’re passionate about what articles put forward to their audience.

The same three colours for its houseStyle: red, black and white.

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Form and Style – Print Editions and Digital Editions for the Magazine

Print Editions and Digital Editions for the Magazine: Q magazine usually publish their articles with a paper-based or onto an electronic device. This means that their content is a lot easier to access as compared to other magazines because of the different varieties that it can be consumed. There is a lot of advertisement on their website, they usually like to regularly recommend that their customers subscribe to their articles, the deals are usually at a reasonable price. They offer discounted subscription service to readers.

Subscription to their website Advertisement

Q’s Print + Digital

Q’s Digital

Q’s Print

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Form and Style – The Style used for Q MagazineThe Style used for Q Magazine: In the Q Magazine issue, you can see that the style is made to be consistent as everything is supposed to be kept the same, i.e. the font and the colour scheme that they incorporate. By keeping this consistency of the house style it generates association to the magazine. The colour scheme is quite consistent as the only colours they use are red, white and black.


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Form and Style – The size and Dimensions of a ‘Q’ Magazine

The Size and Dimensions of a ‘Q’ Magazine: If you observe Q’s Website, it mentions that the dimensions of their magazine is found to be measured at around ‘’30.6 x 22.2 x 1.2 cm’’. This is around the average size for a basic music magazine.

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Contents Page AnalysisMain Image: The main Image stands out ofDavid Grohl and has a White background and This may be to fit in withThe style and colourScheme of the magazine.

House Style: The house Style of the magazine Remains the same as itWas on the front cover. Thefront cover had the coloursWhite, red and black and The choice of colours has Been used on the contents Page too.

Masthead: The masthead is the same as it is on the front cover and it sets continuity from the front cover to the contents page. And, the word ‘Contents’ is in bold which makes it stand out and may be like that to let the readers acknowledge the fact that it is the contents page of the magazine. Subheadings and Sublines: The main headings of the article are blocked out in red. The house style of the magazine being red, white and black continues here as well. Under the ‘features’ and ‘every month’ section the writing underneath is in uppercase font with a brief background below it. The background of the headlines are white as it matches the Q Magazine colour scheme.

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GenreThe denotation of the genre of Q magazine is revolved around all styles and genres of music, primarily around rock music and indie music. Evidence of this is included on the front pages of their magazines where the artists are portrayed to convey what the main focus of genre will be focused on in the magazine. Famous names included are Kanye West, Jay Z, Foo Fighters, Queen, The Beatles, Guns N’Roses and the Rolling Stones. Additionally the variety of genres of the magazine are supported by the overall demographics of Mojo. The highest proportion of readers are male between the ages of 25 and above.

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Frequency and Price The price of Q magazine is currently £3.08. This is a similar price range

to many other music magazines that are available in the UK. Additionally the magazine is released on a monthly basis and could even be subscribed on a yearly basis for £32.00 , this is due to fact that the magazine has a large amount of content and focusses on the music news that has happened in the month prior. The price and frequency of Q magazine is similar to that of Mojo Magazine as they charge something around £4.00-4.99. (source: http://www.mysupermarket.co.uk/sainsburys-price-comparison/Newsagent/Mojo_Magazine.html)

• http://www.bauer.co.uk/history

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Marketplace: Circulation figures

Q Magazine are sold mainly in the UK and they have a fairly high cult following as they’re circulation figures are estimated to be over 360K. Q Magazine offer many opportunities to have their articles subscribed to and read by the high viewers around the web.


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Publisher• Bauer Media Group is one of the most successful media companies

around the globe. Over 570 magazines, over 300+ digital products, and 50 radio and TV stations reach millions of people around the globe. The company’s portfolio also include printing companies, postal services and services in the fields of distribution, marketing and media sales. The Group’s turnover is stable at more than two billion euros. With a new global positioning strategy, the Bauer Media Group underscores its passion for people and brands. The claim ‘’We think popular’’. highlights the Bauer Media Group’s perception of itself as a publisher of popular media and provides inspiration and motivation to its more than 11,000 employees in 16 countries

• http://www.bauer.co.uk/history

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Language used in ‘Q’

The magazine tend to use numbers tosignify(De Saussure) the legacy of their magazine. for example, this magazine says: ‘’THE 300th ISSUE’’, this denotes that they’re showing off their longevity which also connotes how successful their magazine has beenover the last 25+ years.

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Language used in ‘Q’Q Magazine tend to use superlatives to signify that they’re the best musicmagazine to purchase. For example theirstrapline is: ‘’THE WORLD’S GREATESTMUSIC MAGAZINE’’. The strapline connotesthat they are the most successful music magazine and that everyone should go out and buy it. Q Magazine made one of the simplest yet effective logos ever: a red box with a large ‘Q’ wisely placed in the centre. The use of the ‘Q’ makes it a smart tactical move to target towards the audience as it will be easier to remember rather than a word or phrase as they would be more difficult to remember. The use of the ‘Q’ makes the magazine come across as relaxed due to the fact they don’t have any complexity to their designing/wording.

Q Magazine most often use words such as ‘rare’ to convey how something can’t be found anywhere else. They use this so they can draw customers who want to know more information and the content of their magazine draws them so that they eventually become consumers into their product.

Q Magazine most often use words such as ‘new’ to convey how that their content is always updated and new. They use this so they can draw customers who want to know the latest rumours, facts, interviews and other interesting topics that tend to be covered in these types of magazines.

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Target Audience The people who thought of making Q Magazine; Mark Ellen

and David Hepworth wanted to make an impact so they started to target the older audience and they thought that they were neglected by other music magazines. They didn’t follow the ordinary and they decided to aim towards the older audience. The target audience for Q is music buyers over the age of 25, of both genders. the fact that the target audience is slightly older means that the magazine can afford to be a bit more expensive than if it was aimed at young people. Q features many genres of music so it is suited to all music lovers. the magazine has a mass audience as it is popular, but could also be referred to as having a niche audience as it is specifically aimed at only music fans.


Q mainly focus on all genres of rock music and the magazine represents that. It focuses on the passion for classic rock and the artists that are involved in the genre. Q targets it's audience by concentrating on Indie Rock. The ideology of Q also implies that rock is of a very high value due to the variations of rock artists in the genre. The age demographic usually ranges from around 25 and over as similar to Mojo, Kerrang, XXL or other music magazines.

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A Higher management, bankers, lawyers, doctors and other professional

B Middle management, teachers, creative and media people e.g. graphic designers etc.


Office supervisors, junior managers, nurses, specialist clerical toff – white collar


Skilled manual workers, plumbers, builders – blue collar

D Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers

E Unemployed, students, pensioners, casual workers

My magazine of inspiration is Q magazine and my choice of music genre is an Eclectic of Hip Hop/ R ‘n’ B/ Rap music. According to the socio-economic graph the target audience would be in my chosen demographic of E and D. I have chosen this demographic group because for E they are unemployed but they might have money to buy my magazines and the students who are unemployed are quite young so my choice of genre could influence them to buy my magazines. I have chosen D because they’re most likely older but they can buy more articles as compared to the E group.

This defines the adult population largely by the job they do.This is based on the National Readership Survey (NRS)


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Graham Burton: Socially and Media grouped audiences

Graham Burton has a theory about classifying audiences by their social and media grouping. According to the socio-economic graph the target audience would be demographics of D and E because the demographic would be fairly young because they probably won’t have jobs but they would have enough money to buy their articles. The social grouping of Q Magazine’s target audience is centred for ages 25+ of all genders. The likeliness will be that they’re American but they could be British as well because all the publications are circulated around those countries; they’ll most likely be fans of rock music and white. The media grouping for Q Magazine’s target audience will be fans of rock music and other forms of rock and indie.

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SEEK SECURITY. Tend to be domestic, conformist, conventional, sentimental – favour value for money family brands. Nearly always the largest group

ASPIRERS SEEK STATUS. Materialistic, acquisitive, orientated to image and appearance, persona and fashion. Attractive packaging more important than contents, Typically younger people, clerical and sales jobs.


SEEK CONTROL. Strong goals, confidence, work ethic, and organisation. Supports stability. Brand choice based on self-reward, and quality. Typically higher management and professionals.

RESIGNED SEEKS SURVIVAL. Rigid and authoritarian values. Interested in the past and tradition. Brand choice stresses safety, familiarity and economy. Typically older people.

EXPLORERS SEEKS DISCOVERY. Energy, individualism and experience. Values difference and adventure. Brand choice highlights satisfaction, and instant effect. The first to try new brands. Younger demographic – students.


SEEKS ESCAPE. Alienated and disorganised. Few resources beyond physical skills. Brand choice involves impact and sensation. Buys alcohol, junk food, lottery tickets. D and E demographic.

REFORMERS SEEKS ENLIGHTMENT. Freedom of restrictions and personal growth. Social awareness and independent judgment. Anti-materialistic but aware of good taste. Has attended higher education and selects products for quality.

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Psychographics in Q Q Magazine have many readers from different social groups

and classifications but on average, the most common readers for Q are in the Aspirers and Reformers group. A reformer is a person that is devoted to bringing about reform, as in politics or society. (quote for quote referenced from www.dictionary.com/browse/reformer) . An aspirer is a person who has a great ambition or ultimate goal to achieve something. (referenced from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/aspirer). I’ve categorized their audience in this group because they seek to learn new content and aim to revolutionize the way music magazines are run. This is mainly because the target audience and demographic for Q is mainly teenagers aged 15-18+ and the groups would be best suited for them as the groups focus mainly on social media, i.e. music.

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cs in


There are charts that observe the percentage in how many men and women observe the magazine yearly/monthly. The chart below states that 31.7 % of readers are female as compared to the dominated gender of over 68%. As proven by what I stated earlier in the previous slide, the age ratio is dominated by the group of 18-24 year old as they make up nearly 40% of the viewership compared to that of other ages. There are ‘Aspirers’ and ‘Reformers’ who aim to learn what they can and thrive to be ‘informed’. On Q’s website, they give you the opportunity to do this by encouraging their readers to subscribe to their magazine and follow their pages on social media.

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Katz/Blumler - Diversion According to 1 http://usesandgratification.blogspot.co.uk, the

first theory is how: 1’ Blumler and Katz believed that some members of the public may choose to consume media texts as a source of escapism. This would allow the consumer to divert from everyday life and routine to something different of their choice.’

This can to relate to Q’s audience as they can use the music and content of Q to escape everyday life and read about their favourite bands and artists. Also, this can make their target audience divert from reality and be lured into reading Q’s content.


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r –




On Q’s website, you can observe the language Q magazine use to release stories and bring ‘attraction’ to their pages. They use verbal codes such as ‘Watch’ ‘More’ and phrases such as ‘Find out’ and ‘Read More’ as a way of ‘escaping reality’ and reading more and more until they’re indulged into the stories and seek to read more on the website or the magazine itself.

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Katz/Blumler – Personal Relationships

According to 1 http://usesandgratification.blogspot.co.uk, the second theory is how: 1’ Blumler and Katz believed that some people may choose to consume media texts as a tool to bond between other people. For some people it is a way of finding a common interest and relationships with other people. For other people it can assist with the development of social and interactive skills. It can allow the consumer to find a sense of belonging and similarities with others, be it friends or family..’

This can to relate to Q’s audience as they can relate to other people that have similar personality traits such as music taste, fashion preferences and interest in media. Also, through blogs on the Q’s website, they can develop social skills and form friendships with fellow viewers on Q’s blog/comment section.


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Examples of Katz/Blumler – Personal Relationships

On Q’s website, you will these on the website regularly. They social media links that can accessible through the website, this gives the audience a n urge to follow them and be more personal with the team of Q as they can comment to them and get to know and understand their style and taste of music. Q also give out work/career experience opportunities for individuals who seek to increase more of a personal relationship with Q and work behind the scenes on the development of the Q magazines.

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Katz1. Diversion – This means where the audienceCan RETREAT from their reality and engage Themselves into the content.

2. Personal Identification – This means where the Audience are able to relate to a character or Their problem.

3. Personal Relationship – Where the audience are able to gain a following (audience) and bondwith character or a bunch of different characters.

4. Inform & Educate– Where the audience LEARN something from engaging into the text/content.

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1. Diversion – Personally, I think Q offers a good wayto indulge into something and learn about allthe new songs and news that is going amongst the Media.

2. Personal Identification –In Q magazine, they advertise a lot of opportunities for readers to get involved, and sometimes the people that may be resented in Q, may simply reflect us, and how we usually are.

3. Personal Relationship –As you read Q, you can learn about all the latest news, which can allow you to keep up to date with your friends and family about the news and gossip amongst the media.

4. Inform & Educate– Q allows individuals to get The most updated news on celebrities, music and Gossip. An example of this is the edition of Q where We find out the latest news on Jay Z.

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Hartley’s 7 subjectivities theory

The age of Q’s audience is variable as it ranges from as old as 65 to as young as 15. Most people aged over 50+ who purchase the magazine have an interest for the content as they may have grown up with the genre as a child growing up and ‘Q’ documents the evolution of rock music in their publications which may interest their older audience. Most young viewers, primarily;15-18, who purchase the magazine would do so as this age period is considered a ‘rebellion’ towards older audience as they glorify music that stereotypically wouldn’t be appreciated by the older audience. In terms of gender balance, Male readership primarily dominates the magazine consumption as very few women are interested in the content of rock music. In terms of the class they would be categorized in, they would be classified as people in the ABC1 demographic of the socio economic table as they are most likely to be working class citizens who are the majority of the audience (60-70%) and the rest of the audience demographic (30-40%) will be pre-teen/young adults (15-24). This is because very few students will be in categories ‘A’ and ‘B’ due to their low paying jobs and considerably low spending power as compared to the upper class.

