MY LIFE AS A PROFESSIONAL Daniela Lisbeth romero sarmiento

My life as a professional

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Page 1: My life as a professional

MY LIFE AS A PROFESSIONALDaniela Lisbeth romero sarmiento

Page 2: My life as a professional


I am a Civil Engineering student, and I want to know what the routine of a Civil Engineer is like.

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Page 3: My life as a professional

A Civil Engineer wakes up early at 5 o’clock, he or she works in open field, usually in roadworks, infrastructure works, geotechnical works or plants hydraulic, if a Civil Engineer doesn’t work in the field but works an office he or she doesn’t supervise a building project but makes building plans.

Tomado de: http://previews.123rf.com/images/ilkercelik/ilkercelik1501/ilkercelik150100008/35521699-Instrumentos-b-sicos-de-un-ingeniero-civil-en-la-mesa-de-trabajo-Foto-de-archivo.jpg

Tomado de: http://blogs.upn.edu.pe/ingenieria/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2


Page 4: My life as a professional

A Civil Engineer has a difficult schedules because he or she wakes up at 5 o’clock and goes to work to supervise this, Civil Engineer have dinner at 2 pm or 3 pm, and he or she eat in the office, doesn’t have time to go the home, and continue immediately working, Civil Engineer gets home at 9 pm or 10 pm, depends of the work, this schedules is also to Saturdays and maybe Sundays. Tomado de: https://lh5.ggpht.com/W--


Page 5: My life as a professional

Sometimes a Civil Engineer Works in a different country o city from where lives.The approximate salary or a Civil Engineer who recently obtains the title is 6,500,000 pesos a month

Tomado de: http://esjobs.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/salarios-chile.png