The Rocky Cloud Road

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The Rocky Cloud RoadGert Drapers (#DataDude)

Principle Software Design Engineer

Copyright: Clouds, Trail Ridge Road, Rocky Mountains National Park (Miriam_Berlin, Oct 2009)

DisclaimerWhat follows is a simplified view of some complex trends

Like any simplification is it both correct and incorrect

It will give you a framework to work from

Driven by TCO, OPEX and CAPEX…

The Drive to the Cloud…

Utility Based Computing…

Are your Engineering Systems & Practices Ready?

Virtuous COGS cycle

Drive Down

Hardware Cost

Design for Autonomy, Availability

Rationalize IT Pro


The Funny Thing That Happened on the Way to the Search Engine…

• Those guys built on some really big expensive Alpha boxes.

But… search is embarrassingly parallel, so why not throw lots of cheap hardware at it?

• But then you have a serious ops problem. To fix that, you have to:• Design software that self assembles into large farms

… and fails fast on failure… and re-executes / rebalances work as systems come and go… and monitors itself effectively, so it can pull systems that don’t work… and partitions & replicates storage so it can ride through failures

“Paper Plate” Computing

•Self assembling “paper plate” designs that presume no repair• You don’t fix when broken, instead you dispose• You add more when you are short on capacity• You put them away you do not need them now• You dispose when you no longer need them

Improved System Autonomy

See: Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computinghttp://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2009/EECS-2009-28.pdf

The Basics

“The characteristics of a software system that we consider non-negotiable.”

•A few key points as preface:• Design for “simplicity”• Design for “good enough”• Understand the true minimum shipping point• Long term plans will often be wrong

On Premise vs. Cloud – Basics Eye ChartOn Premise



API quality

Application CompatibilityPerformance








ReliabilityAPI quality

Application Compatibility

Reality check

• Some things we know don’t carry forward

•A lot of what we know is still useful

• There are tools to make all of this easier


“The ability to provide continuous service, despite partial transient failures”

• Focus on overall application availability, not one resource• Scale horizontally across regions for durability•Replace instead of repair; start replacement instances,

don’t save dying ones•Design for eliminating the need for maintenance windows


•Characteristics of Truly Scalable Service• Increasing resources results in a proportional increase in

performance• A scalable service is capable of handling heterogeneity• A scalable service is operationally efficient• A scalable service is resilient• A scalable service becomes more cost effective when it grows

A scalable architecture is critical to take advantage of a scalable infrastructure


“The characteristics that ensure that the system behaves deterministically”

• Meta• Recovery-oriented computing

• Concrete• General: standard reliability analysis remains relevant• Deployment: never repair: restart, reboot, reinstall, replace• Design: invariant checks, hang and timeout detection, failfast, strict exception

contracts• Design: single “rude” shutdown path, boot-time recovery, self-verification• Design: failure modeling, negative case testing


“The characteristics that allow the system to be easily deployed, configured and diagnosed”

• Meta• Build self-assembling systems, with no individualized configuration• Design software that self-monitors and self-heals• Practice efficient offline diagnostics

• Concrete• Deployment: automated provisioning, role discovery and configuration• Design: universal configuration file for all nodes• Design: instrument code to generate tracing, usage and health information• Deployment: gather, aggregate, understand, use telemetry data• Test: zero-repro engineering

Engineering Processes

“The rules we create to build software systems that embody our basics”

Live the Dream

Service Isolation

•Public Service Contract• Versioned• Loosely coupled, no type sharing

•Different services do not share persisted state with other services

•Services are: • Developed independently• Deployed independently

Branching Structure

• $/base/main• Base branch for all service branches• A new service branch always starts by branching from /base/main/*• Base only contains common tools, code, scripts and externals

• $/common/main• Branch shared binaries, which are shared as NuGet packages via the internal NuGet gallery

• $/<svc>/*• Every service resides in its own source branch, to promote service isolation• Each service can be deployed individually • A service branch consists minimally of two branches

• $/<svc>/main – Working branch, requirement is that main is always in a building and deployable state.– Used to deploy to the nonprod environment

• $/<svc>/prod– Reflects the state deployed to production environment

• Additional branches are allowed, but should always parent from /<svc>/main and are not allowed to be used to deploy to prod









• No daily builds• All services are in their own branch, and deployed at their own cadence, there is no place for daily builds

• Only on-demand builds, triggered by check-in or queue-requests

• GC (Gated Checked) builds• Code flows in to the branch via a gated check-in system.• There exists a mandatory code review policy, for all code that flows in to or changes within the branch• GC builds are NOT retained and are NOT allowed to be used for deployments, only for validation (service overrides,

non-prod PPE validation etc.)

• GS (Golden Share) builds• Code flows in to these branches using “merge” from the parent branch• Running the GC test suites is optional• GS builds have the intention to be deployed• GS builds are automatically retained, based on deployment history.

• N-x builds which have been deployed are automatically retained for rollback purposes• Build which have not been deployed between current and N-1 are automatically removed as are build older then N-x

• Optional automatic deployment from GS build to non-prod-ppe and prod-ppe environments to ease the engineering process


• non-prod• Core integration environment, however with SLA!

