A Tale of Two Princes, Reality and Visions Created by Rochard Scott

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A Tale of Two Princes, Reality and Visions

Created by Rochard Scott

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Hosted by The Fates of Destiny

The Boy The Lost Child

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We are “The Fates of Destiny”, two beings who watch over and record every moment of history within The Destiny Saga.

The Boy represents all that is positive in the Saga, while The Lost Child represents everything negative.

We are eternal enemies as well as the key to marketing The Destiny Saga.

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“We are also characters that are both played by the writer and creator of The

Destiny Saga, Rochard Scott.”

“But for now, let’s keep in character until Part Five, shall we?”

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“Before we get into the particulars of this epic tale, we’d like to give you a fundamental idea of what we have in mind for this artistic


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“The Destiny Saga’s initial conflict is a story about its major characters fighting a being named Chaos who wants to drive

mankind insane because he feels it is our true nature. And if he can’t achieve that goal…”

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…He will wipe out all of existence… because he loves us.

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“Within this story of our heroes versus Chaos , The Destiny Saga will be able to expand its tales into many

different media outlets such as novels, television shows, video games, comic books, and films.

It will also extend itself into digital media, social networks, and apps. There will be eventual stage

performances and YouTube events to market the Saga while maintaining its artistic integrity… because if we don’t give our fan base something to care about while

we generate revenue, whatever business model we decide on will not be able to sustain itself.”

This is a multimedia universe…with the novel as its hub.

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“This presentation is to primarily give you the potential of this intellectual property and the high

level of return on your investment due to the nearly limitless amount of story and integrity that can be

used to create strong art/product.

We are the storytellers with a respectful mind on the importance of taking business very seriously, so we

figured the best way to come at this potential venture with you would be to come at it creatively and not

with a sterile and cold explanation.

Discussions about how we go about achieving our mutual goals can come after if you decide that you

want to work with us.”

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“The Destiny Saga’s storyline is divided into 4 separate eras with their own distinctive style and flavor.

We’ll explain them in chronological order with some notes as we go along…”

“…and then after all that, we’ll get into who we are and what’s our artistic and marketingpurpose is pertaining to The Saga.

So now, without any further ado…”

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Part 1: The Linkera/Chaos Era

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“According to The Destiny Saga universe, at the beginning of Earth’s time ,there was but one land called Pangaea.

And the people there lived in perfect harmony. It would be the first and, unfortunately, the last time human beings would have a Utopia…”

“Of course it couldn’t last, Peace Boy! What else do you expect from humans?

There was this battle between two beings called ‘The Creator’ and “The Destroyer.’

They went by many other names, but those work for me, so let’s continue…”

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The Terra Warriors

“ The conflict

between the two

beings caused a

great divide

between a mother

and a daughter.

Harmene was the

first angel ever

created and

served The

Creator and her

daughter, Melede,

joined The

Destroyer and

became the first

demon in history.”

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Melede Has a Plan


suggests to The

Destroyer that

she and a few

other demons go

down to Earth

and corrupt the

supercontinent of

Pangaea. The

Destroyer agrees

and the demons

set shop in the

center of the

Earth and they

build The Dark

City of Yangde.”

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Harmene Goes After Her Daughter

“Harmene learns

about her

daughter’s plan

to corrupt

humanity, so she

takes some

angels with her

down to Earth to

build The Light

City of Anyin to

combat Melede’s

assault on


Demons can

never have any


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“This war on Earth between mother and daughter lasted for so long that they all became known as Terra Warriors.

This name differentiated themselves from the angels and demons fighting The War in Heaven.”

“Since they were spiritual beings, they could only do battle in the minds of men and women.

This conflict was to be known as ‘The Battle of Conscience’.”

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The Boy

“We’ll pause at this point before moving on to explain the storytelling possibilities up to this point.

You can many stories about the conflict between Harmene and Melede and how their falling out affected the other angels and demons following their orders on Earth.

You can parallel these battles with various stories of the Pangean citizens and how they struggle with the new concept of having a conscience.

I bring this up to keep in mind that not all of the stories in The Destiny Saga need to have world ending ramifications and involve the main characters. You can have everyday dramas and morality plays in a fantasy setting… but with warring angels and demons!

Now the major villain wants to introduce himself…”

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“I started off as just a being made of pure ‘energy’ observing the citizens of Pangaea until, one day, I came across the terrible conflict of those Terra Warriors.

It was unfair to give those poor humans a conscience. But the Utopia that those humans were living in was an even bigger lie.