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MaslowSocial Climbers – Where the audience are driven by improving their hierarchy in the social ladder.

Caregivers- Where the audience sympathize with the characters situation.

Explorers – Where the audience are driven by social change.

Survivors – Audience members who want thesecurity and routine of knowing the characters will be ok or something will be resolved.

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Maslow in Q’s Audience

The category that would best suit Q’s audience class would be in the ‘Explorers’ category because the target audience of Q are regularly driven by the change in the social climate and are interested in the current affairs of what’s going on in the music industry today.

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Evidence of Email to Bauer Media – Q Magazine

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Workers Responsible for Publishing Q Magazine

The publishers for Q Magazine are Bauer Media.The following people are responsible for the making of the Magazine:Senior Editor: Matt MasonAssociate Digital Editor: Paul StokesEditor in Chief: Phil AlexanderEditor: Andrew HarrisonAssociate Production Editor: Simon McEwan

Senior Editor: Matt Mason


Associate Digital Editor: Paul Stokes

Editor in Chief: Phil Alexander

Editor: Andrew Harrison

Associate Production Editor: Simon McEwan

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Job Roles at QEditor in Chief: Phil Alexander: Phil Alexander’s role as Editor in Chief is to make sure the magazines are properly edited. He is required to make any extra changes or some corrections to the content that will be exclusive in the magazine, their edition will improve the quality of the magazine making it better and more able to be released. Publishers: Bauer Media : Bauer Media’s role as Publisher is to make sure the presenting of the magazine is somewhat entertaining and readable to the intended target audience. They are required to select any content that they think is required and usable for the publications of their magazines.


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Job Roles at QSenior Editor: Matt MasonMatt Mason’s role as Senior Editor is to oversee lower-level editorial positions which includes writers, proofreaders, copy editors and junior editors. Matt Mason sometimes works directly with the publisher in making editorial positions for publications. He also creates submission deadlines and timetables for advertising copy, proofreading, layout, print publication and distribution.

Associate Digital Editor: Paul StokesPaul Stokes’ role as Associate Digital Editor is for taking consumer-targeted web content from concept to publication by overseeing a team of staff and freelance contributors and coordinating with internal marketing departments. He may develop strategies for generating meaningful content that brings in a high volume of visits, i.e. cheap rates of subscriptions on Q’s website. The content will typically include written news articles, video interviews and behind-the-scenes features and a variety of interactive apps. Editor: Andrew HarrisonAndrew Harrison’s role as Editor is to supervise the other editors and writers. He works to develop each issue’s editorial, working with other editors to finish the final editions for specific stories. He may or may not write articles, but he has to review all articles for content before it’s published.

Associate Production Editor: Simon McEwanSimon McEwan’s role as associate Production Editor is to oversee the entire publication of Q Magazine. He works with the authors, editors, artists and Q’s marketing department to make sure a the making of the magazine is pleasurable to the audience. He has to keep communication flowing between all required departments and observe the costs of the magazine editing production.





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Why a Production Process is required?

Like the magazines of XXL, Q, Kerrang and Mojo, I have made a production plan that details what everyone in my production team does and for each day, there’s a deadline for producing, designing, constructing and building. Each instruction is detailed so that there is enough information for them to follow through with. Personally, I chose to make a Production Process because it can benefit my magazine a lot as my magazine is guaranteed a higher quality end product as time and organization is put into the making of the magazine. Also, I’m able to save money as I plan how many pages we need and I make sure there’s enough stories and content to fill those pages. Also, there’s lower operating costs and lastly, it’s easier to make better decision when trying to finalize the layout for the magazine.

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Production ProcessFIRST STEP: Date of Q Magazine’s – the first step in this

whole process is to settle on the date of Q’s due release. The date of release is when you want the magazine to be released to the public.

SECOND STEP: Working with a schedule – this step is one of the most important ones when it comes to the production of a magazine. The schedule should be made in a way that there are preventions for certain mishaps so that even when these mishaps occur, you can always meet the day it’s due (deadline).


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Production Process THIRD STEP: Budget for production of Q Magazine– the next step in this process

is taken during the process of the production of the magazine is the editing decisions. The editorial decisions usually involve the magazine’s editing team planning what topics will be covered in the next issue of Q. After deciding what article ideas or topics and photographs will be used in the magazine, the editing team will now make the budgeting decisions.

FOURTH STEP: What Content they want to use– the content choosing process is probably the most important step because without content we simply cannot have the magazine. Content for the magazine is very ‘key’. It is at this stage that artwork and graphics are also worked on. The artwork is known as pictures that are going to be placed in the magazine. Graphics are the pictures or images that are designed with a computer program, i.e. Photoshop or InDesign.


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Production Process http://hosbeg.com/the-magazine-production-process/

FIFTH STEP: Sub-editing – this is the next step in the production process. Sub editing is focused one important thing, which is quality. This step involves the following important things:• Checking the legitimacy of all facts used in articles for Q• Making sure that grammar and punctuation are accurate for

the articles•  Making sure that all articles have the same house style• Working on the layout of the articles…..

SIXTH STEP: Page Layout – in the main big publications, there is a special work team that are responsible for page layouts called the layout staff. Their job is to layout the various pages that come together to make the magazine. In performing this task, they use very powerful Adobe Desktop Publishing programs such as InDesign to get the job done. It is at this stage that adverts from advertisers are placed into the content.

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SEVENTH STEP: Proofreading the articles for Q – The next step in this process is re-reading the text in all articles to make sure it’s adequate for release. The editorial department will print out a copy of the magazine for the sole purpose of reading through to re-correct any mistakes in it. The editorial team keeps proofreading until every member is satisfied that all mistakes have been made.

EIGHTH STEP: File emailed to printer – After the re-reading stage, there’s a DTP file of the entire magazine which is sent to the printer whose job will be to print the magazine. Before the release of the magazine, there is another process called the ‘’Pre-press’’ which means that it’s checking to make sure that you are sending all the fonts and images that will be required for the magazine with your file. Once this stage is finished, their printing staff will then take over. Before the printing staff prints loads of copies requested by the publication, the staff first prints a few copies and sends them to the publication’s editor for checking once again.

NINTH STEP: Distribution – this is the final stage in the stage development of Q magazine. Q’s printing staff will package them neatly and send them to a warehouse. From the warehouse, the magazines are then distributed and then sold to their audience.

http://hosbeg.com/the-magazine-production-process/Production Process

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Readership Online

The table above stats that there was a total of 48K people who have read Q. Q audience don't define themselves by the music they listen to. Music is an important passion and art form, but their love of music will never be to the detriment of their other passions, such as film, sport and comedy. According to a survey from June 2012, a total of 360K adults had read the magazine. It was read by 0.7 % of the population.


Magazines ABCs: NME print sales drop below 15,000Magazine Combined Total Average CirculationCombined Total Prior Period ChangeKerrang! 33,024 -5.99%Mojo 70,667 -4.77%NME 15,830 -18.78%Q 48,353 -8.39%

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Website Analysis of Q

As you can seeFrom the toggle bar, Q are giving awaytickets to concerts.this is done as a way of bringing in newcustomers as theywill be interesting ingaining tickets to goTo a concert.

At the top of theWebsite, you can see Links for Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest,Instagram and YouTube (synergy).The links are used as a Guide to observe the Information and picturesOn Q. Also, this can be a platform for them to gain more followers on social media as they’re targeting an audience of 15+ who are heavily involved in social media.

At the top of the website, there’s an opportunity to subscribe to Q’s website. Doing this, will help them gain a larger audience as it gives them the platform to release their best articles and features which will targeted towards the increased production of their magazines.

At the top of the website, you can see that’s it’s called the ‘Latest issue’, this shows us that they’re able to keep their audience updated on the latest articles, interviews and editions. This helps them to keep their audience as they’re able to give them more updated information to keep them satisfied.

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Unit 13 – Front cover AnalysisThe use of a clear cut masthead and strapline is definitely one of the most important features that are used in a magazine article. This connotes to the reader that the magazine is of high importance and is of a professional quality.

Another code that is referred to as the technical code of the primary image. This is mainly focused on a close up image of the artists’ face. The use of the close up creates interest for the reader to find out why the style used has been chosen. With my photograph I will use Photoshop, this is so I can deliver a professional quality image that is suitable for being the main feature of the my pages.

More visual codes that I myself will plan to include on the front cover are basic symbols such as the plus sign (+), this will notify the reader of extra content that will be made available. Secondly, borders around text that is typically seen on certain magazines will be used. The different shape on the page draws the eye well whilst also keeping it away from other text so it does not get lost within the majority of the name and image of artists.

The variety of text size and font draws attention and is an eye-opener for readers to look at certain articles that are advertised. It creates a diversity of content whilst also grabbing the readers attention with ‘star appeal’ which is the use of including famous artists on your pages to further promotion and advertising.

The barcode there features the dateof the publication and the price of the magazine.

The image is placed directly in the centre to add attention to themain image as the headline is whatsells the magazine as the readers will only buy it just for the person that is featured. Also, it conveys thatthey’re the centre of attention as they’re the one that is featured on the front.

The strapline, ‘the world’s best music magazine’, conveys to the reader that based on their sales and readership that they are the best and most sold out magazine ever. The verbal code also conveys to the reader that they’re confident with the content that they release.

The cover stories are featured at the front of the magazine to notify the reader the information that they can read and what is featured on the magazine.

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Unit 13 – Double Page Spread (DPS) Analysis

Within the main article of the double page spread, there’s an vastly oversized J in the background of the writing, this is an effective method of attracting the readers attention to the start of the text. To accentuate its presence they have coloured the drop capital in the typical Q magazine red, this is contrasting with the main body of text which is black.

One of the main features of the double page spread that I plan to include is an image that ranges over more than half of the page. A technical code of this will be the shot type, which will be focussed with a long shot of the artist. I plan to do this within the the technical conventions of my magazine this is so it gives the most dramatic effect possible.

Underneath the main image a pull quote is coloured in bold red and white text from the interview that was done. The purpose of this is to focus on the most central and amusing aspects. The quote has been positioned at the bottom of the page so it can be easily seen against the image.

The stand first for this article is below the main quote. I feel that within this example pairing the quote and stand first together does not work as well because there are no effective eye-catching aspects other than the drop capital. On my double page spread for the magazine I will choose to position the stand first above the main body of text, this is so that the reader is attracted to the larger text first off and will then continue to read on into the article.

The page number is featured at the bottom of the page on the left hand side to help thereader identify what page certain content is on.

The main image is placed on the leftas it gives the idea to the reader that the DPS is based on them and that’s what the content is about.

The headline is at the top of the magazine to convey to the reader what the content is about.

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Colour Scheme Q Magazine are unique for their known 3 main colours - red, black and

white. The choice of colour scheme match their esque and makes their articles more bold and interesting to look at. The use of colours are made consistent throughout the magazine to imply how the style can be kept the same. The colour black connotes to the reader that the content in their magazine is simple but effective. The colour red is used as ‘eye-catching’ as it has a shiny gradient and it’s easier for a reader to grab attention of the magazine and buy it. As similar to the colour black, the colour white connotes to the reader that the content in their magazine is simple yet effective as there’s no over the top designs or colours in their magazine layout/design.

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Colour Scheme: MastheadAs you can see from the examples shown of each Q Magazine edition from covers, the mast head is always positioned in the top left corner. This is so, as soon as the reader has a look at their (Q) magazine, the first thing they'll see is the mast head, as well as the image of the artist, and they'll automatically be aware that it's a Q magazine. They use the same masthead in all of the magazines they produce, with the same font, layout and colours. This is because they want to keep the consistency throughout the magazine. Sometimes, in some of the magazines, the masthead may be overlapped by the image of the artist, and other times it’s in front of the image of the artist, as you can see in the examples below. This masthead can also be seen as a logo, this is due to it being only one letter and the effect of this is that it will be memorized by the target audience and it is straight to the point.

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Colour Scheme 2: LayoutThe magazine in the middle and to the right

both have a certain layout. They have a frame that is surrounding the images centered on the magazine cover. this makes the magazine look professional and makes the images bold and be the only thing you focus on. Also, the image itself goes with the caption which makes it all stand out even more.

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Purpose of the MagazineTheir slogan, ‘The best music magazine' convey

that there years of legacy and consistent sales prove them to be at one of the best publications in the media industry. Their boldness and confidence help them as they convince their readers that they have belief that they are the best.

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Connotation of StraplineThe denotation of the strapline is paced within

the masthead to convey their equally important position. Furthermore, the streamline is written in a 'script' style font to imply that it was handwritten which will give it more value to the target audience.

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Readership Online Mojo (magazine) Mojo 171, the February 2008 issue Editor-in-Chief Phil Alexander Categories Music magazine Frequency Monthly Total circulation (June 2013) 79,345

As you can see from the table above, the total circulation for Mojo Magazine is circulated to be around 80K. The issue is dated back to February 2008. (http://www.pressgazette.co.uk/full-2015-mag-abcs-breakdown-cosmopolitan-bucks-trend-uk-magazines-decline-average-4-cent/))

Mojo Magazine have their own YouTube channel, Facebook and Twitter page. They have over 3K YouTube subscribers, 85K Facebook followers and an estimation of around 100K Twitter followers.

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PublisherTheir magazine is published by Bauer Media. Bauer is a UK based media group that is divided into two forms of media, Radio and Magazine. the magazine started in 1933 when angling Times was up and coming, after that; it's grown to become one of the highest selling platforms in the last 50+ years. They have sold over 300+ magazines in over 20 countries.

