Everything about FRIENDSHIP… Aia Zerna 1


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  • 1. 1Aia Zerna

2. 2For reasons we can never know, fate brings friend to friend, then leaves the rest to human nature. The results are mixed. While a few special friendships last a lifetime, the vast majority prove easier to leave behind. Some take years to fade away; others end spectacularly Aia Zerna 3. TrueOpenminded3Aia ZernaFRIENDAccepts you for who and what you areLoyal 4. Kinds of Friendship: The Best Friend: The gold standard of friendships. A best friend listens but never judges, helps you out of a jam, tells it to you straight, and often forgives a debt. Best friends resemble invisible friends in that both are most common in childhood (and may not really exist). 4Aia Zerna 5. Got my Tita as my bestfriend 5Aia ZernaGot my Tito as my bestfriend 6. The Wild Friend: The friend whose bad behavior never ceases to entertain and may at times inspire you, for better or for worse. Though wild friends get a bad rap, they save as many lives as they ruin. 6Aia Zerna 7. 7Aia Zerna 8. The Dormant Friend: Every8so often a dead friendship will spring back to life, bringing people even closer together than they used to be. The reawakened friendship speaks to the mystery of friendship in general especially if youve forgotten why theyve drifted apart.Aia Zerna 9. 9Aia Zerna 10. The Listener: They are the one who always lend their ears to listen to you no matter how dramatic youre talking and will always find time just to listen and comfort you in good and in bad times... 10Aia Zerna 11. 11Aia Zerna 12. The Nurturer: Shes loving, and helpful, and you can tell her things you wouldnt want your real mother to know. Shes always be there for you no matter what.12Aia Zerna 13. 13Aia Zerna 14. Sincere friend: they are the ones who will always be there for you and make everything that can be good to you: the real buddy of yours, really close to you 14Aia Zerna 15. 15Aia Zerna 16. Colleague Friend: the one you meet at your work or study environment and make the best out of it when youre around...16Aia Zerna 17. Cheers to those friends who are always there for you xx 17Aia Zerna 18. 18Aia Zerna