So I became a man and decided to release humanity from the poison of structure and community.

Your minds should be free to do whatever it pleases, whenever it pleases. And If you can’t do that… I’ll put you out of your horrible misery.

It’s the least I can do for you.”

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The Lost Child

“So you can see that that Chaos guy is a pretty upstanding individual that needs to be punched in the mouth.

I guess Harmene and Melede agreed with me because they knew that Chaos was a threat to their plans.

They had been on Earth so long that they developed a taste of power and now wanted to dethrone The Creator and The Destroyer and rule all of existence for themselves.

They crowned themselves queens of their respective factions and took major action to get rid of Chaos…”

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They created a man named Linkera.

“…because they knew only a human could hurt Chaos. So they gave him the added strength of both angels and demons…”

“But Linkera didn’t want that life…so he escaped to Pangaea…”

“And he fell in love with a woman named Seraph.”

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Her father was a minister named


Seraph had a father and a brother… Her brother was a

minister named Carious

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“Chaos tried to convert her to insanity…”

But one day, Seraph met Chaos…

“…but Seraph could not be turned so…”

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He murdered her.

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Calm handled his loss with prayer…

Linkera handled his loss by returning to

his duty to defeat Chaos…

Carious handled

his loss by questionin

g everything

around him…

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…and they returned to the Terra Queens.

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But none of them knew that the Queens were up to

something that would change the Earth forever…

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“The outcome of that battle creates the second era of The Destiny Saga.

But before we go on, I’ll let my nemesis wrap things up here.”

“Thank you, Peace Boy!

(There’s not gonna be too much more of you ordering me around, jackass.)

So I’ll recap over in the next slide. Follow me…”

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Recap of “The Linkera/Chaos Era:

“1. The simplest way to describe this era is to call it a spiritual Kung fu-ish epic.

2. What I mean by Kung Fu-ish is that Linkera creates the first hand to hand fighting form in a Utopian society.

3. He needs those skills to fight off Chaos’ minions who are called Legion. They are the people that Chaos converted.

4. And, finally, Calm and Carious become men with spiritual powers due to the familial bond they have with Linkera. They will be known as Mystics.

And now that we have all that out of the way, we can move on to the second era which is better known as…”

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Part 2: The First Elite Era

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“In this second era of The Destiny Saga, the themes of spirituality and duty are joined by the concepts of friendship and ‘the price of ambition.’

After the outcome of the previous conflict between the Terra Warriors, Chaos, and Linkera, the Saga’s universe opens up beyond that of Earth and the Solar System through a mode of transportation which we call THE PORTANEXUS.

But before we continue with the ongoing storyline, The Lost Child will break down how the Portanexus works and the storyline possibilities that will differentiate this era from the previous Linkera/Chaos Era.”

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The Portanexus

…or “How to get around in The Destiny Saga.”

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“Way back before the creation of Earth, The

Creator and The Destroyer made several

other realms before deciding to create the

Solar System and human beings.

These other realms had species that were able to visit each other by their mutual ability to open the Portanexus to visit

each other.

Humans beings do not have this ability to use

the Portanexus.”

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“There was but a simple rule: these other species were not allowed to visit Earth for any reason…”

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“The Creator made it so that the Portanexus would never open on Earth to keep the other species in


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“But everything changed during the final battle with Chaos when the Terra Queens, after learning that Chaos was too

powerful even for Linkera, found a way to open the Portanexus to get Chaos off of Earth.”

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“Linkera was only able to damage Chaos to the point of memory loss and the Terra Queens took this chance to

push The Insane One through the Portanexus.”

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When the “War in Heaven” ended and The Creator found out about The Terra Queens

violation of his rules on opening the Portanexus, he exacted a serious

punishment on the wannabe “rulers of existence”…

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But the punishment of the Terra Queens is a story for another time…

We’re here for the Portanexus mind you.

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“Since the damage was already done, The Creator allowed Linkera, Mystic Calm, and Mystic Carious to search for the person (or people) who could destroy Chaos once and for all.

During this time they came across new species in these distinct realms called SECONDARY BEINGS.”

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The Secondary Theory:“In The Destiny Saga, there is a belief among the SECONDARY BEINGS that humans were created in the image of ‘God.’

This belief that humans are closer in image to God than the other species earns humanity the title of being PRIMARY BEINGS (aka HOLY BEINGS) who live in in the PRIMARY REALM (aka The Solar System).