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Unit 13 - Planning and Pitching – Front Analysis Strapline – the strapline

sounds quite strong by using the word ‘The’ which implies that they are promoting themselves as the best music magazine.

Cover lines - the cover lines indicate what the magazine contains and break down the key information for the consumer.


Puff promotion – the puff promotion conveys that they want their consumer to have a opportunity to have a free copy rather buying it separately.Strapline – the strapline sounds quite strong by using the word ‘The’ which implies that they are promoting themselves as the best music magazine.

Date and Price – 4.80 ‘2013’

Main Story – the headline connotes how unmissable this magazine issue and the word ‘genius’ connotes how important she is also they are complimenting her because of her work and to signify her success in the music industry.

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Unit 13 – Double Page Spread (DPS) Analysis

Main Image – the main images of both artists conveys that the reader is the main focus of the article so the positioning of the image proves that. Also, it could convey how different they are as they are positioned in both sides of the article.

Color of text – The line, ’BEST OF BOTH’ is bolded in two contrasts of orange to convey how both artists are the best of their generation and could imply how different they are from the rest of the artists as they have a legendary status.

Pull Quote - Underneath the main image is a pull quote which is coloured in orange and white and it’s a quote straight from the interview. The purpose of this is to focus on the most central and important aspects. The quote has been positioned at the bottom of the page so it can be easily seen against the rather dark background.

Stand first - The stand first is included in this article. I feel that example pairing the quote and stand first together as well because there are no effective eye-catching aspects other than the main attraction; the drop capital. On my double page spread for the magazine I will choose to position the stand first above the main body of text, this is so that the reader is attracted to the larger text first off and will then continue to read on into the article.

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Content’s PageInstead of a heading, the magazine masthead has been positioned in the top third of the page. Below that are the cities.A quote from one of the main features is positioned in the bottom of the page. this is to give an insight into the magazine and will the reader really enticed.

The primary image of the magazine is photo shopped to be of really high contrast to convey it's appeal to the audience.The colour scheme is just black and white to convey it's dark nature and it's plain but consistent colour layout.

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Form and StyleMojo magazine has a consistent style through

their variations of fonts, page layouts and images that they incorporate into their articles. They keep the house style consistent as it generates interest from readers due to their consistency. Mojo magazine only use black and white to portray their basic but effective stylization.

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Frequency and Price The price of a Mojo magazine is currently

£4.99. This is a similar price range to many other music magazines that are available in the UK. Additionally the magazine is released on a consistent 1 month basis, this is due to fact that the magazine has a large amount of content and focuses on the music news that has happened in the month prior.


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PublisherTheir magazine is published by Bauer Media. Bauer is a UK based media group that is divided into two forms of media, Radio and Magazine. the magazine started in 1933 when angling Times was up and coming, after that; it's grown to become one of the highest selling platforms in the last 50+ years. They have sold over 300+ magazines in over 20 countries.

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Genre The genre of Mojo magazine is mainly for

people who enjoy rock music, the primary genre is alternative rock. Mojo targets it's audience by focusing mainly on classic rock, i.e. White Stripes, Guns & Roses. Furthermore, Mojo magazine demonstrate that rock music also has an impact due to the variations of classical rock artists.


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Target Audience Mojo is known to be an alternative rock magazine that will mainly focus

on rock music and its sub genres of it. It also focuses on the passion for classic rock and the artists involved in the genre. Mojo targets it's audience by concentrating mainly on ALTERNATIVE Rock. The ideology of Mojo implies that rock is considered that of a high value due to the different options of rock music and its overwhelming content. The age demographic usually ranges from as mid as 25 to as old as 65+. This is of similar to their rivals XXL, Q and Kerrang!

The diagram on the left shows the percentages of ages demographically across the magazine’s audience. This diagram refers to ‘Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities’, which puts into consideration the the gender, age, ethnicity class, self-image, nation and family when looking at the statistics.http://


Graph for Mojo DEMOGRAPHIC

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MaslowSocial Climbers – Where the audience are driven by improving their hierarchy in the social ladder.

Caregivers- Where the audience sympathize with the characters situation.

Explorers – Where the audience are driven by social change.

Survivors – Audience members who want thesecurity and routine of knowing the characters will be ok or something will be resolved.

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Maslow in MOJO’s Audience

The category that would best suit MOJO’s audience class would be in the ‘Explorers’ category because the target audience of MOJO are regularly driven by the change in the social climate and are interested in the current affairs of what’s going on in the music industry today.

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Hartley There are seven subjectives to describe the target audience for MOJO and they’re referred

to as: 1. Age – The average reader is usually over 18+. This group is targeted by genres such as

Classical rock as they’re known to be much more mature and appreciative of rock music 2. Gender – The magazine is predominantly male and is intentionally targeted only for men. 3. Class – The social class for an average MOJO reader is in the C, D and E group class of the

Audience Demographic. 4. Ethnicity – The ethnicity is predominantly Caucasian as they’re the most targeted group

for rock music as compared to a person of Black descent who would favor music more like jazz or rap music (stereotypes - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereotypes_of_African_Americans)

5. Self-Image – The average reader of MOJO will either be working, unemployed or a student and often wear what is socially popular amongst their social group.

6. Nation – The average reader will be from the UK as the magazine is mainly distributed around the British regions.

7. Family -

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A Higher management, bankers, lawyers, doctors and other professional

B Middle management, teachers, creative and media people e.g. graphic designers etc.


Office supervisors, junior managers, nurses, specialist clerical toff – white collar


Skilled manual workers, plumbers, builders – blue collar

D Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers

E Unemployed, students, pensioners, casual workers

Mojo magazine is an eclectic of all forms of Rock music. According to the socio-economic graph the target audience would most likely be in the main be in their demographic of E and D. I have chosen this demographic group to be their target audience because for E they are unemployed but they might have money to buy my magazines and the students who are unemployed are quite young so my choice of genre could influence them to buy my magazines. I have chosen D because they’re most likely older but they can buy more articles as compared to the E group.


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Graham Burton: Socially and Media grouped audiences

Graham Burton has a theory about classifying audiences by their social and media grouping. According to the socio-economic graph the target audience would be demographics of E and D because the demographic would be young because they probably won’t have jobs but they would have enough money to buy the articles. Mojo’s target audience is centred for ages 25+ of all genders. The likeliness will be that they’re American but they could be British as well because all the publications are circulated around those countries; they’ll most likely be fans of rock music and white. The media grouping for MOJO’s Magazine’s target audience will be fans of rock music and other forms of rock and indie.

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SEEK SECURITY. Tend to be domestic, conformist, conventional, sentimental – favour value for money family brands. Nearly always the largest group

ASPIRERS SEEK STATUS. Materialistic, acquisitive, orientated to image and appearance, persona and fashion. Attractive packaging more important than contents, Typically younger people, clerical and sales jobs.

SUCCEEDERS SEEK CONTROL. Strong goals, confidence, work ethic, and organisation. Supports stability. Brand choice based on self-reward, and quality. Typically higher management and professionals.

RESIGNED SEEKS SURVIVAL. Rigid and authoritarian values. Interested in the past and tradition. Brand choice stresses safety, familiarity and economy. Typically older people.

EXPLORERS SEEKS DISCOVERY. Energy, individualism and experience. Values difference and adventure. Brand choice highlights satisfaction, and instant effect. The first to try new brands. Younger demographic – students.

STRUGGLERS SEEKS ESCAPE. Alienated and disorganised. Few resources beyond physical skills. Brand choice involves impact and sensation. Buys alcohol, junk food, lottery tickets. D and E demographic.

REFORMERS SEEKS ENLIGHTMENT. Freedom of restrictions and personal growth. Social awareness and independent judgment. Anti-materialistic but aware of good taste. Has attended higher education and selects products for quality.

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KATZDiversion – This means where the audienceCan RETREAT from their reality and engage Themselves into the content.

Personal Identification – This means where the Audience are able to relate to a character or Their problem.

Personal Relationship – Where the audience are able to gain a following (audience) and bondwith character or a bunch of different characters.

Inform & Educate– Where the audience LEARN something from engaging into the text/content.

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KATZ1. Diversion – I believe MOJO release good

content which is useful in a way to indulge into their information and is good to learn about all the most recent songs and news amongst the genre of music. 2. Personal Identification –MOJO Magazine they advertise a lot of opportunities for readers to get involved, and sometimes the people that may be resented in Q, may simply reflect us, and how we usually are.3. Personal Relationship –You can read about and learn about the most recent news on MOJO, this can help to be updated with the most recent gossip with your friends. 4. Inform & Educate– So much information about the genre they represent is learnt throughout the magazine publications. MOJO allows their readers to have updated news on the current events occurring in the Media Industry.

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Evidence of Email to Bauer Media – Mojo


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Workers Responsible for Publishing MOJO Magazine

The publishers for MOJO Magazine are Bauer Media.The following people are responsible for the making of the Magazine:Senior Editor: Phil AlexanderPicture Editor: Matt TurnerEditor in Chief: Mark WinsladeDeputy Editor: Andrew MaleAssociate Production Editor: Paul StokesAuthor: Ross BennettWriter/Production Editor: Geoff Brown

Senior Editor: Phil Alexander

Picture Editor: Matt Turner

Editor in Chief: Mark Winslade

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Deputy Editor: Andrew Male

No ImageFound

Associate Production Editor: Paul Stokes

No ImageFound

No ImageFound

Author: Ross Bennett

Writer/Production Editor: Geoff Brown

No ImageFound

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No Editor in Chief: Mark WinsladeImage Found

Job Roles at MOJOEditor in Chief: Mark WinsladeMark Winslade’s role as Editor in Chief is to make sure the magazines are properly edited. He is required to make any extra changes or some corrections to the content that will be exclusive in the magazine, their edition will improve the quality of the magazine making it better and more able to be released. Publishers: Bauer Media : Bauer Media’s role as Publisher is to make sure the presenting of the magazine is somewhat entertaining and readable to the intended target audience. They are required to select any content that they think is required and usable for the publications of their magazines.


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Job Roles at MOJOSenior Editor: Phil AlexanderPhil Alexander’s role as Senior Editor is to oversee lower-level editorial positions which includes writers, proofreaders, copy editors and junior editors. Phil Alexander sometimes works directly with the publisher in making editorial positions for publications. He also creates submission deadlines and timetables for advertising copy, proofreading, layout, print publication and distribution.

Picture Editor: Matt TurnerPaul Stokes’ role as Picture Editor is to be responsible for selecting, editing, positioning and publishing photos to go with the text of a publication. Matt Turner might also supervise staff photographers, give photo assignments and make sure that others complete their work on time to get prepared for the next release.

Deputy Editor: Andrew MaleAndrew Male’s role as Deputy Editor is to supervise along with the senior, the other editors and writers. He works to develop each issue’s editorial with the senior editor as well as the other editors to finish the final editions for specific stories. He may or may not write articles, but he has to review all articles for content before it’s published.

Associate Production Editor: Paul StokesPaul Stokes’ role as associate Production Editor is to oversee the entire publication of Q Magazine. He works with the authors, editors, artists and Q’s marketing department to make sure a the making of the magazine is pleasurable to the audience. He has to keep communication flowing between all required departments and observe the costs of the magazine editing production.

No Image Found

No Image Found





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Production Processhttp://hosbeg.com/the-magazine-production-process/

FIRST STEP: Date of MOJO Magazine’s – the first step in this whole process is to settle on the date of MOJO’s due release. The date of release is when you want the magazine to be released to the public.

SECOND STEP: Working with a schedule – this step is one of the most important ones when it comes to the production of a magazine. The schedule should be made in a way that there are preventions for certain mishaps so that even when these mishaps occur, you can always meet the day it’s due (deadline).

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Production Process http://hosbeg.com/the-magazine-production-process/

THIRD STEP: Budget for production of MOJO Magazine– the next step in this process is taken during the process of the production of the magazine is the editing decisions. The editorial decisions usually involve the magazine’s editing team planning what topics will be covered in the next issue of MOJO. After deciding what article ideas or topics and photographs will be used in the magazine, the editing team will now make the budgeting decisions.

FOURTH STEP: What Content they want to use– the content choosing process is probably the most important step because without content we simply cannot have the magazine. Content for the magazine is very ‘key’. It is at this stage that artwork and graphics are also worked on. The artwork is known as pictures that are going to be placed in the magazine. Graphics are the pictures or images that are designed with a computer program, i.e. Photoshop or InDesign.

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FIFTH STEP: Sub-editing – this is the next step in the production process. Sub editing is focused one important thing, which is quality. This step involves the following important things:

Checking the legitimacy of all facts used in articles for MOJO Making sure that grammar and punctuation are accurate for the articles  Making sure that all articles have the same house style Working on the layout of the articles…..

SIXTH STEP : Page Layout – in the main big publications, there is a special work team that are responsible for page layouts called the layout staff. Their job is to layout the various pages that come together to make the magazine. In performing this task, they use very powerful Adobe Desktop Publishing programs such as InDesign to get the job done. It is at this stage that adverts from advertisers are placed into the content.

Production Process http://hosbeg.com/the-magazine-production-process/

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SEVENTH STEP : Proofreading the articles for MOJO – The next step in this process is re-reading the text in all articles to make sure it’s adequate for release. The editorial department will print out a copy of the magazine for the sole purpose of reading through to re-correct any mistakes in it. The editorial team keeps proofreading until every member is satisfied that all mistakes have been made.

