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Who I am

• Trainer• Mentor• Consultant• Author• Broadcaster• Artist• Musician

What is Autism

• Neurological condition meaning parts of the brain communicate differently when compared to non autistic people

This means people have strengths and difficulties

Autism is not a learning disability or a mental illness ( but you could have either or both in addition to being one the autism spectrum)

Rain man had savant syndrome that explains his amazing abilities with numbers not everyone on the autism spectrum has these abilities

Autism is part of you just as your gender and sexuality is

Autism is a life long condition

High functioning

High functioning

Low functioning

Low functioning

A spectrum of light is a good visual representation of the autistic spectrum, with the prism acting as the triad of impairments.

FIG 1: A visual representation ofFIG 1: A visual representation ofThe Autistic SpectrumThe Autistic Spectrum




Neurological typical i.e. everyone else

Social communication

Social Imagination Social Interaction




Where it all began

Girls and Women on the autism spectrum

Your gonna be my space cadetYour gonna flyso high.

Your gonna be my space cadetYour gonna flyso high.

What can you do ?


• www.robynsteward.com • [email protected]