All the other realms are called SECONDARY REALMS inhabited by SECONDARY BEINGS who try to live their lives positively in the hopes to become human in another life to be closer to ‘God.’

Who gave the SECONDARY BEINGS this belief system?

That is a very interesting question.”

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The Boy

“Now that we’ve shown you that The Destiny Saga can go beyond Earth to give us tales beyond the initial Linkera/Chaos conflict, we’ll give you a few examples of these Secondary Beings.

This will give you a clearer idea of what type of imagery and stories that will separate the flavor of this era from the previous one.

If the Linkera/Chaos Era could be described as a ‘quasi-biblical kung fu epic’, then this era could best be described as ‘The Avengers meet King Arthur and the Knights of the Round.’”

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To give The Destiny Saga Universe a limit, there are only as many Secondary Realms as there are named planets in the

Solar System.

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The Netrel from the Secondary Realm of Netra-Six.

“For example, these are the Netrel. They are a species that have artificial bodies that look human. They live in the realm of Netra-Six which is located through the Portanexus gate of Neptune.

Each known planet in the Solar System is named because it’s discovered that they are really gates to the other realms. So Neptune is the gate to Netra-Six.

And the tales from this realm are Sci-Fi flavored because of the Netrels’ advanced technology.”

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The Harmens of the Secondary Realm of Harmor Ari

“The Harmens are a Secondary race that are actually beings made of blue light (note the blue lights floating in the background of the picture).

They inhabit organic bodies that they can operate (note the blue light in the chests of the bodies). They use these bodies to talk with other species because their energy forms can’t communicate without them.

The planet Harmor Ari is connected to the gate of Saturn. The stories of the Harmens can be steampunk/gothic. “

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The Terrans from the Secondary Realm of Terra Casia

“Also known as the Golden People, the Terrans live in Terra Casia and are a people whose primary business is in luxury and romantic getaways.

Their culture can best be described as Techno-Egyptian with their massive pyramids and airships that are similar to Earth luxury liners.

The Secondary Realm of Terra Casia is connected to the gate of Mercury. Their stories can be romantic with a dash of class warfare because of their relationship the other species that lives on Terra Casia, the Cait (aka the Silver People).”

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“We’ve limited the number of realms of The Destiny Saga not only to give our fan base a finite universe but also because we shouldn’t keep making up random realms. Our writers

should work within the framework. It will keep the Saga more manageable.”

Earth- Primary Realm Jupiter- Fegra Venus- Giradia Mercury- Terra Casia Mars- Secrit Tresh

Uranus- Karussh Pluto- The

Retrolands Neptune- Netra-Six Undiscovered-

Torimaru Undiscovered-

Seara Karr

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So now that we’ve established the concepts of the Portanexus and the Secondary Realms, we can wrap this portion of the presentation with the

main plot of “The First Elite Era”.

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Linkera and the Mystics created a three man team to fight off Chaos’

minions while they continue to search for the ones who can defeat

the mad man.

This team is known as “The Elite.”

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Shard Destine, a member of the Destine Royal Family on Earth, is a human that was hand picked by Linkera to be the warrior known as “Destiny”.

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Tigra Brosmate of the Secondary Realm of Fegra was chosen by Linkera to become the warrior Known as


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And, last of all, King Umbrage of the Secondary Realm of Giradia was chosen by Linkera to be the warrior

known as “Vintage.”

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The Elite’s tales of honor and integrity will be mostly told

through the eyes of the people they are protecting and how the

Elite’s influence affects their personal lives.

These citizen tales run along the tragedy of the Elite’s optimism and idealism being destroyed

solely by the fact that, no matter what they do, the universe is not

going to change…

But maybe it will take another version of the Elite to make a


…And we now move on to the 3rd storyline of The Destiny Saga…

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Part 3: The Second Elite Era

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The Boy

“And now we come to the era that our fan base will first be introduced to, The Second Elite Era. Right now we have ‘The Destiny Saga: The Two Princes’ out as an eBook on Kindle and NOOK.

‘The Two Princes’ is the first part of the full novel, ‘Children of Chaos’ which should be out in late Winter 2012/early Spring 2013.

‘Children of Chaos’ serves as not only a complete story in its own right but it is also a mission statement and the hub for the entire Destiny Saga…”

So let’s take a look at the illustrations for the three parts of ‘Children of Chaos’”

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The Three Books of ‘Children of Chaos’

“Now let’s get on with the main plot…”

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After The Elite dissolved and went back to their respective realms, Chaos somehow regained his memory and started preparations to return to Earth to save humanity from the disease he called Sanity.

