finn WEBINAR EMPLOYER BRANDING 101 11/ 01/ 2012 FINN Public Relations KRISTIEN VERMOESEN MANAGING PARTNER www.finn.be kristien.vermoesen@finn.be Twitter: @kris10vermoesen FB: facebook.com/FINNPR

Webinar: Employer branding - 11.01.2012

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Op onze blog en vanuit de media krijgen we regelmatig vragen over 'Employer Branding', een discipline waarin FINN mooie referenties kan voorleggen. - Hoe kan je je bedrijf aantrekkelijk maken voor moeilijke profielen als ingenieurs, financiële profielen en Generation Y? - Hoe kunnen hybride campagnes (social + paid media + earned media) ervoor zorgen dat je bedrijf het lawaai overstijgt met een relevante boodschap? - Welke rol is er weggelegd voor de CEO of zaakvoerder in het aantrekken van jong talent? Een no nonsense webinar, vol stevig onderbouwde praktijkvoorbeelden vanuit onze eigen ervaring (ondermeer Atlas Copco, Jan De Nul en Projective) en met vele tips van grote en kleine bedrijven die worstelden met dezelfde moeilijkheden als uw bedrijf.

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Page 1: Webinar: Employer branding - 11.01.2012




FINN Public Relations

Kristien vermoesenMANAGING PARtNER

[email protected]: @kris10vermoesenFB: facebook.com/FINNPR

Page 2: Webinar: Employer branding - 11.01.2012

INtROrules of the gameplaying the gamebest practices


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finnemployer branding 101

johN cleese Is the INveNtor oF employer braNdINg

or somethINg close eNough to It...

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finnemployer branding 101


> backstreet boys > employer braNdINg

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introRuLEs Of thE GAMEplaying the gamebest practices


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finnemployer branding 101

employeeS WanT 2 THingS 1. aTTracTiveneSS 2. accuracy.

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finnemployer branding 101

attractIveNess =

awareNessdIFFereNtIatIoNresoNaNce &relevaNce

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finnemployer branding 101

THaT’S like b2c markeTing! eaSy!

THe caTcH iS THe “accuracy” parT

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finnemployer branding 101

#1 you caN hIde orgaNIzatIoNal chaos From customers

Not From employees

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finnemployer branding 101

employer markeTing iS a contract WiTH proSpecTive employeeS. Honour iT, or loSe THe “cuSTomer”.

Page 11: Webinar: Employer branding - 11.01.2012

finnemployer branding 101

puT differenTly: you can’T impoSe iT Top doWn

“THe employer brand iS deeply rooTed in THe culture and behaviour of THe many differenT TypeS of people To be found WiTHin any organiSaTion” (moSley)

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finnemployer branding 101

#2 “accuracy” iS noT enougH, you muST alSo be perceived To be accuraTe

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finnemployer branding 101

consultants: “if we compare ourselves to a car? oh, I’d say audi or bmw”

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finnemployer branding 101

“ah, yes: typical consultants”

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introrules of the gamePLAYING thE GAMEbest practices


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finnemployer branding 101

1. reSearcH inSide (qualiTaTive iTvS)2. reSearcH ouTSide (inTervieWS)3. look for inconsistencies4. differenTiaTion5. recruiTmenT value propoSiTion6. communicaTion

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finnemployer branding 101

the most valuable INsIghtswIll probably hurt a bIt

photo: Thomas Fano, used under creative commons licence

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finnemployer branding 101

THeSe Hard Won inSigHTS migHT even Serve aS pr opportunities, becauSe THey SHoW you WHere you are differenT from THe reST of your SecTor.

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finnemployer branding 101

kNow who you are//kNow who you waNt//INvolve key players//be FrIeNdly//go back to basIcs(shawn Kessler, zero in recruitment: “how your midsize hospital can compete for the best physicians”)

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introrules of the gameplaying the gameBEst PRActIcEs


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finnemployer branding 101

show, don’T Tell

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finnemployer branding 101

jaN de Nul: “durvers & doeNers”book++++vIdeo

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finnemployer branding 101

you don’T Have To Spend a loT of money. offer SomeTHing of value To poTenTial recruiTS. value = conTacTS, inSigHTS,....

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finnemployer branding 101

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finnemployer branding 101

integrate employer branding in oTHer pr, Social, markeTing iniTiaTiveS

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finnemployer branding 101

atlas copco2011twItter++“poINtoFsale”


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finnemployer branding 101

include top management. Would you raTHer Work for

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finnemployer branding 101

this boSS?

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finnemployer branding 101

or this boSS?

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finnemployer branding 101

reSearcH by FINN SuggeSTS THaT ceo’S projecT a very Hard “all business no smiles” image in THeir dealingS WiTH THe preSS.finn/auxipreSS: “ceo media ranking”, 2011

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finnemployer branding 101

be relevant

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finnemployer branding 101

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finnemployer branding 101

aSk your employeeS WHaT THey like abouT you (testimonials Work!)

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finnemployer branding 101

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finnemployer branding 101

experimenT & Have fun

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finnemployer branding 101


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about us


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finnemployer branding 101

pr | Social | communicaTion | branding

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