EIGHTH STEP: File emailed to printer – After the re-reading stage, there’s a DTP file of the entire magazine which is sent to the printer whose job will be to print the magazine. Before the release of the magazine, there is another process called the ‘’Pre-press’’ which means that it’s checking to make sure that you are sending all the fonts and images that will be required for the magazine with your file. Once this stage is finished, their printing staff will then take over. Before the printing staff prints loads of copies requested by the publication, the staff first prints a few copies and sends them to the publication’s editor for checking once again.

NINTH STEP: Distribution – this is the final stage in the stage development of MOJO magazine. MOJO’s printing staff will package them neatly and send them to a warehouse. From the warehouse, the magazines are then distributed and then sold to their audience.


Production Process

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Website Analysis of MOJO

As you can seeFrom the navigation bar, MOJO are giving awaytickets to concerts.This is done as a way of bringing in newcustomers as theywill be interesting ingaining tickets to goTo a concert.

At the top of the website, there’s an opportunity to subscribe to MOJO’s website. Doing this, will help them gain a larger audience as it gives them the platform to release their best articles and features which will targeted towards the increased production of their magazines.

At the bottom of their website, you can see links for Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+Tumblr and YouTube (SYNERGY).The links are used as a Guide to observe the Information and picturesOn MOJO. Also, this can be a platform for them to gain more followers on social media as they’re targeting an audience of 15-25+ who are heavily involved in the usage of social media.

At the top of the website, you can see that’s it’s called the ‘Features’, this shows us that they’re able to keep their audience updated on the latest articles, interviews and editions. This helps them to keep their audience as they’re able to give them more updated information to keep them satisfied.

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Relationship between the Distributor and the Consumer

Mojo has connections worldwide. Their website give you a chance to subscribe to their articles and you’re able to print versions of their articles and then buy. This allows them them to have an unlimited amount of sales. There are some types of subscriptions, such as printed and digital versions of their articles.

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Relationship between the Magazine and the Audience

Mojo offer a lot for their customers. An example of this is them giving the readers a chance to subscribe to their magazines and articles as well as let them view their content on the webpage. Sometimes, they produce newsletters updating their readers on the changes that they’ve made and what they’re releasing.

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Readership Online Social Media Statistics from March 2015

YouTube SubscribersSource: https://www.youtube.com/user/MOJO4MUSIC

Over 3K

Facebook FansSource: https://www.facebook.com/


Twitter FollowersSource: https://twitter.com/


Mojo Magazine have several social media coverage. They have connections in Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.


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Colour Scheme The colour scheme is consistent as it uses only

black and white. The colours are consistently used throughout the page and link in well with the other articles. the font's used are very simplistic, suggesting that the target audience would be quite relaxed and simple and do not need any bold font to keep them interested. Black and White is mainly used to connote that the theme of the magazine is indie and rock, black and white are the best colours to use to represent that style of music.

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Connotation of MastheadThe denotation of the masthead is that is it is

bold and has a shadow effect behind it to make the graphic logo more bold towards the reader which makes it easier for their target audience to find the magazine and more eye-catching.

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Genre The genre of GE Magazine (my magazine)

will mainly be an eclectic of rock and rap music, the primary genre is rock music. GE targets it's audience by focusing mainly on rap rock, i.e. Linkin Park because I need a wider audience and I think it’s more benefitting to target both audiences.

Preferably for GE Magazine, I would have the dimensions of my magazine to be measured at around 8 3/8’’ x 10 7/8’’.

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Genre The genre of TRAP Magazine (my other

magazine) will mainly Hip-Hop and R’n’b music. TRAP targets it's audience by focusing mainly on rap stars, i.e. Drake, Jay z, Kanye, J-Cole and Kendrick. I chose this genre because I need a wider audience and I think it’s more benefitting to target audiences within the Black community as well as other races to have a diversely-read magazine.

Preferably for TRAP Magazine, I would have the dimensions of my magazine to be measured at around 8 3/8’’ x 10 7/8’’.

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Publisher• Golden Era Magazine and TRAP Magazine will be published by Bauer

Media Group. They’re one of the most successful high-end media companies around the globe. Over 570 magazines, over 300+ digital products, and 50 radio and TV stations reach millions of people around the globe.

• Bauer Media Group have published magazines like Q, XXL, MOJO, Kerrang and etc.

• The company’s portfolio also include printing companies, postal services and services in the fields of distribution, marketing and media sales. The Group’s turnover is stable at more than two billion euros. With a new global positioning strategy, the Bauer Media Group underscores its passion for people and brands. The claim ‘’We think popular’’. highlights the Bauer Media Group’s perception of itself as a publisher of popular media and provides inspiration and motivation to its more than 11,000 employees in 16 countries (sourced from: https://www.bauermedia.co.uk/)

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Contents SlideFor the contents page of GE, there will be features

from bands such as Arctic Monkeys, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Linkin Park and Guns N’ Roses.

There will also be a Review section similar to Q’s which will detail opinions and ratings for each song and album.

Every page will feature the date of its publication and the page it’s on.

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Contents SlideFor the contents page of TRAP, there will be features

from artists/bands such as Run DMC, NWA, Logic, Drake, Kanye, Eminem and Public Enemy.

There will also be a Review section similar to XXL’s which will detail opinions and ratings for each song and album.

Every page will feature the date of its publication and the page it’s on.

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Proposal 1: Golden Era

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Proposal 2: TRAP

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Generation of Ideas


Names for my


Identity of Brand

Images used for

my Magazine

Release Date

Target Audience


Price of my


Price: The price range that I will set on my magazine will be set around £1.30, this is so that my fans can buy the magazine all the time without worrying about their own expenses.

Identity of brand : There will be certain features that will be seen consistently throughout the magazine which will include technical convergence, this is like self-advertisement of the brand. Social media links such as Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook will be utilized with GE Magazine to make sure there’s enough entitlement to the magazine and there is sufficient advertising. Images: For my front cover, the

main image will always be centred in the middle with new stars and musicians. This implies that the presence and strength of the eclectic of both genres; rock and hip-hop, as well as promoting and advertising the main article of the artist that is featured. The technical code of this image will most likely be a medium shot or a close up.

Masthead Names:

Golden Era = GE (Could use this chosen name to convey we’re in a golden era of music and how this is the most popular period of music ever)Music = M (Simple name to define the magazine)

Release Date: The magazine will be released on a weekly basis. Strategically, I chose to release it on a weekly basis because the price is affordable and I can achieve a regular fan base by selling weekly.

Target Audience: My target audience for the magazine will be of ages 13- 25. I chose this range mainly because of the genre of the magazine consist of rock music but may also have odd features of R ‘n’ B and Hip Hop. My intended target gender of the magazine will be dominantly male. As for the content, I will make sure there’s enough advertisement towards both genders; Male and Female. I looked at other magazine such as XXL to make my choice on the content and age range.

Colour Scheme:The colour scheme of the magazine will be black, gold and white. I have chosen this colour scheme as this can convey to the reader that the content is earthly and natural but can be effective as the colours are sort of similar to what XXL or Q would use. They use their main colour consistently throughout some of their magazine layouts. The colour scheme in both drafts are the same but the layout will be different to convey originality and it’s different.

Planning and Pitching – “Mind Map’’ 1

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Generation of Ideas


Names for my


Identity of Brand

Images used for

my Magazine

Release Date

Target Audience


Price of my


Price: The price range that I will set on my magazine will be set around £3.50, this is so that it makes my audience more anticipated to buy my magazine and it makes them more interested waiting for the next edition to come out.

Identity of brand : There will be certain features that will be seen consistently throughout the magazine which will include technical convergence, this is like self-advertisement of the brand. There will be social media links with GE magazine; we plan to use Facebook, Twitter and InstagramImages: For my front cover,

the main image will be of new stars and musicians. This implies that the presence and strength of the hip hop genre, as well as promoting and advertising the main article of the artist inside. The technical code of this image will most likely be a medium shot or a close up. This is because the reader will be able to judge their facial expression and body language which will entice them to find out more about the artist.

Masthead Names:

BEATS! = B+Music Edition = MET = TRAP (chosen name)

Release Date: The magazine will be released on a monthly basis. Strategically, I chose to release it on a monthly basis because the price is set so high that it will be unattainable for a normal person to buy all the time so it was smarter to keep the fan base interested and more anticipated for the next release.

Target Audience: My target range for the magazine will be of ages 16+. I specifically chose to use this range because of the genre of the magazine consisting of mostly R ‘n’ B and Hip Hop The target gender of the magazine will be equal. My aimed target gender of the magazine will be dominantly male. As for the content, there will honestly be more advertisements aimed at men rather than women. I looked at other magazine such as XXL to make my choice on the content and age range. For the front cover, there will different artists that will be represented from both genders so that there is equality in GE Magazine.

Colour Scheme:The colour scheme of the magazine will be red, black and white. I have chosen this colour scheme as this can convey to the reader that the content is plain but effective as this similar to other magazines such as Q and XXL. They use their main colour consistently throughout the magazine layout.

Planning and Pitching – “Mind Map’’ 2

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Planning and Pitching – “Mood Board’’




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Mood Board Conclusion

Linkin Park is one of my main inspirations for combining two genres of music for one. They have revolutionized rock music by ushering in a new generation of rock music and the involvement of rap music.

This picture of The Beatles is different to other stereotypical artists who wear skinny jeans, eyeliner and leather jacket. This picture conveys that you can dress smart but be a rock star simultaneously.

Pink Floyd is one of the most known and iconic rock bands and they’re one of the only high figures to represent my magazine and be the main pioneer in ushering in further popularity of rock music during their era.

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Planning and Pitching – “Mood Board’’





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Mood Board Conclusion

The heavy involvement of jewellery displayed in the picture conveys it’s power and influence amongst the world of Hip Hop and the hand gestures represent the eagerness, coolness and it’s involvement in Rap videos as it has been previously used.

This picture of Jay Z is different to other stereotypical artists who wear Nike and Adidas clothing. This picture conveys that you can dress smart and think savvy but be ‘gangsta’ and cool simultaneously.

The artists in the picture are a legendary group who have inspired many artists to achieve their dreams and enter the Hip Hop world. I have used this in my mood board as they do represent a lot of Hip Hop which is expressed through loud words, bright clothing, gold chains and gang signs.

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Why I used a Graphic Layout?

I’ve used a graphic layout to further make my Hand Drawn Drafts more detailed and cleared as I was able to add in more detail and conventions to it. I also used a graphic layout to mark out where everything goes to make sure the accuracy of my publication is perfect and there are no slight imperfections.

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Graphic Layout – FC 1Masthead: I made it very clear for anyone overlooking my magazine that it should professional. I did so to reflect on the style of XXL and Q, I specifically chose to arrange the logo onto the left hand side of the magazine, right on the corner. I did this to make my magazine more noticeable and make my intended audience buy my magazine and see that the placement of the masthead is one of the first things that they will notice. Looking at Q and XXL, I was inspired to do this style of arrangement because they like to include very bright colours that should be one of the main aspects the reader sees when they first pick up the magazine.

Magazine Layout: I made sure to really layout my conventions for the magazine and I had to make sure it looked professional with perfect structuring, it also needed to be well presented. The layout will need to be strikingly similar to my inspiration; Q Magazine.

Puff Promotion: I had moved my puff promotion to the top right of the bar so that it’s in clear view of the reader and the reader can overview it as well as be intrigued by the offer and prizes to come with. It will be one of the first things that any reader will see and it could possibly bring more attention to GE Magazine.

Main Story: I made sure that my magazine worked above it’s potential and increase its intended star appeal for my magazine. I decided to add my main story just below the image and right on the left alongside the main headline. I made sure that I did this to ensure that all the attention will be drawn to the story + title. To make the main story title more interesting I could possibly add in a direct quote from the interview. Additionally, I thought that by placing the main story underneath the magazine logo, when they view the logo they will see the story as the most important thing within the magazine. Looking at my research of Q Magazine many of their front covers have used this layout for the main story text.

Article Content and Information: With this draft, I needed to have more features for my artist in the magazine and I needed to add more information about content relevant to my topic. I had to plan this by including a minimized textbox with the artist’s name. I then had to add this over the image. This is considered to be an eye opener for any one observing GE Magazine.

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Graphic Layout – FC 2StraplineThe strapline is still positioned above the top of the magazine.I have used a strapline again as it is vital for the magazine’s publicity as well as it’s self promotion of the brand.

MastheadI have used my masthead and positioned it in the top left corner of my magazine draft. I will be using the same initials as before, TRAP to mirror the other magazine I’m aspiring from, which is XXL and Q. The colours that I will use for the masthead will still be Red, Black and White. I have used these colours to convey its strong presence as well as use dark yet powerful to show the magazine’s self value.

BarcodeThe barcode for my front cover is positioned at the top on the right hand corner, this style of format is inspired from XXL Magazine. Moreover, by checking the day of when the magazine was published, I can tell that it’s either weekly or a monthly edition. The barcode is able to identify the price of the magazine and its issue number.

Puff PromotionI placed my puff promotion next to my strapline. The use of puff promotion is useful because it’s easily going to be the first thing that any customer will see and instantly the customer will want to know what it is.

Headline QuoteFor my headline quote, I have positioned it next to the image of my artist to convey it’s equal importance on the front cover. Also, the use of a headline quote will be similar to puff promotion as it will be the next thing everyone sees.

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Graphic Layout – DPS 1Main HeadlineThe main headline will be centred in the top left corner slightly overlapping onto the next page. The main headline will obviously be the largest text on the page as it will have the most impact and it will be the most relevant.