But he needed more than his Legion to achieve this goal, so he found a weak spot he could exploit in the Secondary Realm of Fegra in order to gain control of their powerful military…

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He used Lord Cat Tiamano to help him take over The Fegarian Army. This army has an member that you might remember from the

last era in their ranks…

Lord Cat Tiamano

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… ex-Elite member Tigra Brosmate who was now a member of the Fegarian Army’s High Command better known as…

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… The Baron Four of Fegra.

“ And now for the role call…”

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“At the fore front of the Baron Four is their Commander, Baron Claw. He is a man who is loyal to the Fegarian Army and the laws of the realm.”

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“Next you have the half-breed, Baron Stealth. He is the greatest hunter that Fegra has ever known because of

both his Fegarian and Giradian genes.”

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“Then you have Baron Panthra Harlequin, a pretty boy with a twisted sense of humor who is now married to…

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“…Baroness Tigra Harlequin. The woman who once fought against Chaos’ army is now serving the madman that rules her homeland now. But why?

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Chaos orders The Fegarians to attack The Kingdom of “Old”

France on Earth. This kingdom is ruled by one of Baroness Tigra’s

old Elite allies, King Shard Destine.

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“King Shard Destine, his wife ,Queen Serena, and his son, Prince Torell, tried to fend off the Fegarian attack, but the young prince

became separated from his family and kingdom until…”

King Shard


Queen Serena Dismara-Destine Prince Torell


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“… Mystic Calm brought the exiled young prince to the Secondary Realm of Giradia, home to the final ex-member of the Elite and his family…”

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“…King Umbrage (the warrior formerly known as Vintage), his wife Queen Incense…”

King Umbrage Queen Incense

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“…and their sons, Prince Rampage and Successor Contemn.

Prince Rampage Successor Contemn

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“Mystic Calm thought, that by bringing Prince Torell Destine to

Giradia, the exiled prince

could be protected by The Giradian Army.

But the Fegarians struck once again… “

“But after a tragic situation on Giradia, the fate of the two princes, Torell and Rampage,

would lead them far into the

future… and back on Earth.

To be more specific, the

town of Piersdale, NJ circa 1995…”

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“…where they would meet up with these three unique individuals…”

Rachel Fairs, editor-in-chief and owner of the

newspaper, The Blazing Sun. A woman with a

strange recurring dream.

Lt. Carlos “Rain” Morales, member of a secret military group

created by Mystic Calm

Karen Weathers, a follower of Linkera. She’s tasked with

being the bodyguard to the boy that

appears on the next slide.

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“… and Terrell Dest, an 18 year old with a connection to both princes and Chaos himself.”

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What is the ultimate destiny of “The Two Princes?”

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“This portion of the Destiny Saga is meant to show the public that there are not only fantasy aspects to this story but also modern sensibilities. This will make it a somewhat easier sell marketing wise for those not into straight fantasy.”

“In the Children of Chaos novel, it is important that it ends the Chaos storyline and heads towards the future with most loose ends tied up because the style and texture of the fourth and final era is unlike the other three and we consider it the most ambitious of them all…”

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Part 4: The Carmen Era

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Unfortunately, we have to keep this era close to our chests until “The Destiny Saga” takes off business wise… but I can give you a few hints on where the Saga is headed:

This tale is focused on Carlos Morales’ daughter, Carmen Morales, a girl in a hip hop/rock band.Music is a HUGE theme in this era and will be used in MANY different ways.The Fates of Destiny take center stage in this era after being behind the scenes for the other eras.On the surface, this era may seem skewed towards young people, but adults will be able to read between the lines.There is a definite ending to the Saga here. There is a link between Carmen and Linkera that syncs up the entire Saga thematically.

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This portion of the Saga can be discussed in meetings…but let’s go to the final aspect of this presentation and discuss

briefly, the Fates of Destiny and the marketing aspects of this epic tale…

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Part 5: The Fates of Destiny

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The concept of “The Fates of Destiny” is a simple one: Positive Energy vs. Negative Energy

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The color scheme is very simple; the symbolism is deceptively simple:

“The Boy” wears a black shirt with white lettering with blue jeans.

“The Lost Child” wears a white shirt with black lettering and blue jeans.

The colors of black and white between the two characters and how they wear them stay consistent but, thematically, they are supposed to be mirror images of each other.