• prod• Production environment

• PPE (Pre Production Environment) used for:• Deployment validation of the services and watchdogs• Synthetic functional validation of the services and watchdogs• Mandatory rollback testing• Each environment (non-prod and prod) have PPE environments to perform these tasks in isolation

• General deployment flow:• GC build ppe.non.prod (if successful goto #2)• GS build non.prod (if successful goto #3)• GS PROD build ppe.prod (if successful goto #4) • GS PROD build prod

• Hot Fixing• Hotfixes can be created the Prod branch and ported back to Main• This is why there is a GS and GC build of each branch to enable running the gate check-in suites in every environment

Sharing binaries using Internal NuGet Gallery

• Consuming projects bind to explicit version of package• The NuGet package expresses its dependencies, which automatically get included• At build time, referenced packages and its dependencies are automatically downloaded

• Advantages:• Explicit versioning; less breakages due to dependency changes• Implicit dependency management, reduced breakage due to missing

dependencies• Developers and build systems use the same versions and dependencies• Packages references are managed per project• Build system only needs to download once• Use of internal NuGet gallery improves sharing due to increased discoverability• No need to check in binaries which keeps the source tree clean and slim!

The Engineering Flow – Shared binaries

$/common /main/…

sourcesGC deployment

drop share


$/common /prod/…

GS deployment drop share

Automated publish


Merge common/main => common/prod

Gated Check-in




Environment <svc A>Scale Units <1..N>

The Engineering Flow - Services


trigger branch


Deployment drop share

Machine Functions

Automated deployment





non-prod environment

Environment <svc A>Scale Units <1..N>


trigger branch


Deployment drop share

Machine Functions

Automated deployment





prod environment

Merge svc/main => svc/prod

Gated Check-in







•DevOps model:• All engineers can deploy all services• Forces sharing of knowledge and skills• Required to support on-call model

•Published Deployment Guidelines• Check list of steps for deployment and validation of each service• Automated KPIs for monitoring health of service• Documents service dependencies, both up and down stream

Service Validation

•Monitoring• Real-time and historical analysis

•Alerting• Must to be actionable

•Validation• Everybody can run them!

Testing using PowerShell

•Everybody should be able to run tests

•Re-usable atoms

•Composition of atoms

•Target all environment

•Outside-In testing vs. Inside-In Testing

Point Developer / Pager Duty

•Rotation based (4 weeks, 4 people)• Separate interrupt driven from schedule driven work• Provides focus

•Pager Duty• Automatic escalation• Complete management chain is involved in incidents

•RCA (Root Cause Analysis)• You must be pedantic about RCAs and action them!

Availability is King

Versioning & Deployment Ordering

•The service must support running multiple versions side-by-side!• Required during deployment, service overrides, A-B testing,…

•Deploy stateful services before stateless services• Service must be able to support schema versions N, N-1 and N+1

Data Layer

•Evolves to a document/resource centric model• Schema owned by middle tier services• Chunky, cacheable, partitionable

•Schema changes:• Owned by service layer• By default: fault-in model, you update to new version when written,

optionally write is triggered by reading older version. Amortizes cost of schema update over time.

• Optionally trigger update using a crawler process

Best Practices

•Design for Failure

•Loose Coupling

• Implement Elasticity

•Think Asynchronous and Parallel

Design for Failure

• Avoid single points of failure• Assume everything fails, and design backwards• Goal: Applications should continue to function even if the underlying physical

hardware fails or is removed or replaced.

• Best practices• Use multiple regions • Use Virtual IP addresses (VIP)• Use Load Balancers• Real-time monitoring• Leverage Auto Scaling groups• Practice failures/recovery

Always Assume Each Call is your Last Call!

Loose Coupling

• Independent components

•Design everything as a Black Box

•De-coupling for Hybrid models

•Load-balance clusters

The lesser coupling, the higher the scale factor

Implement Elasticity

•Use designs that are resilient to reboot and re-launch

•Enable dynamic configuration

•Self discovery and join: instance discovers it own role

Horizontal Scaling is the Only Option

Think Asynchronous and Parallel

•Only make non-blocking async x-service calls!

•Use load balancing to distribute load across multiple servers

•Decompose a tasks into their simplest form

•Multi-treading and concurrent requests to cloud services

• Leverage parallel MR task when appropriate and possible


•http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle• List of software development philosophies• Minimalism (computing)• Reduced instruction set computing• Worse is better (Less is more)• Don't repeat yourself (DRY)• You aren't gonna need it (YAGNI)• Rule of Least Power

Live by the KISS Principle!


• Cloud Design Patterns: Prescriptive Architecture Guidance for Cloud Applications• http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn568099.aspx

• Private Cloud Principles, Concepts, and Patterns• http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/4346.private-cloud-principles-concepts-


• Cloud Services Foundation Reference Architecture - Principles, Concepts, and Patterns• http://blogs.technet.com/b/cloudsolutions/archive/2013/08/15/cloud-services-foundation-


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