Image of artistI have used an image of a new upcoming artist to be refreshing and give the world an insight on new upcoming artists that need to be discovered and using my magazine will be perfect for their notice.

Information about ArtistInformation about the artist will also be featured in the DPS to give the reader an insight on the story and background of the featured artist.

Quote from InterviewOne of the quotes from the interview will be used to make the reader more intrigued on what the artist had said and how he feels about what is going on in the world of music and their views.

InterviewThe interview will be available on my magazine DPS. I have written a snippet of my interview into the article to make the reader more intrigued on the current affairs of rap and Hip Hop at the moment. Also, it would be interesting for the reader to have an in depth understanding of what was discussed in the interview.

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Graphic Layout – DPS 2Main HeadlineThe main headline will be centred in the top left corner slightly overlapping onto the next page. The main headline will obviously be the largest text on the page as it will have the most impact and it will be the most relevant.

Image of artistI have used an image of a new upcoming artist on only one page. The use of the image will make the magazine more fresh and new due to it being a new artist.

Information about ArtistInformation about the artist will also be featured in the DPS to give the reader an insight on the story and background of the featured artist.

Quote from InterviewA few quotes will be from the interview will be used to make the reader more interested in what the artist thinks and how he was feeling during the interview as well as understand the artists’ views and understanding.

InterviewThe interview will be available on my magazine DPS. I have written a snippet of my interview into the article to make the reader more intrigued on the current affairs of my choice of music genre at the moment. Also, it would be interesting for the reader to know the detail of what was discussed in the interview.

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I chose to name my alternate magazine ‘TRAP’ because based on the fact that it’s a music magazine and the music is inspirational, I named it TRAP because it traps you into the magazine’s content because it’s so interesting.

Connotation of TRAP masthead

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I chose to name my main magazine ‘GOLDEN ERA’ because we’re in an era where records are broken in terms of album sales and record singles so I based my name on that stat because more records will be broken in the future and I want Golden Era to document that.

Connotation of Golden Era masthead

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Font Name:


Official font for

Masthead: LEMON MILK

Times New



Didot Bold Regular

Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Magazine Masthead/Logo

My magazine needed to reflect what my inspiration of magazines were: Q and XXL. As the owner of GE Magazine, I had to make sure that my design for the magazine will catch and bring in attention from my intended target audience. I made sure to do this by ensuring that I use the most known and popular colours for my masthead. The colours that I chose were gold, black and white. Professionally, I favoured the choice of having gold as my strongpoint colour because it conveys to the readers that my masthead is very professional and high quality. Only in my masthead, I used the initials for the magazine; GE. this is so that I can draw similarities between my magazines of inspiration; Q and XXL. I found multiple fonts from an array of websites and I tried them all on Adobe Illustrator and dafont.com/fontspuirrel.com to overview how I wanted my final masthead design to look. In the end I found a font called ‘LEMON/MILK’ , this is a very conservative font that is easy to read and I feel will work well on the front cover of the magazine.

I constantly made changes to the masthead and the font on Illustrator and primarily Photoshop to make sure that when I created my masthead that it would as realistic as possible. This is when I created my main masthead. The background colour for the logo is just plain black just to give it that effective but simple component in my masthead. I plan to continue using this house style of gold, black and white.

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Font Name:


Official font for

Masthead: LEMON MILK



Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Magazine Masthead/Logo

When I was creating my masthead, I wanted to it to be hip-hop and urban. I had to make clear that the logo was at least inspired from one of my magazines of inspiration; XXL magazine, hence I made sure it was one bold block colour with a shiny reflective gradient, in the end I chose red because it conveys to the readers that this a future competitor in the magazine industry and it supposed to replicate the magazine; XXL. For my logo, I will just include the initials of the alternative magazine name (TRAP), I wanted to choose a font that at least the same or similar to that of XXL magazine. I tried and tested different font styles on Adobe Illustrator and found the right font on fontsquirrel.com to overview how I wanted my final product to look. In the end I chose to use the same font ‘’lemon/milk’ but make the writing much thicker and wider.

The making of the logo wasn’t very difficult, it was actually quite simple to construct. First thing I did was make a proportional rectangle and used a dark and light red tint to give it that sparkling effect to the logo then I used the text tool to measure the width and length of the logo so that it fits evenly across the rectangle. The logo is simple but at the same time looks professional.

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Font Name Font Preview Font Usage

Fira Sans Bold • Cover Lines

• Cover Story• Web Address

Lemon/Milk • Drop Capital• Masthead

Lemon/Milk • Strapline

Imprint MT Shadow

• Puff Promotion

Times New Roman

• Main Article Font

Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Magazine Fonts and Colours – GE Magazine

When producing the magazine, I had tobe very clear with what fonts are useful and how professional it should look. This was thought up in my head because I need to be clear for the intention of what my magazine should look like and how its presented amongst my audience. Several fonts have been narrowed down that I plan to use in my magazine, some fonts are easier to read while some are much more thicker and clearer than the other fonts I chose. The main fonts I used is ‘Lemon/Milk’ because it’s used a lot in posters and it’s a very clear font to use.

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Font Name Font Preview Font Usage

Lemon/Milk • Cover Lines

• Cover Story• Web Address

Lemon/Milk • Drop Capital• Masthead

Lemon/Milk • Puff Promotion

Arial TRAP • Main Article Font

Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Magazine Fonts and Colours – TRAP Magazine

When producing my second initial design for my magazine, I had to make sure it emulated the style of XXL Magazine and I had to make it clear that I was doing so. I had to narrow down similar fonts that are similar to what XXL used for their masthead. I had to make sure the logo was professional, similar and exactly like my other inspiration; XXL. Several fonts had to be chosen and I narrowed it down to 3 which were Fira Sans, Lemon/Milk or News Gothic MT (Body). In the end, I chose to repeat the font use by using Lemon/Milk once again because it was the font that looks the most similar to the masthead of XXL.

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Hand Drawn Drafts- DPS 1

Main HeadlineThe main headline will be centred in the top left corner slightly overlapping onto the next page. The main headline will obviously be the largest text on the page as it will have the most impact and it will be the most relevant.

Image of artistI have used an image of a new upcoming artist to be refreshing and give the world an insight on new upcoming artists that need to be discovered and using my magazine will be perfect for their notice.

Information about ArtistInformation about the artist will also be featured in the DPS to give the reader an insight on the story and background of the featured artist.

Quote from InterviewOne of the quotes from the interview will be used to make the reader more intrigued on what the artist had said and how he feels about what is going on in the world of music and their views.

InterviewThe interview will be available on my magazine DPS. I have written a snippet of my interview into the article to make the reader more intrigued on the current affairs of rap and Hip Hop at the moment. Also, it would be interesting for the reader to have an in depth understanding of what was discussed in the interview.

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Hand Drawn Drafts - FC 1Masthead: I made it very clear for anyone overlooking my magazine that it should professional. I did so to reflect on the style of XXL and Q, I specifically chose to arrange the logo onto the left hand side of the magazine, right on the corner. I did this to make my magazine more noticeable and make my intended audience buy my magazine and see that the placement of the masthead is one of the first things that they will notice. Looking at Q and XXL, I was inspired to do this style of arrangement because they like to include very bright colours that should be one of the main aspects the reader sees when they first pick up the magazine. Main Story: I made sure that my magazine worked above it’s potential and increase its intended star appeal for my magazine. I decided to add my main story just below the image and right on the left alongside the main headline. I made sure that I did this to ensure that all the attention will be drawn to the story + title. To make the main story title more interesting I could possibly add in a direct quote from the interview. Additionally, I thought that by placing the main story underneath the magazine logo, when they view the logo they will see the story as the most important thing within the magazine. Looking at my research of Q Magazine many of their front covers have used this layout for the main story text.

Article Content and Information: With this draft, I needed to have more features for my artist in the magazine and I needed to add more information about content relevant to my topic. I had to plan this by including a minimized textbox with the artist’s name. I then had to add this over the image. This is considered to be an eye opener for any one observing GE Magazine.

Magazine Layout: I made sure to really layout my conventions for the magazine and I had to make sure it looked professional with perfect structuring, it also needed to be well presented. The layout will need to be strikingly similar to my inspiration; Q Magazine.

Puff Promotion: I had moved my puff promotion to the top right of the bar so that it’s in clear view of the reader and the reader can overview it as well as be intrigued by the offer and prizes to come with. It will be one of the first things that any reader will see and it could possibly bring more attention to GE Magazine.

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Hand Drawn Drafts - FC 2StraplineThe strapline is still positioned above the top of the magazine.I have used a strapline again as it is vital for the magazine’s publicity as well as it’s self promotion of the brand.

MastheadI have used my masthead and positioned it in the top left corner of my magazine draft. I will be using the same initials as before, TRAP to mirror the other magazine I’m aspiring from, which is XXL and Q. The colours that I will use for the masthead will still be Red, Black and White. I have used these colours to convey its strong presence as well as use dark yet powerful to show the magazine’s self value.

BarcodeThe barcode for my front cover is positioned at the top on the right hand corner, this style of format is inspired from XXL Magazine. Moreover, by checking the day of when the magazine was published, I can tell that it’s either weekly or a monthly edition. The barcode is able to identify the price of the magazine and its issue number.

Puff PromotionI placed my puff promotion next to my strapline. The use of puff promotion is useful because it’s easily going to be the first thing that any customer will see and instantly the customer will want to know what it is.

Headline QuoteFor my headline quote, I have positioned it next to the image of my artist to convey it’s equal importance on the front cover. Also, the use of a headline quote will be similar to puff promotion as it will be the next thing everyone sees.

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Hand Drawn Drafts- DPS 2

Main HeadlineThe main headline will be centred in the top left corner slightly overlapping onto the next page. The main headline will obviously be the largest text on the page as it will have the most impact and it will be the most relevant.

Image of artistI have used an image of a new upcoming artist on only one page. The use of the image will make the magazine more fresh and new due to it being a new artist.

Information about ArtistInformation about the artist will also be featured in the DPS to give the reader an insight on the story and background of the featured artist.

Quote from InterviewA few quotes will be from the interview will be used to make the reader more interested in what the artist thinks and how he was feeling during the interview as well as understand the artists’ views and understanding.

InterviewThe interview will be available on my magazine DPS. I have written a snippet of my interview into the article to make the reader more intrigued on the current affairs of my choice of music genre at the moment. Also, it would be interesting for the reader to know the detail of what was discussed in the interview.

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Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Interview Draft PlanningFor the double page spread within the magazine I will plan on performing an interview with a top end artist, Kanye West. As well as featuring on his personal DPS, he will be the main headline for the magazine and he will be considered ‘eye candy’ as he is considered ‘star appeal’. I have personally chosen to interview Kanye West as he is a multi-Grammy winning artist who has achieved most dreams artists will probably never reach. Since his first single in 2004, he has had over 6+ Grammy's in his career. His most known song is ‘Gold Digger’. Additionally, he has released more singles that are reaching the Billboard Hot 100 charts. Some of the questions that I will ask in the interview will mostly be about his upbringing, career and his family as well as his views on the music industry.

The presentation of the interview on the double page spread will similarly be layered out in a simple q and a answer style. This is typical in quite a few of Q magazine interviews, and makes it easier for the reader to understand the information that is being published.

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Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Draft Article – Interview

Interviewer: Sup Kanye! It’s nice to have you here, Let’s have a chat – How you doing man? KANYE: Sup man, yeh I’m good, busy with a lot of new projects but I’m doing good

Interviewer: How did you feel when you won your first Grammy?KANYE: Ha! It felt good, I literally made history as the first hip hop artist to win it, it felt weird but I did it.

Interviewer: Do you write your own songs?KANYE: Yeah man I do, I may have some wisdom and some extra guidance but I definitely write most of my songs.

Interviewer: So your new album is set to be being released soon, what can we expect from it and when can we have a listen?KANYE: It’s new, hot, fresh and edgy. It will be much more different as compared to my previous albums.

Interviewer: Have you learnt any important or tough lessons from your early experiences of the music industry?KANYE: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. There are a lot of people in the industry who will try to destroy you and take advantage of you.

Interviewer: I saw that you have sold out your tour! How does that feel having such a high demand of people wanting to listen to you?KANYE: It’s not really that surprising man! I’m always selling out concerts, I’m just that good.

Interviewer: What was the first song that you ever wrote? And how old were you?KANYE: College Dropout! That sh*t was dope man! It sounded so dope.

Interviewer: When you were younger and started producing, did you ever think you would make it far? KANYE: To be honest man, I don’t know . I never really thought about making it! I did now so I don’t really think about it anymore.

Interviewer: KANYE BRO! It’s been a pleasure to have you, good luck on your concert tour.KANYE: Safe bro! Thanks, I’m gonna need it. Have a nice day man; bye!

Interviewer: When do you plan on retiring? You’re pretty old man, there’s a lot of young guns ready to take your spot…..KANYE: To be honest with you, probably around late 2017 is when I’ll probably retire. I’ve done everything I needed to do, I’ve won a Grammy, I’m a multi-millionaire and I married the most beautiful women ever and I now have the most cutest daughter ever. What more can I achieve? I’ve done it all and in 2017, that’s my time to hang up the boots and give the young ones a chance to continue on the legacy of the Hip-Hop genre.

Interviewer: KANYE BRO! It’s been a pleasure to have you, good luck on your concert tour.KANYE: Safe bro! Thanks, I’m gonna need it. Have a nice day man; bye!

Interviewer: Are you in the Illuminati?KANYE: No man, I am not apart of the Illuminati, I don’t know who the f*** told you that but that is not what I am apart of nor support.