By maintaining these three colors (black, white & blue) for the Fates, we maintain a uniform color scheme for marketing the Saga.

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Anatomy of “The Boy” Part 1:

“I use a sword for defense against The Lost Child. I hate violence, but I have to protect myself.”

“Any words that appear on my shirts have to have positive connotations.”

“I wear glasses to symbolize clarity.”

“The blue that I wear represents hope.”

“I don’t wear shoes because that represents the primal nature of humanity’s positive ideas.”

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Anatomy of “The Boy” Part 2:

“My nemesis

and I have a rock-starish

quality to our nature. There’s a playful

quality to the both of


I’m more virtuous and he’s

more sadistic.”

“This rock-starish part

of our nature will play into

the music theme of the

fourth era nicely.

This also allows the marketing imagery to

be more kinetic and fun rather than droll and overly serious.”

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Anatomy of “The Boy” Part 3:

“As far as being a marketing tool

goes, I’m not only a character

that Rochard plays, which

puts the author into the spotlight

uniquely, but with YouTube clips, stage

performances, and using social

media like Twitter to maintain


“…there are infinite opportunities for

promotion and exposure for both

writer and The Destiny Saga.

And the best thing about this course of action is that it all

reinforces the themes of the Saga at the same time.

We maintain artistic integrity

while providing a unique marketing


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Anatomy of “The Lost Child” Part 1:

“My weapons are called sais. Their dangerous

look goes in line with my destructive attitude

towards everything.”

“My shirtsshould always have

negative wording etched on them.”

“The blue that I wear represents the sadness of

humanity’s destructive behavior.”

“And, like my goody two shoes enemy, I am too shoeless because that represents the primal

nature of hate and anger.”

“I wear sunglasses to symbolize deception and


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Anatomy of “The Lost Child” Part 2:

“Since I represent deception and destruction, I’m also a shape shifter.”

“My good twin only has one form because he represents stability, but my ability to shift between forms is symbolic of my duplicity.

This is my “male” form which will always be played by Rochard.

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Anatomy of “The Lost Child” Part 3:

“This is my female form…which will always be played live by a female (sorry, no cross dressing).”

“This will allow for more interaction between me and “The Boy” when it comes to live performances.”

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Anatomy of “The Lost Child” Part 4:

“This is my final form, my shadow form… otherwise known as ‘It’.”

“This form can be played by dancers either male or female in a black body suit.”

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Anatomy of “The Lost Child” Part 5:

“As usual, Rochard has to play his

creative cards close to his

chest because there are

some interesting events that

we can pull off with this

marketing technique that is a storyline unto itself.”

“The reason why The Boy

and I have such immature names is that, beyond our creator’s

aging, in print and digital we

are forever young…

…and we also represent

humanity’s immaturity both


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The Relationship between Creator and Alter-Egos:

“To maintain a lack of confusion between us as characters and Rochard as artist, there will never be any of those cheesy interviews in character. The Fates are just a unique way to connect with the audience on an artistic level…”

“…but this whole entire enterprise will also showcase Rochard as versatile ,which will allow for his standing as a storyteller who dabbles in any creative form that allows for storytelling.

I hope he proved that to you by this distinctive way of explaining his creation using two fictional characters such as ourselves…”

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The Purpose of “The Fates”

“At the end of the day, our ongoing battle can be used visually (and

eventually, sonically) to reveal upcoming

plotlines, themes, and events for the Saga.

In The Destiny Saga, the way we work is that

we can set up situations but the

characters have free will. ‘The Fates’ are

more representations of ideas than actual

living beings. It should work the same way for

marketing as well.”

“We can use the other characters in the Saga to interact with us in print ads and animated media

to express the conflict in each

storytelling medium whether it’s for a

novel, video game, TV show, or film.

But the point of The Fates, beyond

marketing, is to explore Rochard’s

positives and negatives alongside society’s positives

and negatives.”

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And now to completely break character…

I hope that you enjoyed the way I presented the potential of “The Destiny Saga” and that it may peak your interest to want to work with me. I know in my gut that, with the right exposure, this creative endeavor can survive long term financially, socially, and,

most importantly, spiritually.

Of course there is far more to talk about, but I hope that you consider working with me and on the next slide there is

information on how to contact me and learn more about the Saga.

Thank you for your time.

-Rochard Scott, Storyteller

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For more information and to contact me:

TheLinianLegacy.com Destiny Saga WebsiteTheBookOfEvents.com Destiny Saga

[email protected]

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Thanks Again!