Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 27

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Two in one day? I must be mad. Well maybe but I am close to finishing this and I can write another one, the ideas are flowing now. A new colour background, this one was

already in the choices so I didn’t have to customize it, although it does seem a lot duller than my others were.

As I thought, I get two girls. Looks like there will be some Time Machine babies again this generation both girls were born werewolves, like Ana predicted but with babies you

can’t tell what they look like so…

First twin is Apatite Arcenciel. She’s a Brave and Heavy Sleeper who loves Tri-Tip Tofu Steak, Classical music and the colour Turquoise. She got her mommy’s

hair and eyes and daddy’s skin tone range. I think she’s adorable.

And her twin Aquamarine. She unfortunately got her daddy’s cheekbones and they do not mesh well with her small face. She is a Perceptive child who Loves the Heat. A

good dish of Lobster Thermidore will always make her drool and playing some Classical music will set the mood. As long as she gets plenty of Spice Brown in her

wardrobe she’s a happy little wolf cub.

Apollo: This one doesn’t have my award winning cheekbones…I just don’t know how I feel about that.

Just teach her to talk, that’s all that needs to be done.

Apollo: But they’re my legacy! They must live on!

Hydrangea: Can you say daddy silly? Because he is, yes he is.

Aquamarine: *stares*

Hydrangea: Come on my little cub, you can say that can’t you?

Just couldn’t hold it in till you got home could you?

Apollo: Hey it happens where it happens.

Apollo is now an adult which means, Hydrangea will be joining him shortly.

But it’s all dark here…you made me have to brighten the picture.

Apollo: My shining personality should be bright enough for your pictures.

Hydrangea: So you’re the famous Ruby? I had heard that one of our ancestors had a dragon.

I miss Chickadee.

Hydrangea: Well you’re mine now, I could use a dragon.

Emit: Where have you been? Oasis Springs has changed since you were last there.

Tanzanite: I had things to do, family raising and career climbing. I just haven’t

got time to go back to the future.

Emit: I understand, you have priorities. I never bothered to have a family. When you’re the master of time and space there isn’t much time for one.

Tanzanite: If it’s important, you make the time.

Tanzanite: I can’t imagine my life without them.

Emit: Perhaps one day…not now.

Tanzanite: Yeah, one day.

Speaking of never-aging spouses…I finally had enough of waiting for Ramon to look like a great-grandpa so manual aging powers on!

Ramon: But I’m not supposed to age! I’m nearly immortal as a Genie!

Not anymore.

Ramon: Aww…

Sorry, I need you to age. I have two generations left and I need the space.

Ramon: Excuse me for being all powerful.

I am more powerful kid, trust me.

Hydrangea: So, great grandpa is finally wrinkly like a tree huh?

Ana: Yes, and I feel it will soon be my time.

Ramon: Great grandpa is right here and I can hear you…

Tanzanite: Aw yeah, retirement here I come!

Hydrangea: You’re excited for that?

Tanzanite: Of course, and I look forward to scuba diving all around these beautiful islands.

Hydrangea: Oh man, I hate that dazed and confused state right after changing back.

Tanzanite: Retirement!! Woo!!

Tanzanite: Not bad, not bad. Needs more indigo and aqua. Brown is not my colour.

Hydrangea: I hate that don’t you?


Next time on the Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:

Okay, definitely done for the day. I am tired and sore and I need the softness of my bed. Will I get my heir? Or will the wrong gender curse live on? Only time will tell…