Interviewer: Why did you name your daughter, North? That was pretty f****** stupidKANYE: I named her North as a metaphor to imply that she will be successful as she will have two directions in life and that is to follow the footsteps of me and my beautiful wife, Kim.

Interviewer: How is Kim?KANYE: She's good man. She has another baby coming our way and we’re hoping to name her East.

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Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Interview Draft PlanningFor this alternative double page spread within the magazine I will plan on performing an interview with a new and upcoming artist, William Eze (Myself). As well as featuring on the front cover, he will be the main headline for the magazine and I will be considered ‘eye candy’ as I am considered ‘new’ and instant ‘star appeal’. I have personally chosen to interview myself as I will be a future award winning artist. Some of the questions that the interviewer will ask in the interview will mostly be about my upbringing, career and my family as well as my opinion on the current rise in the music industry.

The presentation of the interview on the double page spread will be fairly similar to how Q magazine have done their q and a answer style. This is typical in quite a few of Q magazine interviews, and makes it easier for the reader to understand the information that is being published.

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Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Draft Article – Interview – William Eze (Myself) Here we have an interview with one of the hottest acts in the game right now; WILL. He is currently new into the game but is ready to take over the world of rap music in the near future! Listen close as we share to you the interview we had with WILL today. What up Will! Hey man how you doin’, I’m good, I’m just ready to have a relaxing interview with my favourite interviewer.How old were you when you first started rapping?Well actually, I was 12 when I started writing, I didn’t really begin rapping till I was 15 and I felt nervous when I first started doing it. My heart pounded and I felt like a ton of bricks falling down on me, I felt that bad. Who were your inspiration to become an iconic rapper?When I was a kid, I used to idolise stars like Eminem and Jay Z but as I got older, I started to listen to other alternatives such as G-Eazy, Drake, Kendrick Lamar and J-Cole. Do you write your own songs?Yeah man I do, I may have some wisdom and some extra guidance but I definitely write most of my songs. I feel that I get accused way too much for the content I put out and the explicit lyrics but that’s who I am, I’m a visionary for the masses.So your new album is set to be being released soon, what can we expect from it and when can we have a listen?It’s new, hot, fresh and edgy. It will be much more different as compared to my previous albums.Have you learnt any important or tough lessons from your early experiences of the music industry?Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. There are a lot of people in the industry who will try to destroy you and take advantage of you. I saw that you have sold out your tour! How does that feel having such a high demand of people wanting to listen to you? It’s not really that surprising man! I’m always selling out concerts, I’m just that good.What was the first song that you ever wrote? And how old were you?College Dropout! That sh*t was dope man! It sounded so dope. I think I was 15 when I wrote that. When you were younger and started producing, did you ever think you would make it far? To be honest man, I don’t know . I never really thought about making it! I did now so I don’t really think about it anymore.When do you plan on retiring? You’re pretty old man, there’s a lot of young guns ready to take your spot…..To be honest with you, probably around late 2017 is when I’ll probably retire. I’ve done everything I needed to do, I’ve won a Grammy, I’m a multi-millionaire and I married the most beautiful women ever and I now have the most cutest daughter ever. What more can I achieve? I’ve done it all and in 2017, that’s my time to hang up the boots and give the young ones a chance to continue on the legacy of the Hip-Hop genre. WILL! It’s been a pleasure to have you, good luck on your concert tour.

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In this learning outcome for L02, I have focused on the idea generation for the choice of my music magazine. I created plans for both, including, mood boards, mind maps, hand drawn sketch up and graphic layouts. By producing all of these drafts I was able to compare and differ the plus side and the down side for all of the ideas. After looking at all of the plans I decided on what my final magazine will look like. Once this final concept was decided I researched further into my magazine of inspiration, Q Magazine. Here I looked at previous articles and interviews where I planned to repeat certain features, such as the language and image style. Additionally I looked at the house style of the magazine, which focussed on the font and colour schemes. This further idea generation meant that I could assess what would appeal best to the demographic of readers. Finally I produced some drawn up drafts of the magazines front cover and DPS.


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Proposal 1: Golden Era

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Proposal 2: TRAP

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Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – House Style of the Magazine – GEMagazine

Masthead:For the style of the masthead, I have chosen to use a square shape for the base rather than a rounded Rectangle because the shape would make it much more noticeable and similar to Q magazine. My main inspiration is Q and XXL so it’s important that my layout is somewhat similar to theirs. The strapline for the masthead is ‘’THE FUTURE OF MUSIC MAGAZINES’’; I chose the name because I want Golden Era to be a legacy in music magazine and I want to document the rise of Hip-Hop and Rap music as well as Rock genre over the new generations.

Colour Scheme:The gold colour will connote to the reader the prestige of the magazine as well as make it a colour that it fairly eye catching to an average reader who’s interested in buying a magazine. I’ve also chosen to use the colours; black and white, because both colours contrast in emotion and mood which can influence my audience’s sense ofEmotion when reading my content and having a perceived opinion and expectation of music and the way life is.

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Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – House Style of the Magazine – TRAP Magazine

Masthead:For the style of the masthead, I have chosen to use a square shape for the base rather than a rounded Rectangle because the shape would make it much more noticeable and similar to Q magazine. My main inspiration is Q and XXL so it’s important that my layout is somewhat similar to theirs. The strapline for the masthead is ‘’THE FUTURE OF MUSIC MAGAZINES’’; I chose the name because I want Golden era to be a legacy in music magazine and I want to document the rise of Hip-Hop and Rap music over the new generations.

Colour Scheme:The red colour will connote to the reader the prestige of the magazine as well as make it a colour that it fairly eye catching to an average reader who’s interested in buying a magazine. I’ve also chosen to use the colours; black and white, because both colours contrast in emotion and mood which can influence my audience’s sense of emotion when reading my content and having a perceived opinion and expectation of music and the way life is.


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Photo-shoot Plan for GE Magazine

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Photo-shoot Plan for GE Magazine

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Photo-shoot Plan for GE Magazine

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Graphic Layouts

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Hand Drawn Drafts

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Hand Drawn Drafts- FC 1Masthead: I made it very clear for anyone overlooking my magazine that it should professional. I did so to reflect on the style of XXL and Q, I specifically chose to arrange the logo onto the left hand side of the magazine, right on the corner. I did this to make my magazine more noticeable and make my intended audience buy my magazine and see that the placement of the masthead is one of the first things that they will notice. Looking at Q and XXL, I was inspired to do this style of arrangement because they like to include very bright colours that should be one of the main aspects the reader sees when they first pick up the magazine. Main Story: I made sure that my magazine worked above it’s potential and increase its intended star appeal for my magazine. I decided to add my main story just below the image and right on the left alongside the main headline. I made sure that I did this to ensure that all the attention will be drawn to the story + title. To make the main story title more interesting I could possibly add in a direct quote from the interview. Additionally, I thought that by placing the main story underneath the magazine logo, when they view the logo they will see the story as the most important thing within the magazine. Looking at my research of Q Magazine many of their front covers have used this layout for the main story text.

Article Content and Information: With this draft, I needed to have more features for my artist in the magazine and I needed to add more information about content relevant to my topic. I had to plan this by including a minimized textbox with the artist’s name. I then had to add this over the image. This is considered to be an eye opener for any one observing GE Magazine.

Magazine Layout: I made sure to really layout my conventions for the magazine and I had to make sure it looked professional with perfect structuring, it also needed to be well presented. The layout will need to be strikingly similar to my inspiration; Q Magazine.

Puff Promotion: I had moved my puff promotion to the top right of the bar so that it’s in clear view of the reader and the reader can overview it as well as be intrigued by the offer and prizes to come with. It will be one of the first things that any reader will see and it could possibly bring more attention to GE Magazine.

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Hand Drawn Drafts- FC 2StraplineThe strapline is still positioned above the top of the magazine.I have used a strapline again as it is vital for the magazine’s publicity as well as it’s self promotion of the brand.

MastheadI have used my masthead and positioned it in the top left corner of my magazine draft. I will be using the same initials as before, TRAP to mirror the other magazine I’m aspiring from, which is XXL and Q. The colours that I will use for the masthead will still be Red, Black and White. I have used these colours to convey its strong presence as well as use dark yet powerful to show the magazine’s self value.

BarcodeThe barcode for my front cover is positioned at the top on the right hand corner, this style of format is inspired from XXL Magazine. Moreover, by checking the day of when the magazine was published, I can tell that it’s either weekly or a monthly edition. The barcode is able to identify the price of the magazine and its issue number.

Puff PromotionI placed my puff promotion next to my strapline. The use of puff promotion is useful because it’s easily going to be the first thing that any customer will see and instantly the customer will want to know what it is.

Headline QuoteFor my headline quote, I have positioned it next to the image of my artist to convey it’s equal importance on the front cover. Also, the use of a headline quote will be similar to puff promotion as it will be the next thing everyone sees.

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Test Photography - Filters

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Test Photography

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Test Photography Conclusion

In conclusion, to my test photography, I have narrowed down various images that my photographer has taken and I have chosen the final three that I will then decide which of each that I plan to use in GE magazine. The use of Test Photography has helped me to use different angles for each picture as it helped me identify what the best angles and what pictures look good to use on my magazine features.

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Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Magazine’s Market Place

My aim is to gain a high demographic. This can be done if I reduce my magazine at a costly price of around a total of £1.75.

My magazine GE will work hard and aim to surpass the likes of XXL, Mojo and Q. We will aim to dominate the market. My ideas and style will counter and rival my competitors who have made it in the industry and are currently dominating the markets amongst the media. This means that the magazine will have to have an original market advantage and leverage which will that can ensure popularity for the magazine.One of the ways that that the magazine are able to be on the main market is by releasing original content that is going to be published. Most of the advertising for the magazine will be pioneered from a hard platform of strict social media usage and maybe other types of promotion and marketing.

Rivals in the same category

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Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Spending Power for GE

Source: http://magazines.bauermediaadvertising.com/magazines/detail/Q

My magazine; GE, will have a spending power that will be predicted based on the target and social class of my targeted audience. I will be observing the statistics of fellow music magazines and chosen idols; Q and XXL, to compare to my magazine as their my main sources of information.

The average reader for my inspiration; Q magazine is predicted to be aged 15+. My intended target audience is based around the statistics of Q and XXL. The content may be very obtrusive and controversial due to the explicit content and the use of profanity. I’ve referred this to the Seven Subjective by Hartley. The subjectives are Class, Nationality, Family, Ethnicity, Age, Gender and Self-Image. My spending power for GE magazine willbe compared to the likes of Q, Mojo and XXL. Theiraverage readers fall into the C-E bracket of the chartwhich means the content will be more appropriate for them and the price for the magazine will be affordable for them. The only difference between GE magazine and the other magazines are that there target audience isn’t clear enough as they don’t identify what gender they’re focusing on while my magazine focuses on specifically just males who are over 15+.

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Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Spending Power for TRAP

Source: http://magazines.bauermediaadvertising.com/magazines/detail/Q

My alternate magazine; TRAP, will have a spending power that will be predicted based on the target and social class of my targeted audience. I will be observing the statistics of my rap magazine inspiration: XXL, to compare to my magazine as their my main sources of information.

The average reader for a XXL magazine is usually 16 and over. My intended target audience is based aroundThe statistics of XXL. The content may be Controversial and crude due to the explicit content and the use of profanity for this magazine. I’ve referred this to the seven subjective by Hartley. The subjectives are Class, Nationality, Family, Ethnicity, Age, Gender and Self-Image. My spending power for TRAP magazine willbe compared to the likes of XXL. TheirAverage readers for TRAP fall into the D-E bracket of the chart which conveys the content will be more ‘Hip’ and ‘Urban’ for them and the price for the magazine will be affordable for the lower demographic. The only difference between TRAP magazine and other rap magazines are that there target audience isn’t clear enough as they don’t identify what gender they’re focusing on while my magazine focuses on specifically just males who are over 16 years old.

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Demographic of GE Readers – Socio-Economic NeedsTarget Audience

I looked and reviewed the socio economic need chart and I overlooked at the target audience and the readership as well. Referring to the chart, GE readers will have a 70% majority that are within the boundaries A-C1 which is quite similar to that of Q’s or any other major magazine. This means that they would have large disposable income and are more likely to lead opinions within a group as compared to the boundaries in other categories/groups.

When looking all 7 of Hartley’s Subjectivities, the chart on the right shows my predicted demographic of readers that will be male and aged over 16+.

The high demographic of males comes partly from the fact my magazine is highly dominant amongst males due to a high feature of content that is directed towards them.


My target primary demographic for GE magazine is going to be mostly males that are aged from 16+. This is because their content and use of rock/rap music is popular among my combined demographic teenagers. The mixture of artists is unique and willbring in an audience to my content.

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Demographic of TRAP Readers – Socio-Economic NeedsTarget Audience

I observed the socio-economic need chart and I overlooked at my intended target audience and it’s readership. Referring to the chart, TRAP readers have a 70% majority that are within boundaries C1-E which is very similar to that of XXL’s. This means that they would have a low disposable income.

When looking at Hartley’s Subjectivities, the chart on the right shows my predicted demographic of readers that will be male and aged over 16-18+.

The high demographic of males as compared to females is mainly because TRAP Magazine have a highly dominant amount of male artists and rap groups.


My target primary demographic for TRAP magazine is going to be mostly males that are aged from 16-18+. This is because their content and use of hip hop and r ‘n’ b r is extremely popular among my urban demographic teenagers.

