Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 2

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Last time we met Clear Arcenciel and her spouse Blair Churchill. After a visit to the glorious neutral coloured future, we returned to the present and met the first Red

generation baby, Pomegranate Arcenciel. But she will not be the only Red generation baby, I have two more names I want to use. So until then, let’s go see what’s new shall


First things first, the proper spouse intro shot:

Blair Arcenciel (nee Churchill)

Couch Potato

Photographer’s Eye Mooch Frugal Angler

LTW: Be Swimming in Cash

(have $120 K in household funds)

These traits don’t bother me really I like their combination. If we have a Slob then there will be issues, I had

slobs *eye twitch* Anyway I sent him fishing since that’s his job and

hopefully I’ll get some cool Showtime starfish and those neat Supernatural

things, Fairy Damsels.

He likes Classical music, Tri-Tip Steak and the colour Green.

Next it was birthday time for Pomegranate who will now be called Pommy or Pom-Pom since I like shortening long names. Anyway, Pom-Pom grew up without cake since it didn’t work, only one who had the blow out candles option was Blair who was holding

her. Not doing that again. But she needs to be Red genned so…

There, all better. Seems I don’t have to do a lot of recolouring since there are already a bunch of red themed paints, woods, metals and plastics. Like this ITF high chair, already came in red. (Into the Future) I do like to have complimentary colours along with the main ones which is why Pom-Pom has red and white on her. Also I am Canadian so red and white are like our colours. *waves flag*

Yes, Clear is pregnant again. I said Pom-Pom will not be the only red kid this generation. Clear had a wish to take Pom-Pom for a stroll so I bought and recoloured one. It was neat to follow them

around the block, completed with pixely houses since while graphics on this 7 year old computer are good, they are not stellar. And my laptop has been sent to the closet where I put things that annoy

me, like Crashy- McCrasherson a.k.a. evil 8.1 laptop /rant.

Pom-Pom does cute things like point at stuff and murmur in baby talk as they walk around the block. It’s not like I’m petitioning her for heir, I have more kids to come first but I figured I’d draw out some of the time before she becomes a child. I set the ages to match Sims 2 aging, 2 baby days, 4 toddler, 8 child , 15 teen, 30 YA, 30 Adult, and 26 Elder . Total 115 days for humans and witches.

For fairies, vamps, ghosts, and werewolves I have the Immortal Life span mod so they won’t age unless I cake them. Not the actual old age ghosts, the ones you can make in CAS from Supernatural,

which I haven’t tried yet.

Such pretty scenery, some of the houses actually render right so they look good. Like this one she’s passing. Not the red one ahead, I have no idea what house that is. I am not a

social neighbour player.

Umm…eww? I didn’t know Blair was a dumpster diver. I guess it’s his Frugal trait kicking in. Apparently it also gives him Rebel influence which is a University thing. He found an unsmelted gold rock and a Monarch butterfly. Who throws away a butterfly? Poor butterfly…I’ll give you a

good home, in the alchemy cabinet. >;) Hehe. I have too many common Monarch butterflies so that’s where they end up.

FALL!! FALL!! FALL!! No, not the season which it is now, but I wanted to see if the lid would slam shut on him. I’m mean, I know.

Blair: Hey, I found a loveseat in here, score!

Put it back, it’s probably infested with something gross!

Anyway, I sent Dumpster Dan here back home to shower and sleep and eventually it was time for baby! He sold a lot of the fish he caught and jumped three levels in the

Angler career from it. So he’s thinking about the promotions.

Blair: Why didn’t I find a crib in that dumpster?

Clear: Hurty!! Owwie!!

Blair: *freaks out*

Clear: *thinks about gardening to avoid the pain*

Me: Oh yeah I gave them that Fertility Treatment thing didn’t I? Cool. Twofer.

Clear: Blair, you have a son…Blair? Where is that man?

He left; spousal ADD you know?

Clear: Oh well I guess I’ll put this one down in the freezing cold frost outside then so I can pop out the other one.

Wait, what? Outside?

Oh I see, one crib; in use by Pom-Pom. So no where to put the twin boys. Yes twin boys so I can use both my other names even if one was meant for another girl but he won’t

mind will he? Naw…

Clear: You won’t give my son a gender identity complex will you?

Who me? Never.

I didn’t take any caterpillar pictures of the boys but they are identical

twins. Playing with Blair is Goji a Friendly Virtuoso who likes Digi Tunes, Vegetarian Dim Sum and

the colour Pink.

Goji is a Chinese superfruit about the size of a grape that tastes like a


And Clear is playing with his twin brother, Cherry. He is an Excitable kid who Loves the Outdoors (like mommy), Chinese music, Falafel,

and the colour Aqua.

Also both boys were born witches which is awesome and also makes the heir choice harder. Pom-Pom was the

only one to get Clear’s ears which makes me sad. Although she was not

born a witch… I’m so conflicted.

Here’s Goji: I have my future Holographic Guitar Hero player. Yes I know it has a name but I like mine better. I only got to choose one trait since they weren’t hospital births, I chose Virtuoso he got Friendly all on his own. He has Blair’s eyes which are a sort of

golden brown.

And Cherry; he got Loves the Outdoors on his own and I chose Excitable. He also has Blair’s eyes and the name I was going to give to a girl but he doesn’t have to know that. This isn’t going to be

a fruit Rainbowcy, they just happen to be the first coloured things that come to mind when naming the kids. Blue potty will be recoloured later, I noticed it too late after the picture was


Cherry: Picture lady!!

Hey kid. Nice to know witch boys can sense me early.

Cherry: Camwra!!


I heard weird noises with my head phones on and it wasn’t the TV it was Cherry making his toy rocket ship explode into a puff of black smoke. He would then re-conjure it. I guess even toddler

witches have powers which is awesome. He looks so cute when he’s surprised by his own powers.

Let’s not forget about the boys’ non-witch older sister who just became a child.

Pom-Pom: I am the best and your favourite right mommy? Of course I am who doesn’t love me? I have your ears, they are so cute on me don’t you think?

She got the Diva trait, oh yes this girl will love herself and then not understand why others don’t love her too. She also rolled a LTW; she wants to be a Vocal Legend which is level 10 of the Singer

career. I am not so good with those open work hour jobs so having her as heir is going to be a constant fight for me not to NRAAS her to level 10…

Ah perfectly synched toddler training. In red and white is Goji and red and cream is Cherry. This is the only way I can tell these identical twins apart by giving them

slightly different coloured clothes. My little witch boys <3 I think I’m going to need an heir poll…I can’t choose which one to make my heir.

Perfect synch makes my OCD happy. ^_^

Only a few more, and it looks like Cherry is practicing using a wand he looks so intense…oh dear, I think I may have a favoured twin.

Cherry: Camwra!

And we end with some child pics of the twins.

Goji: Just wait until we get the Holographic Guitar Hero, I’ll impress Camera Lady with my Virtuoso skills because now I’m also a Genius.

Cherry: I rather doubt it dear twin; as you can see I make this Supernatural outfit look good. I will make sure Camera Lady still loves me. I’m Ambitious now and I WILL win

heirship. Our sister can’t possibly compete with this smoldering look of mine.

He may be right, I was stunned by how well he wears that outfit and the hair was totally random, I didn’t pick that style.

Next time on Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:

Will I run out of red puns before I even officially begin Red generation’s reign? Most likely; but then once I have my Red heir I can make Orange puns! Hehe, yeah I’m good.

See you all later since this is addicting and I have to play…