Parallel conformational Search in small molecules Conformational search of small molecules. Sequencial Problem. Parallel Computation in MPI: Solution? Design and analysis of Parallel Applications. MPI implementation of Conformational Search of small molecules. Evaluation and results of the algorithm.

Parallel conformational search of small molecules

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Page 1: Parallel conformational search of small molecules

Parallel conformational Search in small molecules

•  Conformational search of small molecules.

•  Sequencial Problem.

•  Parallel Computation in MPI: Solution?

•  Design and analysis of Parallel Applications.

•  MPI implementation of Conformational Search of small molecules.

•  Evaluation and results of the algorithm.

Page 2: Parallel conformational search of small molecules

Screening Virtual

Virtual screening has been defined as the "automatically evaluating very large libraries of compounds" using computer programs. VS has largely been a numbers game focusing on how the enormous chemical space of over 1060 conceivable compounds can be filtered to a manageable number that can be synthesized, purchased, and tested.

Page 3: Parallel conformational search of small molecules

Caso de Estudio: Búsqueda Conformacional sobre moléculas pequeñas.

Identificar las posibles conformaciones que puede adoptar el ligando en el sitio activo de la Proteína es uno de los pasos más importantes y complejos dentro de la primera etapa a la que se ha hecho referencia

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Conformational Search: Sequencial Problem

Page 5: Parallel conformational search of small molecules

Distribution of bond per molecules in Zinc Databases

Rotable Bonds Time of Sequential

Solution 5 247

10 3854

One file with 1000 molecules: 19 Hs.

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Page 7: Parallel conformational search of small molecules

Parallel Computing, Solution?

Parallel Computing Model:

• Multiple Processors.

• The problem can be split distributing the data or the functionalities.

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MIMD: Shared Memory MIMD:Distributed memory

Parallel Computing Models

Page 9: Parallel conformational search of small molecules

Analysis and Design

Foster, Ian. Desingning and Building Parallel Programs. http://wwwunix. msc.anl.gov/dbpp/text/book, 2003.

Partición: Domain or Function. Comunication. Combine Tasks Final Results

Page 10: Parallel conformational search of small molecules

Propoused Parallel Solution

•  Master – Worker Topology

Representación de Topología

Page 11: Parallel conformational search of small molecules

How to design thinking on performance

P0:processunit P1:processunit P2:processunit

Read Mols.

Send Comb. Submaster


Recv Comb. Submaster


Recv Comb. Submaster


Search Conf. Search Conf.

Recv Conf. Send Conf.

Write Conf.

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Page 13: Parallel conformational search of small molecules


Algorithm results for molecules of 5 rotables bonds

No. Procesos TS(s) TP(s) Speed-up Eficiencia Isoeficiencia

4 105 57 1.842 46.05 1.17

6 105 38 2.763 46.05 1.17

8 105 27 3.889 48.61 1.06

10 105 27 3.889 38.89 1.57

No. Procesos TS(s) TP(s) Speed-up Eficiencia Isoeficiencia

4 1944 990 1.964 49.09 1.04 6 1944 520 3.738 62.31 0.60 8 1944 471 4.127 51.59 0.94 10 1944 276 7.043 70.43 0.42

Algorithm results for molecules of 10 rotable bonds.

No. Procesos TS(s) TP(s) Speed-up Eficiencia Isoeficiencia

4 39925 16961 2.354 58.85 0.70 6 39925 9252 4.315 71.92 0.39 8 39925 6528 6.116 76.45 0.31 10 39925 5083 7.855 78.55 0.27

Algorithm results for molecules of 15 rotable bonds.

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1.  A UML-based Approach to Design Parallel and Distributed Applications. Y Perez-Riverol, RV Alvarez. arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.7011

2.  A Parallel Systematic-Monte Carlo Algorithm for Exploring Conformational Space. Y Perez-Riverol, R Vera, Y Mazola, A Musacchio. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 12 (16), 1790-1796