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Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Magazine Flat Plan 1 – Weekly


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Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Magazine Flat Plan 2 – Monthly




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Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Magazine Flat Plan 2 – Monthly



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Front Cover – Step by Step Guide

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Step 1 I used the

gridlines to lay

out where


goes and I set

the settings of

the page to



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Tools Used To activate the

ruler -----

I pressed

Command + R

to activate it.

To remove the

ruler grid; I

pressed Shift +

semi colon.



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Step 2 Next step is to add in

a black box.

After that, I add in a

long strip of white for

a rectangle.

Next, I add in text to

the white strip.

Then add in the initials

of golden era in the


After that, I screenshot

the logo and minimize

so it fits on the bottom

left corner of the

masthead box.

Lastly, I add in a

website link the

bottom centre of the


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Tools Used To activate the

square, I clicked

on the shapes

section on the

left hand side of

the document. I

then chose

Square for my


To activate text

and put on the

masthead, I

clicked on the

letter ‘T’ which

means Text.

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Step 3Next step I did was makeMy first puff promotion.I made a blue circle and angled it on the right corner of the layer. I then made a black rectangle and positioned it on the top centre of the circle. I made sure that it was cutting off. Last thing I did was add in some text – I added in – ‘’ESSENTIAL 50 ALBUMS OF 2015’’

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Tools Used To make the circle

shape, I again went to

the shapes toolbar but

instead I Chose a circle

for my puff promotion.

To change colour, I

navigated on the toolbar

and clicked on the tool

that resembles a bucket.

I clicked on that and

chose the colour ‘blue’

for my puff promotion.

To add in text, I clicked

on the T symbol on the

left toolbar and I clicked

it. I then made a

marquee sign to mark

out where the text

should go.

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Step 4

Next step I did was add a cover story to the right of my magazine. I used a pen tool to mark out where the words go and I used a marquee tool so I can track the space to put in my writing. For the main titles, I added a white font and made it bigger than the minor titles. I coloured the minor titles, yellow, contrary to the colour scheme. Last thing I did was make a puff promotion at the bottom to add to the cover story.

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Tools Used To activate the pen

tool, I clicked on the

tool on the left hand

side and clicked it to

mark out the

positioning of my text.

To activate the

marquee tool, I clicked

on the tool on the left

hand side and clicked

on the square that has

a line pattern i.e. --------

To add in text, I clicked

on the T symbol on the

left toolbar and I

clicked it. I then made

a marquee sign to

mark out where the

text should go.

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Step 5

For the left side of

the magazine, I

followed the same

step as previously

for the cover story. I

increased the sizes

of the major titles

and coloured them

white while I

reduced the size of

the minor titles and

coloured them

yellow (gold). At the

bottom, I added in

a headline and

added in a blue

colouring to the

font to make it

stand out more.

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Tools Used To activate the pen tool, I clicked

on the tool on the left hand side and clicked it to mark out the positioning of my text.

To activate the marquee tool, I clicked on the tool on the left hand side and clicked on the square that has a line pattern i.e. --------

To add in text, I clicked on the T symbol on the left toolbar and I clicked it. I then made a marquee sign to mark out where the text should go.


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Step 6 The next step is making

my barcode. First thing I did was make a white box. Next step was adding in a barcode. I minimized the size of the barcode and fit so it’s centered in the white box.

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Next step I did was add in a black rectangle positioned on the top and bottom of the barcode.

Next step I did was to click on the text tool and measure out the width and size of the text to go across both rectangles. Text should include issue date and cost.

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Tools Used To make the rectangle

shape, I again went to the shapes toolbar but instead I Chose a square for the base of the barcode background.

To change colour, I navigated on the toolbar and clicked on the tool that resembles a bucket. I clicked on that and chose the colour ‘black’ for the rectangles.

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Tools Used To make the square shape, I again

went to the shapes toolbar but instead I Chose a rectangle for the barcode design.

To change colour, I navigated on the toolbar and clicked on the tool that resembles a bucket. I clicked on that and chose the colour ‘blue’ for my puff promotion.

To add in the barcode, I found a barcode on Google images and I transported it onto my documents.

To add in the barcode onto the Photoshop document, I went to the tool bar at the top and clicked on ‘Import’. From there, the image was placed onto the document.

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Step 7The final step for the barcode was that I rubbed out the code at the bottom and added in links to my website and logos of other social medias as a way of promotion. Next was make two black rectangles and both should fit at top and bottom. The top section will be of the date of the recent publication and the bottom is the website for the magazine.

The social media idents needed to be of the same size and perfectly aligned together to ensure there were no inconsistencies in the design of the barcode. Therefore, Layer Properties enabled the functions for grouping & linking. These two tools made sure that everything is interlinked together to make sure nothing ‘falls out of place.

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Tools Used To remove the

code from the

barcode, I

navigated to

the left side of

the toolbar and

clicked on the

rubber tool.

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Step 8 The next step is adding an image of

myself into the cover. I pressed down shift key and minimized the size of the image. I put on ‘Quick Mask’ and painted areas that I didn’t want in the image and then deleted it. I went to the image’s settings and changed it to black and white. I then used a burn tool to darken certain parts of my face so that it blends into the background. I then used a brightener to lighten some parts of the face so that it doesn’t look too burnt and out of place. If the image overlapped the masthead then I would rub out a bit of the masthead so that it looks like the image is overlapping the masthead.

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Tools Used To crop out the

background, I

used both

magic wand

tool and the

quick mask as

well. To activate the

quick mask,

you click on the

paint brush on

the left side of

the toolbar

then you press

the key, ‘R’.


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DPS – Step by Step Guide

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Step 1 I used the

gridlines to lay

out where


goes and I set

the settings of

the page to



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Tools Used To activate the

ruler -----

I pressed

Command + R

to activate it.

To remove the

ruler grid; I

pressed Shift +

semi colon.



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Step 2 Next thing I did

was add a



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Tools Used To activate the

overlay tool, I

clicked on the

bottom right

side of the

document and

clicked on

overlay button.

From there, I

can change the

level of opacity

for the background.

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Step 3 Third thing I did

was add an

extra background

picture to the

already black


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Tools Used To place the

extra background

picture, I

clicked on

Place Embedded to

upload the

picture onto


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Step 4 Next thing I did

was add in the

page numbers

and the


mastheads at

the bottom and

top of the


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Tools Used To activate the pen tool, I

clicked on the tool on the left hand side and clicked it to mark out the positioning of adding in the page numbers.

To activate the marquee tool, I clicked on the tool on the left hand side and clicked on the square that has a line pattern i.e. --------. I used the marquee tool to mark out the size and positioning of the masthead logos.

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Step 5 Next thing I did

was add in



overlay but this

time, it’s the


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Tools Used To activate the overlay tool,

I clicked on the bottom right side of the document and clicked on overlay button. From there, I can change the level of opacity for the background.

To add in the logo background, I transported it from Adobe Illustrator onto my documents.

To add in the logo background onto the Photoshop document, I went to the tool bar at the top and clicked on ‘Import’. From there, the image was placed onto the document.

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Step 6 Next step was making my

Drop Capital. I used my masthead font for the drop capital and I just changed the size of the text so that it fitted within the lines that I laid out for the structure of my DPS.

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Step 7 Next, I added in some

text boxes and copied over some text from another document and structured my columns using a pen tool. I made sure to layer out the position of the text using the pen tool, I had to position it around the drop capital to make sure it stayed in line.

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Step 8 Next step for me was to

add in a pull quote and remove some text from the middle. I placed a box and sized it in the centre to make space for text. Next step was to simply add in text.

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Tools Used To activate the pen tool, I

clicked on the tool on the left hand side and clicked it to mark out the positioning of adding in the page numbers.

To activate the marquee tool, I clicked on the tool on the left hand side and clicked on the square that has a line pattern i.e. --------. I used the marquee tool to mark out the size and positioning of the masthead logos.

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Step 9 Next thing I did was add a

main title to my DPS and

Centre it at the top of the


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Tools Used

To activate the marquee tool, I clicked on the tool on the left hand side and clicked on the square that has a line pattern i.e. --------. I used the marquee tool to mark out the size and positioning of the text.

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Step 10 Next thing I did was add

a quote just above the columns and below the title.

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Tools Used

To activate the marquee tool, I clicked on the tool on the left hand side and clicked on the square that has a line pattern i.e. --------. I used the marquee tool to mark out the size and positioning of the text.



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Step 11

Last thing I did was add in a picture on the bottom left and then customized it with a headline title and extra details to make the magazine look professional.

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Tools Used To add in the picture onto

the Photoshop document, I went to the tool bar at the top and clicked on ‘File then clicked Place’. From there, the image was placed onto the document.

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Photoshop Drafts

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Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Environment of

PresentationI have taken a few images of the Media room for where I will talking about my pitch to the class. I will be using a whiteboard in the centre of the room to project my presentation. Additionally, for my presentation I used a slide changed, this was so when presenting I would not have to walk back and forth to change the slide on the computer.

This is what I’ll be using

I’ll be using a computer for my presentation

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Planning and Pitching – Witness Statement

Evidence of my Witness Statement which shows the positives and the negatives of the delivery of my pitch.

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Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Material

Used for PresentationMac Computer - to present

my pitchWhiteboard – to transfer the

pitch onto a large board to present my pitch

Board controller – to control the slides and to use the laser to direct the viewers on the information.

Prezi – transfer content from PowerPoint.

Mac Computer Whiteboard

PreziBoard Controller

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Looking through the data, a majority of the people who had filled out the survey were male. The graph shows that only 20% of the females had filled out the survey and 80% of the people who filled out the survey were in fact, males.

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Looking through the data, a majority of the people who had filled out the survey were 18 and under. The graph shows that only 10% of the people had filled out the survey were of ages 27 and over while 10% shows that people aged between 19-21 had filled out the survey and 80% of the people who filled out the survey were of ages 16-18.

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Looking through the data, a majority of the people who had filled out the survey had chosen me as their favorite artist and there a few other options such as Grime Pollution, Skepta, Rita Ora, Flume and Stormzy.

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Looking through the data, 70% of the people who filled the survey would rather have the magazines circulated on a monthly basis as compared to the 0% who chose yearly and the 30% who chose to have it weekly.

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Looking through the data, 50% of people prefer to listen to grime as compared to 10% each for all genres; Metal, Pop and Indie. Lastly, 20% prefer to listen to Rock.

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Looking through the data, 40% each would prefer to buy a magazine for £1-1.50 and £2-2.50. Only 20% chose to pay £3-3.50.

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Looking through the data, 0% didn’t want a free prize. The likeliness is that the older individuals chose not to have free prizes because they didn’t seem too interested in kiddie prizes as it would be deemed unimportant to them. 70% would want a free prize and 30% are not sure.

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Looking through the data, 30% of people prefer to have green, shite and gold as a color scheme as compared to the other 30% who would rather have black, grey and gold as compared to the 10% who would prefer blue and gold and the other 10% who would have black and gold then lastly, the 0% who chose black and grey.

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Looking through the data, 70% of people always listen to music while 30% will sometimes listen to music.

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Looking through the data, 50% of the people who had filled out the survey would rather buy a magazine from the supermarket as compared to the 20% who would rather buy it from a gas station and the 30% who would buy it from a corner shop.

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Planning and Pitching – Feedback of Pitch

1. What did you like about my presentation? Give reasons for why you chose your answer

2. Was the layout of my presentation appropriate? 3. Was the style of my presentation appropriate? 4. Is they anymore content that I should add into my

presentation? 5. Was my body language during the presentation appropriate? 6. Is there anything else that I should improve on for my

presentation? 7. Are there any improvements that I should add onto my front

cover and DPS?

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Planning and Pitching – Witness Statement

Evidence of my Witness Statement which shows the positives and the negatives of the delivery of my pitch.

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What is a Witness Statement?

A witness statement is a document that records the evidence of someone, which is signed by the person to conform the content of statements are correct. (referenced from: www.hse.gov.uk/enforce/enforcementguide/.../witness-witness.htm)

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Planning and Pitching – Survey Monkey Feedback

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Example of Me Sending a Survey Monkey Survey

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Planning and Pitching – Feedback of Pitch – Survey Monkey

First Question: Would you buy my magazine?For the first question of my survey, I wanted a straight forward answer in terms of whether or not they enjoyed my pitch. One of the comments I got was ‘’Yes’’ because the person fairly rated my pitch and he determined that it was good to his standards.

Second Question: Would you buy my magazine?For the second question of my survey, I wanted to know how well or how bad they rated my pitch. One of the comments I got was ‘’2’’ which means that the pitch was excellently delivered and this feedback helped me to make any extra changes to my Pitch..

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Planning and Pitching – Feedback of Pitch – Survey Monkey

Third Question: Would you buy my magazine?For the third question of my survey, I wanted a straight forward answer in terms of whether or not they would buy my magazine. One of the comments I got was ‘’maybe’’ because the person wasn’t sure whether or not he would buy it because I didn’t use enough convincing for the person to even pursue the interest.

Fourth Question: Do you like my magazine front covers?For the fourth question of my survey, I wanted to know whether or not the people liked the layout and style of my magazine. The results shown is evenly mixed as half said ‘’Yes’’ and the other half chose ‘’Maybe’’.

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Planning and Pitching – Pitch Improvements

Front Cover Corrections: I was given feedback from my teacher towards my front cover. I felt there

were a lot of changes that I needed to adapt on my front cover to make sure it’s an exact similar to my magazine of inspiration; Q Magazine. It was suggested that I change the main image and make sure that’s it the main focus of the magazine as my previous front cover is just the back of my head rather than my actual face and the puff promotion had more colour and focus than the supposed main image. I changed the image and darkened and lightened some parts of the face then I increased the size of my face so it fits proportionally to the magazine layout dimensions.

Another feature that was suggested for improvement was to change the style of the puff promotion and where my barcode was to be placed. I decided to keep the original style of the barcode with the exception of 2 changes and for the puff promotion, I made it more realistic instead of using star shapes or circles. Doing this will demonstrate more realistic features.

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Front Cover Corrections

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Planning and Pitching – Pitch Improvements

Target Audience - In my original pitch, I did not mention the Hartley’s theories, Katz, Maslow or the socio-economic table. I’ve recently included those theories now into my pitch.

Pre-Production Materials– In my new pitch, I’ve included test photography into my pitch and I included font styles as well as a photography plan.

Survey monkey Questionnaire – I’ve added more questions and made them less repetitive so that I can get more feedback to improve the style of my pitch.

Profit-Loss Breakdown – I’ve re-added up my totals for the resources I will be using and the price is fairly realistic and less confusing.

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Planning and Pitching – Pitch Improvements

Target Audience - In my original pitch, I did not mention the Hartley’s theories, Katz, Maslow or the socio-economic table. I’ve recently included those theories now into my pitch.

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Planning and Pitching – Pitch Improvements

Pre-Production Materials– In my new pitch, I’ve included test photography into my pitch and I included font styles as well as a photography plan.

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Planning and Pitching – Pitch Improvements

Profit-Loss Breakdown – I’ve re-added up my totals for the resources I will be using and the price is fairly realistic and less confusing.

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Pitch ImprovementBEFORE AFTER

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Pitch ImprovementBEFORE AFTER

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Final Improvements – Front Cover 1 and 2

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Production Plan (GE Magazine)

Week starting from 23rd January 2016Monday Tuesday Wednesda

yThursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Decide a target distribution date for GE. After that, create a production plan detailing deadlines for each story and timing for proofreading as well as detail the printing deadlines. DEADLINE: 23/1/16

Management team should also decide what content will be included in the magazine, i.e. information on artist, double page spread, tour dates and reviewsDEADLINE: 25/1/16

Management team should decide on a budget for the production of magazine, artists, resources, printing. DEADLINE: 27/1/6

Editorial staff should plan the style and layout of the pages for the magazine production. DEADLINE: 27/1/16

Editorial staff should plan the stories and for each story, there should be a detailed plan which includes content, it’s type, i.e. interview and background information. DEADLINE: 30/1/16


23/1/16 24/1/16 25/1/16 26/1/16 27/1/16  28/1/16  29/1/16

Week starting from 30th January 2016Monday Tuesday Wednesda

yThursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Meet the artists that will be interviewed and put them in a photo-shoot for a few pictures. DEADLINE: 30/1/16

Structure and start to plan the pages for the magazine, including…DPS, Interviews, Reviews and other content. DEADLINE: 10/2/16

Think about what stories other than the interviews that will be included and choose what albums and songs to review for the magazine.DEADLINE: 3/2/16

Decide on what pictures will be included in the content pages DEADLINE: 2/2/16

Start to type up information for the content and the pages. DEADLINE: 9/2/16


30/1/16 31/1/16 1/2/16 2/2/16 3/2/16  4/2/16  5/2/16

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Week starting from 6th February 2016Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Continue to develop the pages for the magazine, including…DPS, Interviews, Reviews and other content. DEADLINE: 9/2/16

Continue developing the pages for the magazine, including…DPS, Interviews, Reviews and other content. DEADLINE: 9/2/16

Think about what stories other than the interviews that will be included and choose what albums and songs to review for the magazine.DEADLINE: 9/2/16

Add in images to the final drafts for the magazine pages. DEADLINE: 9/2/16

Proofread all the pages and send feedback if needed. An example of this could be that the proof-readers can look through the pages and tell them to change anything if needed. DEADLINE: 10/2/16


6/2/16 7/2/16 8/2/16 9/2/16 10/2/16 11/2/16 12/2/16

Fourth Week of the Magazine ProcessMonday Tuesday Wednesda

yThursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Pages should have been read through and the planning of how the magazine is to be structured will start tomorrow.DEADLINE: 13/2/16 – 14/2/16

Structure all the pages together and make a practise magazine issue with all the pages thoroughly checked and added in. DEADLINE: 14/2/16

Make any changes to the magazine if needed and re-read the new copy and make any changes from there. DEADLINE: 15/2/16

Once changes are done then start to create the magazines and after finishing the printing process, determine as a group to mutually decide the cost of the magazine based on printing costs, budget, paper distribution and hardcover material. DEADLINE: 16/2/16



13/2/16 14/2/16 15/2/16 16/2/16 17/2/16 18/2/16 19/2/16

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What would I change on my Production Plan?

I have made changes to my production plan to make it seem more professional and detailed. According to the Witness Statement and Spreadsheet, I need to make changes to the information I was referring to and add in more detail regarding my launch date and why I chose the dates for each development project on the production plan.

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Launch DateThe Launch Date for my publication will be

released on Friday 17th February 2016. I have chosen this date because with the recent news of upcoming acts on Wireless (see Calendar Events, pg. 271). This is to keep the buzz around for the festivals and all the exclusive events that will happen. This creates more ‘buzz’ for GE Magazine as we will be the first magazine to publish exclusive news regarding these events and this will cause more readers to buy our magazines and be informed with recent news.

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Calendar Events The magazine will be released on a regular basis, once a week. The first

issue date for GE Magazine will be for February 2016. This means that other important notices such as calendar events will be thought through as well to make sure there’s enough information and content to add to the magazine regarding upcoming events such as Wireless, Reading and Radio1. The first event that will be promoted in our magazine is the ‘Wireless’ festival that is set to take place in June-July 2016. There will be a small puff promotion and a few articles on the event; Wireless.

One area that will be advertised in GE is the upcoming festivals such as: Reading, Rapper’s concerts, Burning Man, 02 and the Capital Summertime Ball. There will be a large feature for the wireless festival.

I made a puff promotion on the front cover. I made it a chance for my readers to win a free ticket to wireless. I’m also including prize contests to have a chance to meet the stars who will be performing at Wireless this year.

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Ethical issues in GE Magazine

In GE Magazine, the content of the magazine is fairly controversial as it involves the heavy dependency on hip-hop culture which involves scantily clad women (ho*s – gangsta slang) , money, drugs and violence. Examples of this are directed below the text:

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What is IPSO?IPSO is an independent regulator that is heavily

involved for the magazine industry in the United Kingdom. They make sure that the highest standards of journalism by checking and making sure that the standards in the Editors' Code of Practice is met. They also provide support and help individuals seeking to complain about breaches of the Code. IPSO is highly committed to helping newspaper and magazine industry to maintain and increase the amount of freedom and authority of the press through very effective and independent regulation.


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How to make a IPSO complaint

To make a IPSO complaint, your complaint should make them raise their awareness of a potential breach in the Editors’ Code, then they will send the detail of your complaint to the publication, which will then have the opportunity to resolve the matter directly. This is to ensure the swift resolution of complaints wherever possible.

You’re able to make a complaint directly to the publication if wanted. However, complaints must be made in writing and should made via the IPSO complaints form where they have outlined questions on the issues you have with the publication.

The easiest way to make a complaint is using via their online complaints form. Another way for you could be that you can submit your complaint by email to their email, which is [email protected].


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IPSO complaint form


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What complaints are included:

Most of the complaints IPSO have received is from editorial material published by member publications, whether in print or on their website. This primarily includes:

Images or videos of anything uncomfortable or disturbing

Articles that are inappropriateEdited or any reader comment that is moderated on

newspaper and magazine websites. Any Audio material on newspaper and magazine


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How is IPSO funded?The RFC is charged with raising a ‘’levy’’ on the

media and magazine industries to which they finance IPSO. This arrangement will ensure financial support for IPSO.


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What is Copyright? Copyright is a legal right that can protect the use of your

work once your idea has been physically expressed. Right now, the legislation for copyright in the United Kingdom is copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Copyright law lays out a list of rules around how the work can be used. It lays out the rights of the owner and it also shows a framework of responsibilities of other people who want to use the work. There are many things you can do with your copyrighted work including copying, selling, sharing online or renting to a person to use.

• http://www.bbc.co.uk/copyrightaware/what-isow

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Copyright in GE MagazineIn GE Magazine, copyright is one of our main

issues when producing our front covers, double page spreads, adverts and posters. Some of the distributed images can’t be used unless an email is sent to the primary owner of the images.

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I’ve had to send emails and letters to multiple

artists and photographers to use the images solicited for my magazine. I’ve had to send letters to the agents of Jay Z, Drake, The Weeknd and Kanye to confirm permission to use their images in my magazine. I’ve even had to pay money for me to use them. I’ve considered using their pictures under ‘Royalty Image’ or ‘Fair Use’ but it still wouldn’t be allowed due to the images having a copyright logo on the back of their images.

Permission for Intellectual Property

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What is Copyright Infringement?

Copyrighted infringement is using a persons work that is protected by the laws of copyright without their permission. When infringing certain rights that are granted to the copyright holder, i.e. the right to reproduce their work, distribute, show or perform their work, or to use it for any other matter.


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Example of Copyright Infringement

The image on the left is a copyrighted image of Barack Obama and a graphic designer used a trace of the original image on the left for commercial use without any authorised permission. He did not ask the President nor the photographer nor the person who edited the lighting and the other qualities of the image. The graphic designer breached the rules of Fair Use and Copyright and this a good example of copyright infringement.

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Copyright Infringement in GE Magazine

There are currently no reports of copyright infringement in GE Magazine, the work we distribute is reported from other sources and we give full credit to the information and research received from these sources. All our content and design is acted within the copyright laws because nothing is breached when it comes to these matters. I’ve been given permission from artists that are included in our magazines to use pictures and tour dates of themselves and their concerts.

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GE Magazine – Trademarking

In GE Magazine, all of our designs and logos are trademarked under the ‘’Intellectual Property’’ Law. We had to pay around £250-795.00 for the copyrights to the design, layout, style, name, slogan, references, catchphrases and color arrangement for the magazine.

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Examples of complaints from Magazine

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Name of the magazine

Paragraph clarifies the date of the Magazine issue, another date shows when the Celebrity (Tom Cruise)Sent a complaint to the Magazine because of The following issues:• Misleading title• Fake Story• Twisting the story• Deception

Claim for reason

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Tom Cruise Magazine Complaint

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Magazine Editor – Average salary - £27K

Publishing Editor – Average salary - £25K

Art director – Average salary - £20K

Interns – Average salary - £10K

Photo editor – Average salary - £11K

Assistant in editing – Average salary - £12K

Proof reader – Average salary - £9K

Sub-editor – Average salary - £15K

Recruitment costs – £800K

Marketing costs – 2k

Start up costs – 600k

Budget Summary


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For 40,000 copies it will cost around £100,000-150,000 . This means if I sell all 40,000 copies I will make a high profit in the region of 140,000-£180,000(each magazine sold for £1.50). I will also be making around £8,000 from each advertisement which is presented in a double page format. The outgoings will be in the region of £537,000 for the use of salaries, printing and office space.

Budget summary


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GE Watermarking

I decided that I would create my very own watermark for; GE Magazine. I chose to place it on some of the images for the magazine. the images will be available online only as there is a much higher possibility of them either being tampered with or used without official permission. These watermarks were created in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1, I did so by making a new document and placing a transparent background. I then wrote the text and placed it on a brush preset. I then opened the image I want to watermark and used the brush tool to add the watermark. After that was done, I then lowered the opacity. I adjusted the size of some depending on the image and its available space.

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What is a Watermark? The following information for Legal

& Ethical Issues is referenced from www.gov.uk….. Also referred to as simply watermarking, a pattern of bits inserted into a digital image, audio or video file that identifies the file's copyright information (author, rights, etc.). The name comes from the faintly visible watermarks imprinted on stationery that identify the manufacturer of the stationery. The purpose of digital watermarks is to provide copyright protection for intellectual property that's in digital format.


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Risk Assessment Photography Consent Form

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Risk Assessment Photography Consent Form

- Permission for Photos: Before I took any images for my front cover and DPS, I had to make sure

that the artist published both versions; online and print. Later on, I realised that the best way to gain permission was to send a confirmation email which details whether or not I’m allowed to take pictures and if they agreed then I can send them a confirmation letter which validates their decision.

Area Assessment: When scouting the location for the images several area checks had to

take place. This risk assessment had to be conducted to guarantee both the artist and the people who are taking the images are safe. Areas that should be looked at are possible hazards such as uneven ground levels, running water, heights and weather conditions.

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Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching – Risk Assessment

Resizing my images for GE Magazine: I had to make sure that I pressed down the ‘shift’ button to preserve the quality of the image. This method was really useful as I was able to maintain the dimensions of the image without it being too distorted. Also, the use of the ‘shift’ button makes it much easier to resize the image withoutlosing too much quality.

Colour Swatch for GE Magazine: During the production of GE Magazine, the colourswatch was really important for the consistency and style of my magazine. Without the use of the swatches, it would be hard for me to make the magazine consistent as for example, If I chose a certain shade of yellow, it would be hard to retracethe first colour I used and instead, there would be like 3-4 different shades of yellow.

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ConclusionIn LO5, I developed my feedback that I was given

to my covers and pitch. I was given feedback through a variety of ways, such as: Interview, Live feedback after my pitch, a witness statement and my survey which details specific questions on the style of my pitch.

I believed that the questions I asked in my survey didn’t have enough detail and I asked for one-to-one feedback from the teacher to specifically know what I need to change, especially in the witness statement.